Seriously Cool Boots from Recycled Plastic Bags

by Paula Alvarado, Buenos Aires on 12.30.08
Fashion & Beauty

Dacca Chilean Recycled Plastic Bags Boots Photo
Photos: Guillermo Gomez via Dacca blog.

We've talked about plastic bags fusing before as a way to keep polyethylene bags going, and even pointed you to a tutorial to DIY, but so far we hadn't seen the material applied to footwear and in such an elegant way.

These boots are the work of Chilean industrial design student Camila Labra, and made mostly of recycled plastic bags. Keep reading to find out about the process, prices and more models.

The boots are built by fusing several layers of plastic polyethylene bags together to create a thicker and more resistant material to work with.

Their interior is covered with quilted piqué cotton fabric to make them more comfortable and prevent too much heat. According to the designer, the boots are impermeable, flexible, light and non toxic.

The line of boots is named Dacca (aka Dhaka) after Bangladesh's capital, one of the most polluted with plastic bags in the world (the bags were banned in that city since 2002).

Made after special orders, the boots are sold for 22,000 Chilean Pesos (45 USD).

Check more models below, links at the bottom of the post.

Dacca Chilean Recycled Plastic Bags Boots Photo

Dacca Chilean Recycled Plastic Bags Boots Photo

Dacca Chilean Recycled Plastic Bags Boots Photo

Dacca Chilean Recycled Plastic Bags Boots Photo

Via VeoVerde

Dacca Boots

More Great Green Design Coming from Chile:
Design with Waste from Print Industry, by Onceneto in Chile
Recycled Rubber from Tires, Ready-to-Assemble Bags by Modulab
Rodrigo Alonso's N+ew: A Design Piece and a Statement

Comments (3)

those are so neat.


jump to top zig says:

I must have them! How can I order a pair?

Hi Sarah, you can contact the designer via her blog (she has an e-mail published there). There's a link to her blog above, but it's:


jump to top Sarah says:

Its all about learning the facts about plastic bags and our environment. For more information visit

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