Canadian Duo Runs Marathon Daily for One Year to Raise Eco-Consciousness Among Students

by Kenny Luna, North Babylon, NY on 01. 1.09
Business & Politics (news)

run for 1 planet imageImage Via: Steve King

While so many people are working so very hard to help educate kids about environmental issues and what they can do to make a difference, there’s a pair of Canadians who’ve been on the run, literally, since May 4 of last year to raise awareness and educate kids at the same time by putting in a full marathon daily to make their way across the continent of North America as part of their Run For 1 Planet.

The pair, Matt Hill and Stephanie Tait, set out from Vancouver, British Columbia last May and hope to finish up back in Vancouver this May.

Of course, there’s been lots of work put into putting this together, as Hill points out its taken 10 years to actually put this together, though the pair formally committed to the mega-marathon late in 2006.

Besides using publicity garnered from the tour to heighten awareness about environmental issues, they’re also working to inspire one million new actions for the earth by visiting schools (grades 2-7) and providing examples for kids of what they each can do to make a difference.

All told they expect to put in 11,000 miles at seven hours a run, and wear out an estimated 16 pairs of running shoes each throughout the project.

You can keep up with their progress via the Run For 1 Planet website.

Via: Washington County News

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