treehugger > how to go green
th comments
roy said: "I really dislike hi-def in general. Who the heck wants to see every wrinkle on Hugh Laurie's face? The only person who looks better in hi-def is Ev..." [read]

Roger, Gone Green said: "Words that suggest that green stuff is new or unusual have to go! Here are some suggested alternatives(drop them into everyday speech and watch th..." [read]

said: "Vent systems are not as carefully tuned as auto exhaust systems, but still shutting a vent off, especially in carefully designed larger systems, co..." [read]

Ken Clive said: ""Green is the new black" is an excuse for all the emo and goth kids to go green, that's all. "Bush" shouldn't be banned. Although I do thi..." [read]

ian said: "ok, i found something: approximately 20 miles on a 6 hour charge of full sun (difficult but possible) based on a recent aftermarket option: <..." [read]

Tricia said: "Thanks for the great list! I have only just started reading blogs (and blogging) so perfect timing....." [read]

how to go green image

Here’s where the rubber meets the road, people.

We present below, a plethora of handy guides to help you green your lives with ease, while understanding why. Our aim is over 100+ guides so do come back to visit. And please tell your friends, family and colleagues! Most of us understand that we need to do something, some of us understand what to do but few of us are actually doing anything...Carpe diem kids!

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