Today's Top Science News

Friday, January 2, 2009

Six North American Sites Hold 12,900-year-old Nanodiamond-rich Soil

Abundant tiny particles of diamond dust exist in sediments dating to 12,900 years ago at six North American sites, adding strong evidence for Earth's impact with a rare swarm of ...  > full story
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The Gold Standard: Nanoparticles Used To Make 3-D DNA Nanotubes

Scientists reveal for the first time the 3-D character of DNA nanotubules, rings and spirals, each a few hundred thousandths the diameter of a human hair. These DNA nanotubes and other synthetic ...  > full story
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Longstanding Theory Of Origin Of Species In Oceans Challenged

New evidence uncovered by oceanographers challenges one of the most long-standing theories about how species evolve in the oceans. Researchers propose that it was the climate, and its role ...  > full story
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Four Years After Tsunami, Coral Reefs Recovering

Scientists have reported a rapid recovery of coral reefs in areas of Indonesia, following the tsunami that devastated coastal regions throughout the Indian Ocean on December 26, 2004. ...  > full story
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How The Spider Spun Its Web: ‘Missing Link’ In Spider Evolution Discovered

New interpretations of fossils have revealed an ancient missing link between today's spiders and their long-extinct ancestors. The research by scientists at the ...  > full story
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Clockwork That Drives Powerful Virus Nanomotor Discovered

Peering at structures only atoms across, researchers have identified the clockwork that drives a powerful virus nanomotor. Because of the motor's strength -- to scale, twice that of an ...  > full story
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Better Antifreezes To Preserve Donor Organs For Transplantation

Chemists in Canada have developed a new approach for producing more effective medical antifreeze fluids for preserving kidneys, hearts, and other organs donated for transplantation. These ...  > full story
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Another Reason To Avoid High-fat Diet: It Can Disrupt Our Biological Clock, Say Researchers

Indulgence in a high-fat diet can not only lead to overweight because of excessive calorie intake, but also can affect the balance of circadian rhythms -- ...  > full story
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Why Locusts Abandon A Solitary Life For The Swarm

By applying an old theory that has been used to explain water flow through soil and the spread of forest fires, researchers may have an answer to a perplexing ecological and evolutionary problem: why locusts switch from ...  > full story
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Competition, Not Climate Change, Led To Neanderthal Extinction, Study Shows

Neanderthal extinction was principally a result of competition with Cro-Magnon populations, rather than the consequences of climate change, according to a new study. ...  > full story
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Spanish Droughts Over Past 500 Years Reconstructed

Scientists have reconstructed the pattern of droughts in Spain between 1506 and 1900 on the basis of ceremonial records held at the Cathedral of Toledo, in order to observe how droughts have varied ...  > full story

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Ocular oncologists adopted a drug originally intended to treat colon cancer as a treatment for cancers in the eye as well as macular degeneration.. ...  > full story

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The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
Bestselling author Nassim Nicholas Taleb continues his exploration of randomness in his fascinating new book, The Black Swan, in which he examines ... > read more
The World Without Us
A penetrating, page-turning tour of a post-human Earth In The World Without Us, Alan Weisman offers an utterly original approach to questions of ... > read more
The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals
A New York Times bestseller that has changed the way readers view the ecology of eating, this revolutionary book by award winner Michael Pollan asks ... > read more
Super Crunchers: Why Thinking-by-Numbers Is the New Way to Be Smart
Why would a casino try and stop you from losing? How can a mathematical formula find your future spouse? Would you know if a statistical analysis ... > read more
The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature
New York Times bestselling author Steven Pinker possesses that rare combination of scientific aptitude and verbal eloquence that enables him to ... > read more
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
In his #1 bestseller The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell redefined how we understand the world around us. In BLINK, he revolutionizes the way we ... > read more
The God Delusion
Discover magazine recently called Richard Dawkins "Darwin's Rottweiler" for his fierce and effective defense of evolution. Prospect magazine voted ... > read more
The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
The Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times columnist and best-selling author of The Lexus and the Olive Tree gives a bold, timely, and surprising ... > read more

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