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December 11th, 2007 | 08:30 AM
The Senate will convene at 10:00am and will be in a period of morning business, with the Minority controlling the first 30 minutes and the Majority controlling the second 30 minutes. Following morning business, the Senate will resume consideration of H.R. 2419, the Farm bill, with three hours of debate, equally divided, on Lugar amendment #3711.

The Senate will recess from 12:30 - 2:15pm for the weekly policy lunches.

If all time is used under the agreement, the Senate will proceed to a Roll Call Vote on the Lugar amendment #3711 around 3:45pm. Additional votes are expected during today’s session.

Pending amendments to the Harkin substitute amendment #3500 to H.R. 2419:

-Dorgan #3695 (Payment Limitations)

-Brown #3819 (Crop Insurance)

-Klobuchar #3810 (Adjusted Gross Income Limitation)

-Lugar #3711 (Payments and Loans)

-Cornyn #3687 (Agriculture Disaster Relief Trust Fund)

-Coburn #3530 (Estate Payments)

-Coburn #3632 (Environmental Quality Incentive Program)

-Coburn #3807 (Eliminate Wasteful Spending)

-Domenici #3614 (Renewable Fuel Standards)

-McConnell #3821 (Nutritional health of school children)

-Craig #3640 (Farmland Preservation)

-Salazar #3616 (Cellulosic Biofuels)

-Roberts #3549 (Regulations)

-Gregg #3674 (Discharges of Indebtedness)

-Gregg #3673 (Women’s healthcare in rural areas)

-Gregg #3671 (Strike Farm and Ranch Stress Asst. Prg.)

-Gregg #3672 (Loss Assistance for Asparagus Producers)

-Gregg #3822 (LIHEAP)

-Grassley #3823 (Ag. Competition Task Force)

-Sessions #3596 (Farm Savings Accounts)

-Stevens #3569 (Commercial Fishing)

-Alexander #3551 (Initiative for Future Ag. and Food Sytems)

-Alexander #3553 (Small Wind Energy Property)

-Bond #3771 (Ag. Regulatory Flexibility)

-Durbin #3539 (Termination Date)


Monday’s Session:
Roll Call Votes:
There were no Roll Call Votes.

                    Unanimous Consent Items:
                    S. Res. 398 (Joe Nuxhall)

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