
Hey there! Twitterrific is using Twitter.

Twitter is a free service that lets you keep in touch with people through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? Join today to start receiving Twitterrific's updates.

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@unixfudotnet - Please send an official feature request via the contact us page at the iconfactory. Thx.
@uliwitness - yes, its on the list for a future update.
@ppinheiro76 - Twitterrific for the Mac already does this. Sometimes color coding doesn't take for some reason. Known issue.
Horn Toot: Twitterrific mentioned in EPIC FU - for the record, we like the birdie's sounds. So :-P
@adellecharles - Yes, a future update to Twitterrific will include the ability to search tweets.
@moreless - Settings > Window > check the "Use larger text..." check box. Not as detailed as we'd like, but will increase font size.
@Tom The quotes and ampersand weirdness is a problem at Twitter: they're aware of it and will fix ASAP.
@iheartpreston Twitter is dropping some updates with the API. They're working on it.
@Tom The names come from—sometimes the names are not very accurate, if you find an error, let them know.
@iBook Link shortening is currently done at Twitter. We're going to add link shortening in the app for 4.x.
@tarasis The problem is that iPhone web view can't open links which open in a new window (target="_blank"). Bug submitted to Apple…
@steveofmaine We know about the VoiceOver problems and it's on our TODO list. Use contact form on to send us mail. Thanks!
@gkra Text entry on the iPhone is severely limited—we're doing the best we can and have submitted bug reports to Apple to improve things.
@brentdax TwitPic was having some problems during the weekend. Looks like it's fine now…
@bradchoate Option+Up is standard behavior for table and tree views in Mac OS X. The list of tweets is a table view…
@johnjohnston Corrupted avatar images are a known problem: with an unknown cause :-(
@lusy_sunsetgirl Make sure you have the latest version from the App Store (1.1) or download the desktop beta from
@exiva Try selecting "most recent tweets" for the "After updating list, scroll to" setting in the Tweets pane of the configuration panel.
@4ndr3w That's a common request and already on our list.
@gkra We don't comment on future pricing or upgrades: too hard to predict. I will say that we don't have immediate plans for upgrades.


teh_real_chock Gedeon Maheux Corey Marion Anthony Piraino Talos Tsui David Lanham Louie Mantia Dave Brasgalla Travis Liberty Zuker Frenzic