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Bush was right
By Staff Reports
Published: 12/28/2008  1:57 AM
Last Modified: 12/28/2008  1:57 AM

While I normally agree with most of the Tulsa World editorials, I could not let the editorial “Shoes, not flowers” (Dec. 16) go by without commenting. What would the editors say today if George W. Bush had not gone into Iraq and we were attacked by Iraq? Would they still say he was wrong? Probably.

The editors surely can’t believe that the person throwing the shoes represents the typical Iraqi citizen. The Iraqi people appreciated the overthrow of their horrible leader Saddam Hussein, who had tortured and murdered millions of their own people. Regarding the statement that there were no WMDs, Saddam used them to murder thousands of Iraqis previous to the war. Obviously, it was not di:cult to destroy or ship them out of the country. The main problem the editors have, like millions of other Americans, is that President Bush is a Republican.

Bill Clark, Tulsa

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By Staff Reports

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Be happy, Tulsa (12/28/2008 3:24:26 AM)
Uh, excuse me, but we weren't attacked by Iraq. We were attacked by Afghanistan. Instead of focusing on Afghanistan, we went to war against Iraq. That just allowed things to get much worse in Iraq.

Bush wasn't right.

Bush was nuts.
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Be happy, Tulsa (12/28/2008 3:26:05 AM)
Typo ... I meant to say "That just allowed things to get much worse in Afghanistan".

Of course, it did make things worse in Iraq, also.
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my view, Sand Springs (12/28/2008 5:26:11 AM)
We weren't attack by the government of Afghanistan, but by a man living there, Osama bin Laden and his organization Al-Qaeda. Though I once supported the move on Iraq, I have now change my position since no WMDs were found. I also don't believe that the majority of Iraqes supported the shoe throwing incident. The sooner we get out of there the better.

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MomboCat, Harrah (12/28/2008 6:00:42 AM)
I don't see any mobs in Iraq outraged by the shoeing incident. On the contrary, it's become a regionwide craze to throw shoes at effigys of Bush. Heck, I'm saving up my old shoes for my pilgrimage to Waco once they complete the Bush Presidential Library.
My great great great great great uncle was James Buchanan. I never took much pride in that because he was widely regarded as one of the worst presidents. Finally, I can hold my head high, because George W Bush has eclipsed James Buchanan and anybody else as by far THE WORST president in over 220 years.
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I am Cory, Amsterdam (12/28/2008 6:05:53 AM)
Well, we have a rational thinking person by the name of Bill Clark and then two uniquely qualified but less than rational people who believe Iraqi citizens really don't deserve the freedoms and liberties we have here in America. We weren't attacked by the Germans either, but we darn sure went to war against them. As to the Egyptian journalist ...OMG, you mean he isn't an Iraqi?....I believe we should cut off all aid to Egypt or other countries who despise America for our way of life - let them turn into a Darfur and then wish they had wanted our way of life a bit more.
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I am Cory, Amsterdam (12/28/2008 6:10:24 AM)
Mombo - and Obarry is the worst President-elect since Jimmy Carter by a couple of thousand light years. Buchanan was by far the worst President and supported slavery....and gee, never had a wife. I wonder if he had a rainbow painted on the rear of his wagon? Ahhh, now I see the similarity.
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my view, Sand Springs (12/28/2008 6:24:23 AM)
Well Cory, I see that you are in rare form today. That Buchanan remark was a lark.
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Bluebird48, Whiting, (12/28/2008 8:06:57 AM)
Excellent Post IAC. You get all the points so far. BTW folks, Bluebird's parents thank America's participation & support for WWI and WWII. Blue would not be typing today if America did not come through! :-D

Thank you!
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peelumba, (12/28/2008 8:23:29 AM)
why didn't we just let iraq turn into darfur? oil and revenge maybe?
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peelumba, (12/28/2008 8:26:40 AM)
"Mombo - and Obarry is the worst President-elect since Jimmy Carter by a couple of thousand light years. Buchanan was by far the worst" nope that prize belongs to tour beloved "w". oh wait it was the court that placed him in office, sorry my
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peelumba, (12/28/2008 8:27:20 AM)

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Eagle 4, Tulsa (12/28/2008 8:43:37 AM)
Freedoms and liberties at the point of a gun can no longer be called by those names.
Comparing Hitler to Saddam is like comparing an atomic bomb to a firecracker - some firecracker, now costing us $10 billion a month!
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Ayo, T-Town (12/28/2008 8:57:08 AM)
Good morning, Cory.

Jimmy Carter is the most devout Christian that has ever been President. He doesn't simply spew buzz phrases.....'Core Family Values'. He lives it.
So of course the the conservative, core family value crowd don't like him. He shames them out.

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droopy, wagoner (12/28/2008 9:04:15 AM)
Good to see you back Cory. Ayo-does that post make any sense at all?
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Ayo, T-Town (12/28/2008 9:21:14 AM)
Most people are intelligent enough to ascertain that 'the the' was a typo. Since you rarely post anything without reference to the elite '52', I'll decipher it for you. 'the the' should have been typed as 'to the'.

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Exchanging views, Tulsa (12/28/2008 9:27:43 AM)
"The Iraqi people appreciated the overthrow of their horrible leader Saddam Hussein", really?, I just don't see this. If our doing their fighting for them was appreciated then it would be shown. This place is like so many others we have given freedom, they SUCK and keep sucking, or else they would give up some crude to try & help w/the costs. But it's easier for us to pay for it with American blood and money. Oh yeah, they sure do know how to show their appreciation. How many American's died in Iraq today?
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Exchanging views, Tulsa (12/28/2008 9:34:56 AM)
p.s. not to change the subject but... how many of you are aware there is a plan to control our ammunition? They know we will not give up our guns, so they do their best to sneak this past us. Look for Ammunition Accountability.
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tubette, Tulsa (12/28/2008 9:39:46 AM)
Isn't it true that Saddam Hussein hated the terrorists and kept them under control? Getting rid of him was like opening Pandora's box. And haven't more innocent Iraq citizens been killed since we invaded them than Hussein killed?
I just think for all the freedom they may have gained, they have lost their homes, jobs and many family members.
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Exchanging views, Tulsa (12/28/2008 9:42:49 AM)
The bill that is being pushed in 18 states (including TN, Illinois and Indiana ) requires all ammunition to be encoded by the manufacture, a data base of all ammunition sales. So they will know how much you buy and what calibers. Nobody can sell any ammunition after June 30, 2009 unless the ammunition is coded. ammunitionaccountability dot org / Legislation dot htm
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Ironman66, Laguna Hills (12/28/2008 9:46:27 AM)
France and Germany still don't appreciate America after 60 years, Why should you expect Iraqi to do it in 8?
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Exchanging views, Tulsa (12/28/2008 10:08:29 AM)
Your right Ironman, what was I thinking?
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Bucky the Cmmoner, (12/28/2008 10:30:44 AM)
I wonder what Bush is thinking about Israel's latest attack on Gaza where more than 200 civilians were killed. What will Bush say about this murderous act on the part of Israel?
Note that it is civilians who are doing most of the bleeding in the middle east now.
This seems to be what 21st century warfare is about; Killing Civilians!
Where are the leaders who will stop this?
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thesmokehole, Broken Arrow (12/28/2008 10:35:57 AM)
Had it beem Clintons plan to go into libs would all agree! Futhermore...I don't see why most of you libs have so much trouble with Bush...he has fit the character that most of you libs enjoy...spending money on welfare programs, bailouts, stimulus checks, ect ect...had he not gone to war with Iraq...he would have been the greatest Democratic President ever!

But get will be Obama spending all that money soon...and all the libs across the land will sing his praises when he remains deep in the trenches of an Afgan war at the end of his administration!
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Exchanging views, Tulsa (12/28/2008 10:42:52 AM)
Maybe the leaders of Hamas shouldn't have called an end to the Cease Fire Agreement. Maybe the residents of Gaza shouldn't let Hamas locate their meeting places in the middle of civilians. Israel didn't violate the agreement, Hamas did when they again began bombing Israel's civilians.
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Incredulous, (12/28/2008 10:43:14 AM)
The problem I have with Bush is that he has an IQ of 126. Remember we gave Saddam the WMDs to help him hold off Iran during the war that he started.
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