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It's criminal
By Staff Reports
Published: 1/2/2009  2:53 AM
Last Modified: 1/2/2009  2:53 AM

Let me get this straight. An article on Christmas listed the state prison menus ("Inmates dine well for Christmas," Dec. 25).

It seems the state of Oklahoma provided a full celebratory meal for inmates and was so concerned for its "guests" who did not eat pork that it provided an alternative meat.

You have got to be kidding! If they don't want to eat what is served let them do without.

Before any bleeding hearts start in on freedom of religion, I say bull. A religious person would not have committed the crimes that led to their incarceration.

I am outraged for the elderly who have to decide between medication and food for the month and families with children whose income has ceased due to job layoffs and cutbacks. I would bet they would have loved to have a choice of meats for Christmas.

Criminals in the penal system are where they are due to choices they made to break the law. Why would taxpayers need to provide a meal, according to the article, that let them "dine well"?

Prison is supposed to be just that; not a hotel with meals to order. I say let them eat beans or peanut butter sandwiches. I'll bet they even put up a Christmas tree and sang carols at dinner.

Some may say this is a harsh opinion, and others will say criminals are human and deserve this at holidays. However, I say quit using taxpayers' money to deck the halls with comfort food for criminals. I am sick of it.

D.K. Siegfried, Owasso

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By Staff Reports

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tbgalileo, Tulsa (1/2/2009 4:28:47 AM)
It is obvious that Mr.Sigefried has never interacted with a prison population. One of the main goals of incarceration is to rehabilitate, and that would be completely impossible under his model. If we were to treat prisoners with such inhumane disregard, the only thing that the Department of Corrections would be accomplishing would be to make criminals into harder criminals just in time for their release. Yes, we're going to lock you up if you break the law, but that doesn't give us the right to treat you like trash once we do.

"A religious person would not have committed the crimes that led to their incarceration." Seriously, Mr.Siegfried, did you actually write this? But, you open an interesting line of thought here... would Jesus Christ treat convicted criminals like garbage, especially given that he was one himself?
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kerugma, Broken Arrow (1/2/2009 4:48:33 AM)

This is just another of the many times You have provided such a GREAT reply! Thank You!

P.S. With this mindset,I would sure hate to have to live with this person.If this person has a family I sure feel sorry for them.
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Be Happy, Tulsa (1/2/2009 5:21:31 AM)
Sounds like D.K. is having a bad day.
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droopy, wagoner (1/2/2009 6:37:18 AM)
Good letter sir, if you read these comments, don't pay attention to the libs, they treat anyone with sensible thoughts the same.
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Eagle 4, Tulsa (1/2/2009 7:26:49 AM)
We can blissfully drop a 10-billion dime on Iraq each month but a choice of meats for Christmas in Oklahoma prisons brings down the wrath of the righteous? What is that beam in your eye, D..K?
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I am Cory, YYY (1/2/2009 7:35:56 AM)
Droopy, it appears the liberals would rather starve our troops fighting for our freedoms and the freedoms of opressed people but feed choice rib eye steaks to murderers, rapists and thieves. Why am I not surprised?
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carm, Stillwater (1/2/2009 7:53:25 AM)
No, Jesus would not have treated anyone like this. I have always been taught and believed that Jesus would have sat among them and maybe even helped serve the meal.
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52favoriteteacher, WASHBURN, MO (1/2/2009 7:59:36 AM)

Have you ever been in prison or visited someone serving time? These people are needing just a little help, while working out their time for their unwise act committed. Now if their guards/teachers could just instill the 3R'S.
Choice in this case can not be a bad thing.
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Angry Citizen!, Bluejacket (1/2/2009 8:09:52 AM)

I think the prisons have to provide people with meals that don't conflict with their religions.
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Dr. Strangelove, Tulsa (1/2/2009 8:17:42 AM)
I'm with Endora on this one, I'm sure none of the recipes came out of the Bouchon cookbook.
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Scritchner, Tulsa (1/2/2009 9:16:52 AM)
I'm sure if DK had it his way prison would be like a Greek bath house that served peanut butter sandwiches and crackers.
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carm, Stillwater (1/2/2009 9:35:27 AM)
Great post tbgalileo.
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AllSeeingI, Everywhere (1/2/2009 10:21:59 AM)
The fact is that everyone, regardless of what kind of blight they may be on the society in which they live is entitled to a good holiday meal. Having chose not to be a criminal however, and being a victim of criminals before, I feel that they are treated way to well. But, when the inmates outnumber the guards as they do, I wouldn't want them rioting either. OMG, They might have to hurt one of the delicate creatures.
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Dempsey Coker, Tiawah (1/2/2009 12:32:39 PM)
Jesus was NOT a criminal!

He broke no Roman laws.

That's why the Roman governor Pilate said, "I find no basis for a charge against him." (See John 19:38 NIV.)
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AllSeeingI, Everywhere (1/2/2009 12:34:12 PM)
He also said he saw no reason to "condemn" him. The Jews killed Jesus, not the Romans. The Romans merely carried out the request.
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Dempsey Coker, Tiawah (1/2/2009 12:36:33 PM)
Not every "religious person" is a righteous person. In the original languages of the Bile, both the Hebrew and the Greek words for "righteous" have the meaning of "doing what is legally correct."
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AllSeeingI, Everywhere (1/2/2009 12:37:28 PM)
So Dempsey are you a righteous person?
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Dempsey Coker, Tiawah (1/2/2009 12:45:12 PM)
If you wish to be spiritually correct, since Jesus allowed it to happen, Jesus committed suicide by crucifixion.

I say and write that because the Jews who hated him tried to kill him several times. One time, they attempted to force him over a cliff but, he turned around facing them and walked right through the mob. That's because by the power of the Holy Spirit, he made himself invisible.

Before the human body of Jesus died, he gave up his Christ spirit to the Father in Heaven. The Christ was the Son of God BEFORE Jesus was the natural born son of Mary. In fact, the Christ existed before the Earth was even created. But, from the resurrection on, as Jesus THE Christ, he was and still is both the Son of God and the Son of Humanity.
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Dempsey Coker, Tiawah (1/2/2009 12:47:09 PM)
I try my best to do what is legally correct, if that's what you mean, AllSeeingI. Are you a Mason as in a member of a Masonic Lodge?
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AllSeeingI, Everywhere (1/2/2009 12:48:35 PM)
That wasn't the question Dempsey. The question was are YOU a Righteous Person? I need no biblical history lesson from you. Thanks.

Jesus didn't commit suicide. He was sent to die for our sins. The Romans put the cross on his back marched him under whip to Calvary and nailed him to a cross. I think suicide by crucifixtion is impossible.
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Scritchner, Tulsa (1/2/2009 1:40:08 PM)
I don't think any of us are truly righteous people. We are all fallible, but we do the best we can.

What about yourself AllseeingI? Care to answer your own question?
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AllSeeingI, Everywhere (1/2/2009 1:43:39 PM)
Why Yes Dempsey Joe, I am a Mason.

Scritch, I do the best I can. I break no laws of the land or wish no ill on those who wish no ill on me.
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Royce, Tulsa (1/2/2009 3:09:37 PM)
For reasons which are not at all clear left wing Democrats believe that convicted felons should be housed in a 5 star Hyatt Regency hotel with all of the luxuries that go with it including the cuisine.

Not surprisingly prison fails to rehabilitate them.

One suspects the Democrats don't want the criminal rehabilitated. After all the criminal is the trial lawyer's customer, and no business man wants to lose his customers. Remember trial lawyers are an important part of the Democrat's base.

If you really want the felon rehabilitated you should make imprisonment such an unpleasant experience that any released convict would never again do anything which might land him back in prison.
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kerugma, Broken Arrow (1/2/2009 4:05:52 PM)
Dempsey Coker,

The Greek Word translated "Righteous" is "dikaios"
meaning equitable, innocent, Holy..

Please treat the Scripture with respect.
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52favoriteteacher, WASHBURN, MO (1/2/2009 5:23:09 PM)

Suicide is the wrong term here. He gave his life as payment for sin. More of a swap than we can really comprehend.
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