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Tulsa Jail

Published: 1/2/2009  2:23 AM
Last Modified: 1/2/2009  2:57 AM


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IMO, Tulsa (1/2/2009 5:47:15 AM)
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lil sparrow, Midwest Flyway (1/2/2009 5:49:55 AM)
Song of the Day: "I'm never going back again," Fleetwood Mac (Been down one time,
Been down two times)
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Loki, Broken Arrow (1/2/2009 6:07:14 AM)
In a state which has made crime and punishment one of its leading industries, it's fitting Tulsa's jail issue will be decided in...court.

City and County governments operate on tax revenue. Tulsa's citizens are faced with whether the money comes from their left pocket or right pocket.

The right answer would be the most cost effective. I don't know the answer. Apparently Mayor Taylor and Sheriff Glanz don't know either. We get the government we elect.

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Eagle 4, Tulsa (1/2/2009 7:50:56 AM)
Good one, Bruce!

And just why would he come to a bush league spat? Glanz(Smaligo puppet), come off the outrageous per diem. Kathy, make a new offer, any offer - it will look better in Court. The judge will have to be partially brain-dead not to be laughing out loud when he rules on this one!
Perhaps he'll offer to slice the baby in two.
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Brent Taylor, (1/2/2009 8:24:04 AM)
Jimmy Malaise Carter, a man of twofer achievement:

(1) The worst President ever
(2) The worst Ex-President ever.

But Jimmy would never negotiate something this small potatoes - no notoriety in it for him while trying to resurrect his dismally failed legacy. Besides, how could Jimmy blame Israel for the failed negotiation?
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Dempsey Coker, Tiawah (1/2/2009 8:46:22 AM)
While the dialog of the cartoon is just fine, Mr. Plante overdid it with the thick lips. Drawing Mr. Carter that way made him look like a pale skinned African American.

If it were to be printed as a black and white cartoon with no dialog balloons, how many people would be able tell it was supposed to be Mr. Jimmy Carter?
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ShawnaS, Tulsa (1/2/2009 10:09:35 AM)
Dempsey - I don't know, looked like to me someone finally smacked him in his yapper like he's needed for a LONG time.. it's just swollen.
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jbo, (1/2/2009 10:35:46 AM)
Dempsey - the ones that could read could tell.
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Arbythree, Tulsa (1/2/2009 11:05:07 AM)
I like the cartoon Bruce!! Carter has always been drwan that way. Afterall, he did have big lips.
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AllSeeingI, Everywhere (1/2/2009 11:07:42 AM)
LOL, Way to go Kathy, cost the taxpayers more money and tie up court with a case you are going to lose. Nice Job Mayor. Keep that name in the TW!
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Truth Patrol, Tulsa (1/2/2009 12:18:14 PM)
What Brent Taylor said.
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Dempsey Coker, Tiawah (1/2/2009 3:30:42 PM)
jbo, I can read American English, Canadian English, United Kingdom English, Australian English, New Zealand English, Standard, dialectical, and regional Spanish, French and sight read several Latin based languages, how about you.

If there are no words in a political cartoon, how can one read it?

Negative print of the above does make Mr. Carter look exactly like a Black man and not a freckle faced European American.
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kerugma, Broken Arrow (1/2/2009 3:32:23 PM)

the latin word for Black is "niger,nigra or nigrum
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Polar Bear, (1/2/2009 4:54:16 PM)
We should listen to Jimmy Carter's warnings about Genocide of Palestinians..Instead he was shut out of the Democrat Party Convention..Look what happened....Bush/Codaleza so Bad...
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okie ridgerunner, small town (1/2/2009 5:11:07 PM)
Bruce, another good one.
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okie ridgerunner, small town (1/2/2009 5:17:07 PM)
Carter worse president, NO - Bush was.- carter good president, NO - Carter Best Man who was president YES.-- Bush good man as president. NO. -- carter was not a good president, but he is and was a very good man and human being.-- Bush was not much of either.
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kyote, (1/2/2009 5:57:23 PM)
When did jimmy carter become negro? this cartoon plainly displays him as such, that is the first impression I got when I saw it. I guess we can lok forward to this in the next 4 years though. Maybe carters hertridge should be looked into.
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Dempsey Coker, Tiawah (1/2/2009 6:31:07 PM)
kerugma, don't you know being contentious is a sin? And hating people, no matter what their physical or physiological make up, is a sin, too.

Spiritually speaking, you are no better than the guy who goes by the screen name of "I am Cory."
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Speaking the Truth, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma (1/2/2009 7:00:50 PM)
kerugma, you are correct Dempsey Coker is Doty.

Truth Patrol and Brent taylor you guys spoke the truth about Jimmy.
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Dempsey Coker, Tiawah (1/2/2009 7:24:23 PM)
On his Tulsa World Profile page, kerugma claims the following:

"Somewhat of a "crusader" in the area of fighting bigotry , racism and hate-mongering."

But, he is a hate-monger." He hates gay people, especially the ones who believe in Jesus.
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52favoriteteacher, WASHBURN, MO (1/3/2009 9:55:55 AM)

If you are who you claim to be

answer me this

Judas was given the same gifts as the other 11 apostles.

Was he the only wolf in sheep's clothing you know?
Bruce, another great toon!
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