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Take pride, Tulsa
By Staff Reports
Published: 1/1/2009  2:57 AM
Last Modified: 1/1/2009  2:57 AM

Patrons of the Tulsa City-County Library should give it due credit for its contribution to Tulsa's consistent high national ranking in America's Most Literate Cities. In particular, the acquisitions librarians come up for recognition. Almost without exception, I have found the library has ordered the new work of an author I have heard interviewed on National Public Radio or TV. There is never any sign of bias against unpopular philosophies from our public library. Equally noteworthy is the swift processing of new books and their ready availability on the book shelves.

Some years back, the proposed new downtown public library was turned down by Tulsa voters. I certainly hope the library's staff did not take that defeat as a reflection on their contribution to the community. We have a real gem in our public library. In fact, I think the library is Tulsa's crown jewel.

Brian Hill, Tulsa

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By Staff Reports

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Be Happy, Tulsa (1/1/2009 3:09:32 AM)
Libraries have done a great job of adopting new technologies over the last 30 years. Print books, card catalogs, and microfilm readers were okay in their day, but they just don't compare with the power and speed of the internet. The future of libraries is sure to be exciting.
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Jason L., Tulsa (1/1/2009 3:32:22 AM)
Perhaps since the past library project was defeated (that would have been located off Denver across the now defunct Homeland) there will be a new opportunity. Say, instead of a new hotel at the old City Hall we can install a gleaming new library? It would be befitting of the area since the courts are already there and the Convention Center. And place a new hotel where the library currently is?
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lil sparrow, Midwest Flyway (1/1/2009 4:44:04 AM)
I totally agree. Well said all.
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my view, Sand Springs (1/1/2009 6:05:30 AM)
Are you talking about that library bond that ran a Shuuuuuu campaign. That they tried so hard to kept quite that only the library frequent users knew about and would be the only voters. It was loaded down with so much pork and was given the deep six. Yea I remember that bond.
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Eagle 4, Tulsa (1/1/2009 8:23:55 AM)
Unlimited education is the bane of reactionary societies. It's no wonder the Library is economically forced to maintain a low profile amid the plethora of tax-free churches and their preachers.
It's also a daytime hangout for many downtown indigents, who are likely turned away at most of the "churches." Keep up the good works, Library!
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Michael Phillips, Tulsa (1/1/2009 8:43:21 AM)
I remember touring the library when I was in high school. It was new at the time and in my mind it is doing a great job still. If someone were to suggest another branch somewhere I would have to consider that need, but I don't think a need exists for replacing the central library.
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Ayo, T-Town (1/1/2009 9:30:14 AM)
As a kid it was also a hang out for poor kids who lived downtown.......although we sometimes got kicked out for playing in the fountains.

Great job, Tulsa libraries
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Hijinx, (1/1/2009 9:52:05 AM)
"Tulsa's consistent high national ranking in America's Most Literate Cities"

Wow a 16th overall rating. TAKE THAT OKC HA!!!

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Ex-Tulsan Vi, Las Cruces (1/1/2009 9:53:24 AM)
I moved to Tulsa in the fall of 1953 and the first thing I did to establish myself as a new resident was to fill out a library card at the old Carnegie Library on 3rd St. Coming from a very small town, that library's shelves of book were sheer paradise for my book reading obsession. Our three children were raised going to Story Time at Florence Park Library. Tulsa's public libraries are and should continue being a source of great pride.
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Dempsey Coker, Tiawah (1/1/2009 1:29:07 PM)
I like the Central Branch of the Library right where it is because it is close to the MTTA Denver Avenue Station. I go to the downtown bus station at least once a month now to transfer to another bus to go to a regular appointment.

They do have some of my favorite out of town newspapers and magazines in the reading area.

I told some of the librarians that the old city hall building needed to be annexed by the library system. The parking lot below the building could be additional parking for those who own vehicles.
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