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The gun Capitol
By Staff Reports
Published: 12/20/2008  3:17 AM
Last Modified: 12/20/2008  3:17 AM

Now that we have a clean Republican majority in the Oklahoma Senate and House it should be easy to pass the guns-on-campus bill. Of course, if Republicans have any real conservative credentials they will expand that law to include guns in galleries of the Legislature, and indeed allow guns in any part of the Capitol.

Why should I have to check my guns at the Capitol steps? This indignity, checking for guns and treating the citizen like a common criminal, strikes at the very heart of our Second Amendment freedom. Surely our conservative lawmakers do not fear groups of gun-toting college students roaming legislative hallways lobbying for more higher education funding.

Certainly, given his commitment to the Second Amendment, Rep. Jason Murphy would try his best to ensure that the citizens can carry their guns around the Capitol. What would lawmakers have to fear? Each legislator would also be allowed to carry.

We all have been told that when everyone carries crime seldom occurs. This session will reveal if conservatives really believe, or are just repeating the National Rifle Association mantra to get votes.

Gary Witt, Tulsa

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By Staff Reports

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Charles Darwin, Tulsa (12/20/2008 3:37:36 AM)
Gosh, yeah, like we really need lots more guns in our society. I'm sure that law enforcement officers just love to be among a crowd of people all of whom may be armed. Forget the search for intelligent life in outer space. Is there intelligent life in Oklahoma, or just a lot of tin foil hats?
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IMO, Tulsa (12/20/2008 4:29:51 AM)
Gary Witt,

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Dr. Strangelove, Tulsa (12/20/2008 6:16:40 AM)
Agreed IMO, but just wait for the posts....
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Brad, Tulsa (12/20/2008 6:24:36 AM)
Heh,heh... I wanna' see the "high noon" stand-off at Sally Kern's office!!
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Brad, Tulsa (12/20/2008 6:25:16 AM)
I'm pretty sure it was already reported that she was packin' heat at the capital.
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droopy, wagoner (12/20/2008 6:40:23 AM)
Poor dims, so you lost, get over it.
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Charles Darwin, Tulsa (12/20/2008 6:45:30 AM)
Mornin', droop. How are we 52 doin' today?
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Eagle 4, Tulsa (12/20/2008 7:39:50 AM)
Well, when everybody but the elite 52 are armed, we can officially change our state name to OK Corral! LOL

Just think! When crime drops to zero we can lay off the tens of thousands of law enforcement officers! Oh, happy day! (Of course, we'll need a few to shadow the 52 - how can you trust anyone who isn't ready to plug offenders?)
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Michael Phillips, Tulsa (12/20/2008 7:56:18 AM)
When there is an accidental discharge that goes through the celling at a gun show it is given more space in the paper than an intentional discharge somewhere else that kills someone. If you ever attended a gun show at the Expo Center you know there are guns in ever square foot of that giant building and probably more conceal carry licensed people than you would find anywhere else in Tulsa. People are going through heated and sometimes angry negotiation about how much to pay for a gun. I have personally been involved in these negotiations and I always feel safe. In the years that I have been attending two shows a year I have never heard of anyone so much as making a threat to shoot anyone. If you know the other person is possibly armed you don't even think of making an idle threat.
I agree Gary.
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Bville Yellow Dog, Bville (12/20/2008 8:23:42 AM)
Automatic weapons in the capital -- wheeeeeeeeeeeeee
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ILA-NRA EVC District 4 OK, (12/20/2008 8:45:29 AM)
100% support from District 4. We waste millions up on millions of dollars fighting for rights that are constitutionaly ours to begin with. The FBI report for 2006 and 2007 is out and supports what should be common sense for any person that isn't mentaly challenged. The crime and murder rate is at a 40 year low. The highest crime is in states that don't allow concealed carry and have harsh ownership laws. Maybe everybody that doesn't agree with concealed carry or guns in general should relocate to the city with one of the highest crime rates like Chicago. Maybe after you are mugged or stabbed you will have a little sense if you are still alive.
Thanks for your support Mr. Whitt.
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Agenda seeker, Tulsa (12/20/2008 9:03:56 AM)
One of the 52 here! I also have a concealed weapons carry lic, I'll let you guess if I'm packin? I'm headed up to see Sally Brad, want to join me :-)
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asweetdad54, Tulsa (12/20/2008 9:57:22 AM)
let's not forget guns in church and why can't we carry guns in city hall, that's my right to.
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redbeard, Stillwater (12/20/2008 10:06:42 AM)
Another one of the 52 here....what'll be next? Guns at city council meetings and public schools,airports....... or how about at the White House?

It's amazing to me how scared some people are. I don't constantly fear for my life so I never have felt the need to carry a firearm.

I wish our legislature would spend time on important issues like our infrastucture and economy instead of worrying about these knee-jerk issues.
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Scritchner, Tulsa (12/20/2008 10:24:59 AM)
Red beard,

"It's amazing to me how scared some people are."

Yes. I think people hide a lot of their fear behind "It's my right!"

It's not that I'm anti-gun. I mean, where do we draw the line? Is it your right to carry in banks? Day cares? Hospitals? I would quit my job if the knuckle head customers at my bank came in packing heat. I don't trust people to practice tact or discretion. We have a knack for knee-jerk reactions. I think there is good reason that guns aren't allowed in the capitol and other places.

I also think there are more pressing matters right now. This is really not an important issue in my book.

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my view, Sand Springs (12/20/2008 10:27:19 AM)
On the whole law-enforcement is not afraid of people carry weapons if they are licenced. The fact of the matter is they rarely come in contact with them. In other words they don't break the law. Anytime you are out in the public, chances are you have been around someone packin and just didn't know it.

These high noon statement are getting rather old. Just how many have you seen? I'll answer it for you, NONE.
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Bville Yellow Dog, Bville (12/20/2008 10:56:58 AM)
the wingers are all about paranoia....
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Skeptic, Tulsa (12/20/2008 10:58:08 AM)
It appears that Mr. Witt's sarcasm was missed by some here this morning. It was a great letter and thought it asked the question: Are we safer if EVERYONE carries guns EVERYWHERE?

NRA-ers are becoming a little creepy. I had a six shooter that shot caps as a kid too, but left it in the toy box when I became an adult. If you want to collect guns, who cares. Just don't require the rest of us taxpayers to have to always wonder what wingnut is "packing".
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Incredulous, (12/20/2008 10:59:29 AM)
Why are we required to have a permit to exercise a Constitutional right? Guns all the time, everywhere, unconcealed. The gun rights people want restrictions but only for others. I say let freedom ring.
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ILA-NRA EVC District 4 OK, (12/20/2008 11:00:34 AM)

You can conceal carry in any of those places like the bank and day cares. You don't know it because they are CONCEALED. You don't draw the line. Our line is drawn in the second amendment. It is most certainly my right and is your right not to if you choose. Focus a little more on customer service and do onto others as you would want them to do onto you. Maybe there wouldn't be so much hostility in this country.
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Exchanging views, Tulsa (12/20/2008 11:08:19 AM)
How many thugs will break into a house where they know the resident is armed? How many will rape if they believe their victim will remove the criminals offending part w/a gun? How many will go in and rob a bank if they fear the teller will shoot them? Fight fire with fire and lets see the criminals left standing. Why should the Congress & the Prez fear armed citizens? I fear an armed politician at lot more than a regular citizen. After all seems those on The Hill are above the laws that govern the rest of us (on most every case).
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RLG3RD, Broken Arrow (12/20/2008 11:22:34 AM)
you don't have to wonder because it is none of your business who carries or who doesn't
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Bville Yellow Dog, Bville (12/20/2008 11:40:46 AM)
Most guns that kill - kill their owners or someone the owner knows....Darwin award anyone?
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justiceawaits, (12/20/2008 11:41:07 AM)
Although I walk through the vally of darkness, I shall fear no evil, For I know the lord is with me.Faith and common Sense make me feel safe. Morons with guns scare me. If You want to keep a gun at home to protect your home and family fine.If You are walking around in public, You better have a freaking badge,because if You come across me I will have to assume You are up to no good, and having a handgun removed from your anus in the emergency room is both costly and embaressing.
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Scritchner, Tulsa (12/20/2008 11:44:08 AM)
Haha, concealed? What does that mean? I was hoping you'd be able to understand that it was implied. Next time I'll spell it out for you.

Not every person with a CONCEALED gun is an upstanding citizen. Not every person carrying a weapon obtains it legally. Remember the bad apples in this equation. You would be giving them access to these areas as well.

There are some places they shouldn't be allowed. Banks are a good example. Should anything happen at a bank some moron pulling his piece is only going to exacerbate the situation. There are already policies and procedures put in place to protect customers. Someone pulling it out could have deadly consequences that are completely unnecessary.
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