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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Farewell from Rep. Heather Wilson December 09, 2008

Dear Friends,

I wanted to thank you for the privilege of serving as your representative in the Congress over the last decade.

We are blessed to live in a self-governing Republic, under an inspired Constitution written by wise men who divided power between three branches of government. The "people's House" does not have the bully pulpit of the Presidency or the stature of the Senate. But one cannot stand on the Speaker's balcony overlooking the national mall on the highest point of land in our capitol without knowing that here, in this country, the people rule.

I have found satisfaction in this work.

First and foremost, helping people who have been caught in some federal bureacracy -- whether it is a lost passport or a Social Security problem -- has always been its own reward. Manuel Lujan and Steve Schiff set high standards for casework and I was proud to continue that tradition.

All legislation is a collective effort, but I look back with some satisfaction on the resolution of the Sandia Land Claim, the Ojito Wilderness Act, and the Baca Ranch bill.

I was up in Los Alamos recently and, while much of the hillsides are still charred, the homes that were destroyed by a "prescribed burn" have mostly been rebuilt. People from Los Alamos still thank me for taking a a stand for them and helping to craft a way to make people whole.

Every year, we worked with Kirtland Air Force Base to keep the base in good shape. Some of the projects weren't all that glamorous -- like 14 million dollars of concrete and rebar to extend the life of the ramps and aprons for 30 years. Other things, like the new housing, and new missions in operationally responsive space and directed energy will help keep the base strong for the long haul.

There were healthcare fixes to reimbursement rates for our hospitals and energy legislation and water infrastructure projects and tax relief. And, of course, my quieter work on intelligence and defense where I do feel my presence or perspective made a significant difference from time to time.

I won't miss the commute, but I have enjoyed the work. And I have enjoyed getting to know and work with so many dedicated and caring people. Thank you for having entrusted me with the responsibility to represent New Mexico in the Congress.

May your holidays be restful and filled with family and friends,


Serious work: Rep. Heather Wilson recently visited with members of Albuquerque Cub Scout Pack 470. Heather spoke to them about citizenship as the young Cub Scouts work to earn their citizenship Activity Badge. For this photo, Heather and the young scout’s shared a moment of levity that these young scouts will certainly remember the rest of their lives.


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