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Saving Energy - conservation, efficiency, and recycling

What can I do to save energy?
How can recycling save energy?

What Can I Do to Save Energy?

All of us use energy every day—for transportation, cooking, heating and cooling rooms, manufacturing, lighting, and entertainment. The choices we make about how we use energy—turning machines off when we’re not using them or choosing to buy energy efficient appliances—impact our environment and our lives.

There are many things we can do to use less energy and use it more wisely. Two main ways to save energy are energy conservation and energy efficiency. Many people think these terms mean the same thing, but they are different.

Energy conservation is any behavior that results in the use of less energy. Turning the lights off when you leave the room and recycling aluminum cans are both ways of conserving energy.

Energy efficiency is the use of technology that requires less energy to perform the same function. A compact fluorescent light bulb that uses less energy than an incandescent bulb to produce the same amount of light is an example of energy efficiency. The decision to replace an incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent is an example of energy conservation.

  Learn More at these Links:

Energy Efficiency and Conservation - Intermediate (pdf) or
Energy Efficiency and Conservation - Secondary Infobook (pdf)- from the National Energy Education Development(NEED) Project
Energy Star Kids - site of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Lesson Plans K-12 - from the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

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How Can Recycling Save Energy?

recycling symbolRecycling means to use something again. Newspapers can be used to make new newspapers. Aluminum cans can be used to make new aluminum cans. Glass jars can be used to make new glass jars. Recycling often saves energy and natural resources through conservation.

It almost always takes less energy to make a product from recycled materials than it does to make it from new materials. Using recycled image of aluminum can with recycling symbolaluminum scrap to make new aluminum cans, for example, uses 95 percent less energy than making aluminum cans from bauxite ore, the raw material used to make aluminum.

Natural resources are riches provided courtesy of Mother Nature. Natural resources include land, plants, minerals, and water. By using materials more than once, we conserve natural resources. In the case of paper, recycling saves trees and water. Making a ton of paper from recycled stock saves up to 17 trees and uses 50 percent less water.

Last reviewed: November 2008
Sources: The National Energy Education Development Project, Intermediate Energy Infobook, 2008.
The National Energy Education Development Project, Museum of Solid Waste and Energy, 2008.


Learn More at these Links:

Municipal Solid Waste and Recycling - Facts and Figures (pdf) - from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
All About Recycling (Museum of Solid Waste) (pdf) - from the National Energy Education Deveolpment (NEED) Project

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