Strategies for adding Government Documents Subject Searching • Search engines • Library catalogs • Depository library sites Strategies for adding Government Documents • Documents Search Engines Google Uncle Sam ( Altavista-Advanced Search ( Hotbot-Advanced Search ( FirstGov ( Strategies for adding Government Documents • Library Catalogs with Depository Libraries PALS ( MnLINK ( Strategies for adding Government Documents • Large Depository Library Sites University of Colorado at Boulder ( University of Michigan Documents Center ( University of Idaho ( University of Memphis ( Strategies for adding Government Documents For whatever your topic, there are two pretty good certainties: 1. Some federal agency has collected statistics about it or created regulations on it. • Congress has talked about it in a report, hearing, bill, law, etc. Strategies for adding Government Documents Federal Agencies • Determine agency Federal Agencies on the Web ( US Government Manual ( Strategies for adding Government Documents Federal Agencies • Determine regulations Code of Federal Regulations ( Federal Register ( Strategies for adding Government Documents Federal Agencies • Statistics Statistical Abstract ( American Factfinder ( U. of Michigan Documents Center ( Strategies for adding Government Documents • Congress GPO Access ( Congressional Universe ( Specific Classes • Women's Studies Specific Classes • Women's Studies • Theology Specific Classes • Women's Studies • Theology • Olympics Specific Classes • Women's Studies • Theology • Olympics • Bottled Water Industry