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Proceedings of the Annual Fall Depository Library Conference & Council Meeting, October 22-25, 2006

Fall Conference Contents

Plenary Sessions

Knowledge Will Forever Govern: A Vision Statement for Federal Depository Libraries in the 21st Century. Final Version - PDF

Future Digital System Update-Facilitator, Mike Wash, Chief Technical Officer - PDF

Superintendent of Documents, Operational and GPO Agency Updates - PDF

Digital Distribution - PDF | Handout PDF

Superintendent of Documents Recommended Readings - PDF

Council Sessions

Web Harvesting - PDF | Handout PDF

Immigrants and Federal Depository Libraries - PDF

Vision Document - PDF | Handout PDF

Cataloging and Metadata Initiatives at GPO
  • Metadata and the FDsys - PDF
  • DTIC/ODU Automated Metadata Extraction Project - PDF
  • Single Record Approach Overview/Congressional Serial Cataloging - PDF
Access Assessment and Marketing - PDF

Regional/Selective Issues - PDF

Educational Sessions

Government Documents & Blogs: One Library's Perspective - PDF

Historical Data on the Hispanic Population in the U.S. Census - A Case Study - PDF

Serial Set - PDF

Pre and Post Fire Recovery: What you can do before and after a fire strikes your library - PDF

Ben's Guide: A train-the-trainer's program for reaching out to school librarians and teachers - PDF1 | PDF2

Web-Based Military Newspapers in War: Providing Soldiers' Perspectives on Military Developments - PDF

Depository Library Access to Online Resources from Library Home Pages: Using the Depository Logo on the "Front Door" - PDF

Increasing Access to Electronic Documents as well as Older Print Materials - A Tale of Two Projects - PDF1 | PDF2

CD-Rom Migration:
  • Kay Collins, U.S. Government Information Librarian, University of California, Irvine - PDF | Handout PDF | Spreadsheet PDF
  • Julie Linden, Government Information Librarian, Yale University - PDF | Notes PDF
  • Gretchen Gano, Librarian for Public Administration & Government Information, New York University
  • Geoffrey Brown, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Indiana University - PDF
Access: Security & Reference Merge - PDF

Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs of Transitioning Depository - PDF
  • From Surviving to Thriving - PDF
  • 115 Years: to stay or not to stay - PDF
  • Oh My God!! What Do I Do Now - Things have changed just a TAD since I last wore my Depository Librarian's hat!!! - PDF
Managing Tangible Collections in an Electronic Environment - PDF

I Want...YoURLs! - PDF

Virtual Reference - PDF

Using IT and Team Teaching to Promote Government Information:
  • Victoria Lynn Packard, Government Information/Map/Research Librarian, Texas A&M University - Kingsville - PDF
  • Aimee C. Quinn, Assistant Documents Librarian and Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago - PDF
  • Chantana Charoenpanitkul, Government Documents/GIS Librarian, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania - PDF
Documents Data Miner 2 and Collection Development - PDF