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@metajack I was using his js lib to parse pubsub payloads from strophe - so xmpp xml
thanks @mde for the js xml parsing fu
@metajack - the fun was I was trying to find a simple way to get at the xmpp payload from strophe :)
@metajack @fritzy points out the exact issue I was having last night
@metajack that's probably it - I'm just not enjoying the layered mess that is the DOM
@fritzy oh no worries - while I may be coding in JS - it doesn't mean I'm liking it at all ;)
@mde - guess what I wrote last night! my first JS page! woooo!
@danbri great link - going to pass that on to all my webish friends:
grrr, I know the solution is near by - but damn if I cannot focus tonight
@metajack enjoy an evening of coding without fighting how to get .xml and .json and .xml? to work in the same rule
can I say how much I *hate* rewrite rules - especially when paired with a regex problem
@zach the only difference between the darc tag version and twit army is the patch to verify_credentials rewrite rule for twhirl
@zach I did a diff against both - let me double check
so much cell traffic in our area we can't dial out at all !
woo - code runs and passes all tests - lunch!
@thomasknoll oh dude - a large-form iTouch would ROCK! I am so hoping that is going to happen that I have held off getting a netbook
@fritzy I worry for both of us then


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