Brett Nordquist’s Favorites

Rusty Southwick
Southwick @Akula If you can correctly guess which Microsoft updates will help your computer and which ones will hurt it, you may be a lottery winner.
Elizabeth Chuck
echuckles Iraqi Shoe Thrower could have just forced Bush to sit through a live performance by Kanye if he *really* wanted to punish him.
Joel Postman
jpostman @megfowler Saying you are going to make a viral video is like saying you are going to start writing a bestseller
Matthew Baldwin
matthewbaldwin Street corner "Mattress Warehouse" sign wavers are the most efficient means of converting methamphetamine into advertising.
Chris Brogan
chrisbrogan Bloggers: Here's 40 ways to deliver KILLER content: (now, it's bed time)
No Hippos
NoHippos @Akula It's cool, she's just jealous of our special connection. In fact, if you favorite me right now, it may push her into madness.
TweetJeebus @michaelGregoire No, we don't run much on Windows. I'm not a miracle worker, you know. Well ... actually, I am.
NoReinsGirl @akula read your tweet about explaining Twitter to your Dad. LMAO. Now I'm following you for the humor factor. Thanks!
Karl Gunnarsson
Kalli Windows is pretty much like a business mullet. The back end is still in the eighties.
ʇɐɥs sɐ ʇɹɐɯs
smartasshat All she wants to do is dance. That's it. And make romance. But that's it. Dance and make romance. And party. But that's ALL!
delfie Girl gets dumped in restaurant. Makes a beautiful, dignified departure. Ends up in the cloak room. The lesson: always scan for exit first.
Marina Martin
MarinaMartin I always laugh out loud at @Akula's blog.
Diego Barros
drylight Windows speech-bubble "Your computer may be at risk". Yes, simply by running Windows. Thanks.
hotdogsladies Half-ton family of 4 scarfing kettlecorn and screaming at the animals. Swear to God, I saw the bear shake his head.
hotdogsladies Again: if you force me to fill out a form, I'm an Accounting firm with 1 employee and no income; I ALWAYS pick the first dropdown choice.
hotdogsladies Weird part is that IE is *any* part of the pie. Given the options, who gets up and goes, "Holy shit! I can't WAIT to use Internet Explorer!"
hotdogsladies NBC's Olympics announcers should be sponsored by BitTorrent.
John Gruber
gruber McCain's cheating on his 1st wife isn't relevant because it happened 27 years ago. His service in Vietnam, 40 years ago, remains relevant.
Jim Ray
jimray Michael McDonald at the Chateau St. Michelle Winery? But where will I park my yacht?
Scott Simpson
scottsimpson Barry Zito! The shouting man in Section 122, Row 28, Seat 8 has some salient tips regarding your curveball!


sara hans.gerwitz Wayne Sutton Mack D. Male Martin Hall Dave Winer Jason Calacanis susannah Russ Thornton Chaitanya Sagar Sean Malone Frank Gilroy Chris Brogan Justin Kownacki Michael Bailey Becky McCray Doug Haslam Jim Long Philip Campbell Craig Childs Jack Hodgson Beth Adam Broitman Todd R Jordan Robert Scoble Douglas Karr Michael Markman Lis bear Jennifer Eno Ozawa ND Kid Stevievep Kent Leif Hansen Jane Quigley Scott Kveton
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