Senator Kent Conrad | North Dakota
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Kent Conrad

Press Room

Press Releases

February 13, 2007

Conrad Named Ag Subcommittee Chairman

Senator to lead Subcommittee on Energy, Science and Technology

Washington -- Senator Kent Conrad was chosen today to serve as the chairman of the Agriculture Committee's Subcommittee on Energy, Science and Technology, a position that will allow him to influence legislation important to North Dakota.

The subcommittee's responsibilities include legislation and oversight involving renewable energy production and agricultural research, education and economics, as well as innovation in the use of agricultural commodities.

Senator Conrad has identified energy, particularly renewable fuels like bio-diesel and ethanol, as expanding markets for North Dakota's farmers.

"I'm looking forward to this new position and the opportunity it represents for North Dakota," Senator Conrad said. "This subcommittee will address issues of vital importance to North Dakota, like the expansion of renewable fuels, which is crucial to our nation's energy future."