Aaron Brazell’s Favorites

nerdette @ilinap I find flinging popcorn and other soft and generally edible things at the teevee helps me cope with Blitzer or the CNN ilk
Smart as Shat
smartasshat @ylnt Sex in a Denver voting booth, however, gets you a MHC membership.
Erin Kotecki Vest
QueenofSpain OH: I'm so tired. Women wear me out -@technosailor
nerdette @technosailor yes iz true. But NoVA will eat ur brain like a suburban big box zombie. Seriously.
Howard Greenstein
howardgr @One2One2 No, I want to see the candidates justify how they call each other liars on TV in person. Put up or shut up.
Tris Hussey
trishussey @technosailor when on the fringe, beware of vaccums
Lori Magno
ModaMags Palin may be a "real person" but Putin, Kim Jong-il, Osama bin Laden (remember him) and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are real too. Is she ready?
Matt Cutts
Chris Pirillo
Evan Williams
ev @sara Your MacBook Air will feel much lighter if you stop carrying around your old MacBook in the same bag
Jody Gnant
jodyg @technosailor - 48 hours from now, you will be hungover. =P
Amanda Chapel
amandachapel @stevehall | Today, people are generally looking for anyone else to solve their problems. Brands appear to have deep pockets.
Robert Scoble
Scobleizer @spin what's social media? I am a FriendFeed consultant now. :-)
abiteofsanity @Akula @MarinaMartin The problem with the first Twitter marriage will be the 2-hour delay when the groom says "I do" and everyone hearing it


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Maggie Mason Jerry Richardson Wayne Sutton Mack D. Male Joshua Kinberg Dave McClure Nick Douglas Paul Terry Walhus Clarence Wooten Derek Gathright Martin Hall Scott Beale David Crow Dustin Jacobsen Brett Petersel Lynn Wallenstein Randy Jason Calacanis Kelly Cookson Glenda taorist Carlos Granier George Brett Daniel Johnson, Jr. Dan Cederholm Keith Williams Manuel randy stewart Lisa McMillan Thor Muller Melyssa L. Geoff DiMasi
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