Performance Profiles of Major Energy Producers 2007
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Release Date: December 2008
Next Release Date: December 2009  

Tables and Figures

Financial | Production | Refining & Marketing | About the Financial Reporting System Companies | Market Overview | Detailed Statistical Tables

Financial Developments

Net Income and Profitability
Consolidated Income Statement for FRS Companies and the U.S. Census Bureau's All Manufacturing Companies, 2006-2007
FRS Net Income, 1974-2007
Return on Stockholders’ Equity for FRS Companies and All Manufacturing Companies, 1974-2007
Difference Between FRS and All Manufacturing Companies Return on Stockholders' Equity, 1974-2007

Contributions to Net Income by Line of Business for FRS Companies, 2006-2007

Return on Net Investment in Place for U.S. and Foreign Oil and Natural Gas Production for FRS Companies,1977-2007
U.S. Refined Product Margins and Costs per Barrel of Petroleum Product Sold for FRS Companies,1985-2007
Return on Net Investment in Place for U.S. and Foreign Refining/Marketing for FRS Companies, 1977-2007

Cash Flow and Capital Expenditures
Sources and Uses of Cash for FRS Companies, 2006-2007
Line-of-Business Contributions to Pretax Cash Flow, Income Taxes,and Cash Flow for FRS Companies, 2006-2007
Additions to Investment in Place by Line of Business for FRS Companies, 2006-2007
FRS Companies' Net Uses of Cash Flow, 2005-2007

Oil and Gas Production Expenditures
FRS Capital Expenditures, 1986-2007
Cash Flow from Operations and Exploration and Production (E&P) Expenditures for FRS Companies, 1986-2007
FRS Worldwide Expenditures for Exploration, Development, and Production, 1981-2007
FRS Expenditures for Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Development by Region, 1998-2007

Refining/Marketing Capital Expenditures
Value of Mergers, Acquisitions, and Related Transactions by FRS Companies, 2007

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