(03-14-06) -Senator Murray speaks to local housing officials from across the country at a meeting of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials.

"So it's a tight budget year and it won't be an easy fight – but you can bet I'm going to push to make sure we invest here at home – and I'm proud to be your advocate in that fight for a stronger America."

- Senator Patty Murray

Dear Friend:

Knowing your interest in housing issues, I’m writing to update you on the fight in Washington, D.C. to support local housing efforts.

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We have so much at stake this year in Congress. Throughout our state, the lack of affordable housing is a silent epidemic. The federal government should be a strong partner in helping local housing leaders develop solutions.

But instead, politicians in Washington, D.C. are trying to cut federal support for critical housing programs.

In This Issue...

Senator Tells HUD Secretary Political Message on Contracts was "Grossly Unprofessional"

Farmworker Housing Historic Agreement

Murray Addresses Housing Leaders at 2006 NAHRO Pacific NW Regional Council Conference

Community Development Block Grants

This year, the Bush Administration has proposed:

  • Cutting CDBG by more than a billion dollars

  • Eliminating the HOPE VI program

  • Cutting housing for the elderly by 26 percent

  • Cutting housing for the disabled by 50 percent

  • and cutting the Public Housing Capital Fund.

Those are the wrong priorities.

Housing leaders on the frontlines need more help – not less. That’s why I’m using my position -- as the top Democrat on the subcommittee that funds and oversees HUD -- to stand up for our state. It won’t be easy in such a tough budget year, and that’s why I’m sending you this update – so you have the information you need to help in the fight for our communities.

Please forward this message to others who care about housing. They can sign up here: http://murray.senate.gov/economy/housingcomments.cfm


P.S. I send these Housing Alerts whenever there is news to report.

I also send a weekly update on other Senate issues that affect our state.

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Senator Tells HUD Secretary that Political Message on Contracts was "Grossly Unprofessional"

(Washington, D.C.) – On May 10, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.), the ranking Democrat on the Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development and the Judiciary Appropriations Subcommittee (TTHUD), wrote to Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Alphonso Jackson expressing her outrage at suggestions that receipt of HUD grants and contracts is based on political affiliation.

According to a May 5th article in the Dallas Business Journal which quoted a speech Jackson gave to the Real Estate Executive Council on April 28, 2006, the Secretary allegedly indicated that he had decided to rescind a contract award based on the prospective contractor’s political views.

"It appears that you are quite content to let stand your message that contractors at your agency had better be political supporters of the President if they hope to compete successfully for HUD funds," Murray wrote to Jackson. "That may sit well with your personal political agenda, but it is not behavior consistent with a public servant sworn to uphold the laws of our nation."

Following press coverage of the Dallas incident, a HUD agency press secretary claimed that Secretary Jackson had invented the story. Murray addressed this issue as well.

"Even if your words were not true, they send out a deliberately chilling message to current and future competitors for HUD grants and contracts that 'only Republicans need apply,'" Murray wrote.

Murray also expressed her concern that government contracts be awarded solely based on merit and asked HUD IG Kenneth M. Donohue to investigate this incident in particular, but also overall practices at HUD to ensure that political affiliation is not a factor.

Murray also requested that Donohue investigate whether the Secretary’s public comments suggesting a pattern and practice of political favoritism within HUD constitute a violation of law or regulation.


Farmworker Housing: Senator Murray Applauds Washington State Farmworker Housing Trust Board for Reaching Historic Agreement on Grower-Sponsored Housing

(Washington, D.C.) – On April 25, U.S. Senator Patty Murray addressed members of the Washington State Farmworker Housing Trust Board as they met in Leavenworth, Washington. Murray, who spoke to the group by phone, commended them for making progress that would not have been possible a decade ago.

After Murray's remarks, the group reached an agreement on grower-sponsored housing. This is the first time an agreement has been reached by growers, advocates, housing providers and other community stakeholders on this previously contentious issue.

"As a board, you've helped our state move past a decade of conflict. You created new relationships based on trust, and you created new ways to work together. And I'm really proud of what you've done like completing the needs assessment, securing funding and implementing the survey," Murray said. "I'm following your work, and I’m ready to work with you as we move this issue into the next phase of implementation."

In August 2005, many board members joined Senator Murray in Buena, Washington. See details, photos and audio.



Senator Murray Addresses Housing Leaders at 2006 NAHRO Pacific Northwest Regional Council Conference

On April 26, Senator Murray spoke by phone with 200 housing leaders who were gathered in Portland, Oregon for the annual conference of the Pacific Northwest Regional Council of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO).

Murray updated the group on the fight for housing in Washington, D.C. They presented Senator Murray with an award naming her "Advocate of the Year."

"I'm also speaking out about the way HUD is treating all of you. I've heard some in this Administration claim that housing authorities are not performing. They've got it wrong. I know you're working harder than ever. The truth is that HUD and this Administration are not serving our housing authorities and the families who rely on them. So I've got a message for HUD too – stop criticizing the folks on the frontlines and start helping."

Full Remarks


Community Development Block Grants...


Save Community Development in Kitsap

On April 11, Senator Murray visited Kitsap County to continue the fight against budget cuts that will hurt our communities. Congress is considering cutting Community
Saving Community Development in Kitsap
Community Advocates Thank Senator Murray
Development Block Grant funding to Washington state by $16 million.

Bremerton has benefited greatly from these grants. One such grant helped redevelop the Admiral Theater, where Senator Murray joined local leaders and residents for a rally.

The day started in downtown Bremerton on the mayor's balcony where everyone got a birds-eye view of all the development projects that have been funded through CDBG. Then the group stopped by the Max Hale Homeless Center, which uses CDBG dollars to provide critical services. Finally everyone gathered at the Admiral Theater to hear from residents and service providers about the importance of these federal dollars.


Community & Housing Groups Stand Together to Fight Budget Cuts

On March 21, more than 70 housing and community advocates joined Senator Murray in Seattle at a press conference to oppose cuts to the Community Development Block Grant, known as CDBG.

Local officials including King County Executive Ron Sims and Bellevue Mayor Grant Degginger spoke about how CDBG dollars are helping families and communities. The event
Community & Housing Groups Stand Together to Fight Budget Cuts
Community & Housing Groups Join Senator Murray to Fight Cuts
attracted community development agencies, non-profit housing providers and social service providers.

The rally took place at the YWCA Opportunity Place in Seattle. Opportunity Place has benefited from the program. The YWCA's regional director spoke about the impact those dollars have, and a resident of Opportunity Place told us about how the support she got there changed her life.

The Bush Administration has proposed cutting more than $1 billion from the program, which provides critical seed money to provide safe, affordable housing, and create jobs and economic development in underserved neighborhoods. It's estimated that each dollar in CDBG funds leverages another $30 in private capital. The cuts proposed in Washington, D.C. could cost WA state about $16 million in federal support. Senator Murray offered an amendment to restore that funding, but her amendment was rejected.


More Housing News...

3/21 - Senator Murray Addresses the Seattle Mortgage Bankers Association
3/15 - Republicans Say “No” to Affordable Housing and Community Development
3/14 - Fighting for Housing and Community Development -
  3/2 - Senator Murray Warns that the President's Housing Budget Will Hurt Families and Undermine Community Development


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See Past Housing Updates:

Housing Alert from Senator Patty Murray -- Help Save CDGB

Senator Murray Warns that the President's Housing Budget Will Hurt Families and Undermine Community Development

Celebrating Our Progress on Farmworker Housing

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