Catalog of U.S. Government Publications Recent Enhancements Print E-mail
Wednesday, 02 July 2008

LSCM is pleased to announce recent enhancements made to the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications. These enhancements include:

Basic Search page
  • The addition of a navigation bar to increase the number of search options available from this page and reduce the number of clicks needed to progress to more advanced searches
  • New link to information about the Federal Depository Library Program in the introductory text: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/libraries.html. This page also contains a link to the public view of the Federal Depository Library Directory (FDLD)
Advanced Search page
  • Aleph System Number added to drop down menu.
  • Modified and expanded Search Hints
Help Page
Updated to include:
  • Updated Basic Search screen captures
  • Item Number Search examples under Advanced section
  • Listing of additional Common Command Language codes under Expert section
  • More examples of searches
  • Link to http://www.gpoaccess.gov/libraries.html in the "Locate in a Library" section. This page also contains a link to the public view of the FDLD
  • URLs updated
  • GPO assigned PURLs provided for the Search pages
  • Updated guidance for using askGPO
Bookshelf Page
  • Notes now display
Previous Searches Page
  • Catalogs Searched now display
Email Pages
  • .mrc format was removed from email options. Currently a system limitation causes the insertion of erroneous characters in larger records, corrupting the records. This will be revisited if the vendor fixes this bug.
Catalogs to Search Pages
  • Modified Search Hints
Locate in a Library
  • Link to http://www.gpoaccess.gov/libraries.html added to search and results pages, providing introductory information on the FDLP for users who may not be familiar with the program. This page also contains a link to the public view of the FDLD
  • White space above copyright notice reduced
  • Error notice messages more customized
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 02 July 2008 )

FDLP Signage Requirement

The FDLP emblem or signage on or near depository library buildings is used to demonstrate that Federal depository libraries provide free, public access to U.S. Government information resources. GPO’s ongoing review of the 2007 Biennial Survey of Depository Libraries indicates that dozens of libraries and selective housing sites do not have the emblem or signage posted on or near their library buildings.


Legislative Resources Comparison

A comparison of legislative resources available on GPO Access and other Government and non-Government Web sites was recently completed.  Read more.

New Item Number Procedure

GPO has begun to create separate item numbers for the online only (EL) format of the U.S. Congressional Committee Hearings and Prints and related miscellaneous publications, known as "Y 4's". Read more.

FDLP Comm. Site Open Beta Test

Recently, GPO launched closed beta testing for the FDLP Community site. Based on the feedback received, we have implemented modifications and are ready for the next phase of testing.
File Repository.

FDLP Site Migration

arrow.png We are in the process of migrating the FDLP Desktop site content to our new domain. Click here to access the original FDLP Desktop.

Events Countdown

20 days until ALA Midwinter Meeting
106 days until Spring DLC Meeting
162 days until SLA Annual Conference
187 days until ALA Annual Conference
198 days until Interagency Depository Seminar

Shipping Lists This Week

2009-0096-P   2008-0105-P
2009-0097-P   2008-0102-P
2009-0099-P   2009-0103-P
2009-0100-P   2009-0106-P
2009-0101-P   2008-0107-P
2009-0104-P   2009-0109-P

CGP Quick Search

Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP)

Events Calendar

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