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Table T8.  Exploration and Development Expenditures by Region for FRS Companies, 2001-2007
(Million 2007 Dollars)
  2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Exploration Expenditures               
  U.S. Onshore 5,592 3,476 2,042 3,580 5,454 15,109 10,755
  U.S. Offshore 4,156 3,986 3,899 3,624 4,486 11,857 4,560
    Total United States 9,748 7,462 5,941 7,205 9,940 26,966 15,315
  Canada                                                  4,562 1,948 1,476 1,437 1,981 2,162 1,599
  Europe1 885 1,406 708 453 891 1,026 1,029
  Former Soviet Union2 438 541 778 322 623 154 177
  Africa  1,848 1,486 1,852 1,472 2,259 2,437 2,084
  Middle East  231 139 149 139 332 476 49
  Other Eastern Hemisphere 1,729 1,289 745 968 4,016 1,531 1,632
  Other Western Hemisphere  1,479 665 376 658 618 3,010 927
    Total Foreign  11,171 7,474 6,085 5,449 10,721 10,796 7,497
Worldwide Exploration Expenditures 20,919 14,936 12,026 12,654 20,660 37,761 22,812
Development Expenditures               
  U.S. Onshore 22,776 22,203 14,560 20,373 31,901 56,649 39,585
  U.S. Offshore 7,093 6,918 10,123 7,902 7,540 15,709 9,535
    Total United States 29,869 29,122 24,683 28,274 39,440 72,358 49,120
  Canada 13,368 5,742 4,045 4,369 7,638 15,250 4,192
  Europe1 5,402 9,857 5,744 4,372 5,561 8,215 7,083
  Former Soviet Union2 593 923 1,609 1,913 6,012 2,326 2,751
  Africa 4,643 4,369 8,493 6,084 9,092 10,762 10,434
  Middle East  634 751 950 1,252 1,207 2,753 3,109
  Other Eastern Hemisphere  4,111 5,835 3,940 3,149 8,715 5,285 5,191
  Other Western Hemisphere  2,136 1,127 897 1,132 1,147 5,379 2,441
    Total Foreign   30,887 28,604 25,678 22,271 39,373 49,970 35,201
Worldwide Development Expenditures 60,756 57,726 50,361 50,545 78,813 122,328 84,321
Total Exploration and Development Expenditures                
  U.S. Onshore 28,368 25,680 16,601 23,953 37,354 71,758 50,340
  U.S. Offshore 11,249 10,904 14,023 11,526 12,026 27,565 14,095
    Total United States 39,617 36,584 30,624 35,479 49,380 99,323 64,435
  Canada  17,930 7,690 5,521 5,806 9,619 17,411 5,791
  Europe1 6,287 11,263 6,452 4,825 6,452 9,241 8,112
  Former Soviet Union2 1,031 1,464 2,387 2,235 6,636 2,480 2,928
  Africa  6,490 5,855 10,345 7,556 11,350 13,199 12,518
  Middle East  865 890 1,099 1,391 1,539 3,230 3,158
  Other Eastern Hemisphere 5,840 7,124 4,685 4,117 12,732 6,817 6,823
  Other Western Hemisphere  3,615 1,792 1,274 1,790 1,765 8,389 3,368
    Total Foreign   42,058 36,078 31,763 27,719 50,093 60,766 42,698
Worldwide Exploration and Development Expenditures  81,674 72,662 62,387 63,199 99,473 160,090 107,133
  1 Prior to 2006, this region was comprised of European member countries of the OECD.
  2 Prior to 2006, this region was comprised of the Former Soviet Union and East Europe.
  Source: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-28 (Financial Reporting System).