Home > Forecasts and Analysis > Energy Finance > Detailed Statistical Tables 2007 > Table C6
Table C6.  Consolidating Statement of Income for FRS Companies, U.S. and Foreign
                     Electric Power Segments, 2007

                    (Million Dollars)
Income Statement Items U.S. Electric Power Consolidated
Consolidated Generation Marketing/
 Operating Revenues        
  Power Sales 19,664 W 19,232 1,995
  Transportation Sales 0 -- 0 0
  Other Product Sales 0 -- 0 W
  Trading/Derivatives W -- W 0
  Other Revenues 159 W W W
Total Operating Revenues 19,865 697 19,297 2,110
Operating Expenses        
  General Operating Expenses 22,843 760 22,212 1,926
  Depreciation, Depletion, & Allowance  137 W W 71
  General & Administrative 165 W W 25
Total Operating Expenses 23,145 853 22,421 2,022
Operating Income -3,280 -156 -3,124 88
Other Revenue & (Expense)        
  Earnings of Unconsolidated Affiliates 87 W W 307
  Gain(Loss) on Disposition of
    Property, Plant, & Equipment
W W W 0
Total Other Revenue & (Expense) 88 80 8 307
Pretax Income -3,192 -76 -3,116 395
Income Tax Expense -1,116 -31 -1,085 24
Discontinued Operations 143 -106 258 0
Extraordinary Items and Cumulative Effect of Accounting Changes 0 0 0 0
Contribution To Net Income -1,933 -151 -1,773 371
  -- = Not applicable.
  W = Data withheld to avoid disclosure.
  Note: Sum of components may not equal total due to independent rounding, eliminations, and nontraceables. Additionally, worldwide eliminations between segments and U.S. eliminations between segments, and U.S. Distribution are omitted from this table.
  Source: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-28 (Financial Reporting System).