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Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program

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September 15, 2001

GP 3.16/3-2:22/14
(Vol. 22, no. 14)

Table of Contents


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Reminder to Register for the
2001 Federal Depository Conference and
Fall Depository Library Council Meeting

Those attending the 2001 Federal Depository Conference and fall Depository Library Council meeting are reminded to register. Attendance is free, but registration helps GPO plan the meetings and to have badges and information packets prepared in advance. Online registration is available at <www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/tools/01conreg.html>, or registrants may fax the form below to Chief, Depository Services at 202-512-1432. Please register by October 10, 2001.

The meeting, scheduled for October 14-17, 2001, will be held at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites, 625 First Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. For further details, see Administrative Notes, v. 22, # 11 (7/15/01).

Conference Registration Form



Depository Library Number (if applicable) ___________________________________

Name _______________________________________________________________

Institution ____________________________________________________________

Library Name _________________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________

City _______________________________ State __________ Zip _______________

Phone _______________________________________________________________

E-mail Address ________________________________________________________

____ I am new to U.S. Government documents (3 years or less)

____ I am a first-time attendee

____ I am a former Depository Library Council member

____ I am from a Regional library

Library Type: ____ Academic ____ Public ____ Law ____ Other

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Revised Agenda

Fall 2001 Depository Library Council &
Federal Depository Library Conference

Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Alexandria, VA
625 First St. October 14 - 17, 2001


Sunday, October 14



All day meeting of regional librarians




Welcome & Briefings on Regional Events

  • Robin Haun-Mohamed, Chief, Depository Services, Library Programs Service, Meeting Coordinator
  • Maureen Olle, Louisiana State University, Meeting Coordinator
  • John Phillips, Oklahoma State University, Meeting Coordinator


State Plans: Update and Revision Strategies Discussion

  • Susan Field, University of Georgia
  • Kirsten Clark, Saint John’s University




Inspections, Past and Future

  • Robin Haun-Mohamed, Chief, Depository Services, Library Programs Service, Meeting Coordinator


Regional Superseded List Revision

  • Carolyn Kohler, University of Iowa






Electronic Reference: One State’s Experience

  • Jan Swanbeck, University of Florida


Union List of Supplemental Material and Indexes in Regional Libraries

  • Ridley Kessler, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  • William Sudduth, University of South Carolina


Wrap Up

  • Robin Haun-Mohamed, LPS



4:00 - 5:00

Orientation to the Depository Library Council and Federal Depository Library Conference

This session is designed to acquaint first-time attendees with how the Council works and to preview Conference activities over the next 3 days.

  • Andrea Sevetson, Council Chair
  • Robin Haun-Mohamed, LPS, Facilitator


Informal pre-dinner get-together to network by food preference

7:30 - 10:00

Depository Library Council Working Session [open to all]

Monday, October 15





Registration and Coffee with Council and GPO Staff


Welcome and Remarks

  • Honorable Patricia S. Ticer, Virginia State Senator
  • Honorable Michael F. DiMario, Public Printer
  • Robin Haun-Mohamed, Chief, Depository Services, LPS
  • Andrea Sevetson, Council Chair


GPO Update

  • Francis J. Buckley, Jr., Superintendent of Documents




GPO Update (continued)

  • Gil Baldwin, Director, Library Programs Service
  • T.C. Evans, Director, Office of Electronic Information Dissemination Services (EIDS)


GPO Information Exchange: Council and Audience Q&A


Depository Library Council







Depository Library Council Working Session [open to all]

  • Council Committee Reports and Recommendations for Council Action


New Documents Staff, Part I

Informal session to answer questions about depository issues

  • Robin Haun-Mohamed, Chief, Depository Services, LPS, Facilitator
  • Laurie B. Hall, Supervisory Program Analyst, LPS, Facilitator
  • Betty M. Jones, Chief, Depository Administration Branch, LPS, Facilitator
  • Cornelius Green, Acting Chief, Depository Distribution Division, LPS, Facilitator


GPO Access Open Forum, Part I

Congressional Bills application, the recently added Federal and/or GPO Access web search, enhancements to the U.S. Government Online Bookstore, other desired additions and changes

  • T.C. Evans, Director, EIDS, Facilitator


Access to Web Publications from the Catalog: From Value-Added Service Providers

  • Jim Veatch, Library HQ SiteSource
  • Jim Noel, MARCIVE, Inc.


Federal Agency Update Session, Part I

  • Rea Mueller, U.S. Geological Survey
  • James Lusby, National Imagery and Mapping Agency
  • Patricia B. Banks, Federal Aviation Administration


Tour: U.S. Department of Justice Library


Tour: Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology (Smithsonian)





Depository Library Council Working Session [open to all]

  • Council Committee Reports and Recommendations for Council Action


New Documents Staff, Part II

Informal session to answer questions about depository issues

  • Robin Haun-Mohamed, LPS, Facilitator
  • Laurie B. Hall, LPS, Facilitator
  • Betty M. Jones, LPS, Facilitator


GPO Access Open Forum, Part II

Congressional Bills application, the recently added Federal and/or GPO Access web search, enhancements to the U.S. Government Online Bookstore, other desired additions and changes (continued)

  • T.C. Evans, Director, EIDS, Facilitator


Federal Agency Update Session, Part II

  • Roger L. Payne, U.S. Board on Geographic Names
  • Richard Pearsall, Federal Geographic Data Committee
  • Carol A. Ayer, Forest Service


Documents Data Miner 2 (DDM2): An Enhanced Utility

  • Nan Myers, Wichita State University
  • John Ellis, Wichita State University



Tuesday, October 16




Depository Promotion: You Can Do It!

  • Earl Shumaker, Northern Illinois University
  • Robert Gaines, University of North Carolina, Greensboro


Cooperative Cataloging Panel Discussion

  • Thomas A. Downing, Chief, Cataloging Branch, LPS, Moderator
  • Jean Hirons, Library of Congress
  • Carolyn Sturtevant, Library of Congress




OCLC Archiving Project

  • Speakers, TBA


Item Selection Rates, Electronic Formats, and Collection Development Policies in the More Electronic Federal Depository Library Program

  • Cindy Etkin, Library Programs Service
  • Walter Zoller, Library Programs Service






Depository Library Council Working Session [open to all]


Grant Information:

Applying for IMLS Grants:

  • Michele Farrell, Institute of Museum and Library Services

State Initiatives:

  • John Geschwindt, State Library of Pennsylvania

Bill and Linda Gates Foundation:

  • Elbie Yaworsky, eiNetwork, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh


Baseline Electronic Proficiencies

  • Robert B. Allen, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland
  • Loretta Spurling, University of Kansas
  • Cindi Wolff, School of Library & Information Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Federal Agency Update Session, Part III

  • Marc Wolfson, Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • Monika Edwards Harrison, Office of Entrepreneurial Development, Small Business Administration
  • Carolyn Shanoff, Associate Director, Consumer and Business Affairs, Federal Trade Commission


LPS System Update Discussion Group

  • Bonnie B. Trivizas, Chief, Library Division, LPS, Facilitator
  • Laurie B. Hall, LPS, Facilitator


Tour: Library Programs Service, U.S. Government Printing Office


Tour: U.S. Department of Justice Library




Education Resources from the Federal Government: For Teachers and Students

  • Suzanne Sears, Tulsa City-County Library System (OK)
  • Adriana Edwards-Johnson, University of Central Oklahoma


Mentoring New Documents Librarians and Organizing or Rejuvenating Local Documents Interest Groups

  • Jill Moriearty, University of Utah
  • Karen Russ, University of Arkansas, Little Rock


Federal Agency Update Session, Part IV

  • Mary L. Burgess, National Center for Health Statistics
  • Sheila M. McGarr, National Library of Education: ERIC Update
  • Dr. Walter L. Warnick, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information


Important Legal Resources (Yes, Even in Your Non-Law Library)

  • Mark Gooch, College of Wooster
  • Barbara Selby, Arthur J. Morris Law Library, University of Virginia



7:00 - 9:00

Depository Library Council Working Session [open to all]

Wednesday, October 17





Coffee with Council and GPO Staff


Depository Library Council Working Session [open to all]


Federal Agency Update Session, Part V

  • Kay Melvin, Director, STAT-USA
  • Jeffrey W. Williams, National Center for Education Statistics
  • Vanessa Newton, Bureau of Labor Statistics


FirstGov Update

  • Patricia Wood, FirstGov

NTIS Update

  • Walter Finch, National Technical Information Service




Disaster Plans: Hope for the Best, But Plan for the Worst

  • Stephen Henson, Southern Company Services, Inc.
  • Mary Finley, California State University, Northridge




Depository Library Council Working Session [open to all]


Census Update

  • John Kavaliunas, U.S. Bureau of the Census

Maps for Census 2000: Directions We Can Take

  • Barbara Levergood, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


Inspections and Self-Studies: Helpful Hints and Fracturing the Myths

  • Robin Haun-Mohamed, Library Programs Service
  • Walter Zoller, Library Programs Service


Finding Technical Reports and Information: A Librarian’s Perspective

  • Kay Collins, University of California, Irvine
  • Marcia Meister, University of California, Davis
  • Lynne Reasoner, University of California, Riverside


Roles for Libraries Big and Small in the Digital Preservation of Government Information

  • Elizabeth Cowell, University of California, San Diego

LOCKSS Project

  • Chuck Eckman, Stanford University

Counting California: Integrated Access to and Preservation of Federal and State Information

  • Patricia Cruse, California Digital Library, University of California


Tour: Library Programs Service, U.S. Government Printing Office


Tour: U.S. Senate Library






Depository Library Council: Plenary Session

Report of draft recommendations and action items, including audience response and comments

  • Andrea Sevetson, Council Chair



[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

New Library Inspector Appointed: Regina Koo

Regina Koo has recently joined the Library Programs Service (LPS) as a depository library inspector. Ms. Koo came from LPS Cataloging Branch, where she was a cataloger for the past 3 1/2 years. Prior to this, she was Cataloging Supervisor/Acting Technical Manager for the U.S. Department of the Interior Libraries. Prior service also included head librarian for the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic Library and Assistant Medical Librarian for the University of Missouri Medical Center. Koo received her M.L.S. from the University of Illinois and her B.A. from the National Taiwan University.

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Public Printer Appoints Roberta I. Shaffer to Library Council

Public Printer Michael F. DiMario has named Roberta I. Shaffer as a new member to the Depository Library Council to the Public Printer. Ms. Shaffer currently serves as Executive Director of the Special Libraries Association. Her appointment to the Council fills a vacancy created by the departure of Barbara Levergood, who is relocating to Germany.

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GPO Closes Four Bookstores

The Government Printing Office’s Sales Program has closed its bookstores in Boston, MA, San Francisco, CA and the McPherson Square store in Washington, DC. The Philadelphia, PA bookstore is scheduled to close soon. The closings were prompted by the stores’ declining volume of sales and consequent inability to recover their costs. The Sales Program attributes much of this reduction in sales to increased public access to Government information via the Internet.

The Boston store was closed on August 17, McPherson on July 27, and San Francisco on July 20. The Philadelphia bookstore is scheduled to close its doors to the public on September 14, 2001.

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2001 Minimum Technical Requirements Effective 1 October

In accordance with the schedule established to regularly increase workstation requirements, new minimum technical requirements for workstations in Federal depository libraries will go into effect October 1, 2001. These requirements were originally issued as the "2000 Recommended Specifications for Public Access Workstations in Federal Depository Libraries" in the June 15, 2000 Administrative Notes (v. 21, # 9).

All Federal depository libraries must meet the minimum technical requirements to keep pace with technological change in order to fulfill their Title 44 obligation to provide access to Government information products. The Library Programs Service (LPS) will continue to issue Recommended Specifications for Public Access Workstations in Federal Depository Libraries each spring to assist depository library staff in planning for new computer purchases.

As another step in the transition to an e-FDLP and in accordance with Depository Library Council recommendations from its spring 2000 meeting, a schedule was established to regularly increase workstation requirements. Fifteen months after issuance, recommended specifications will become minimum technical requirements. The requirements, the recommended specifications, and the schedule are all available from the FDLP Desktop at:


Any questions about the Minimum Technical Requirements or Recommended Specifications should be directed to Cynthia Etkin at <cetkin@gpo.gov>.

[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

Coming Soon!

Biennial Survey 2001

November 1 - 30

Watch for details in the

October 15 Administrative Notes

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Congressional Redistricting Requires Update to Library Directory

Libraries are reminded to update their Library Directory Record when their Congressional District is changed. After each decennial Census, apportionment of the 435 House of Representatives seats is done based on the results of the Census. Redistricting, or revision of Congressional district boundaries, is done when population in the state has shifted. Thus, while not every state is gaining or losing Congressional seats, new district boundaries will be drawn in almost every state to account for the population shifts.

According to 44 U.S.C. §1905, there may be up to two depositories in each Congressional district to be designated by Representatives, and not more than two others within the state designated by each Senator.

When the library changes Congressional districts, new vacancies may occur and additional depository libraries may be designated. When redistricting boundaries change and more than two established depository libraries are located in one Congressional district, there is no action taken to reduce the number of depository libraries in that district.

It appears that two states, New York and Pennsylvania, are losing two seats. Eight states, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma and Wisconsin, are losing one seat. Four states, California, Colorado, Nevada and North Carolina, are gaining one seat, and four states, Arizona, Florida, Georgia and Texas, are gaining two seats.

To update your library’s directory information and to advise GPO of changes in a Congressional district, fill out the online form located at <www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/tools/ldirect.html>. LPS uses this information frequently, often in response to Congressional requests and inquiries.

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Reader’s Exchange

46 Important Federal Publications About Oklahoma - the 46th State Cooperative Bibliography and Scanning Project Underway in Oklahoma


Steve Beleu
Oklahoma Department of Libraries
Oklahoma City, OK

The web address listed at the end of this article will take you to Forty-Six Important Federal Publications About Oklahoma, the 46th State ("46"). This is a bibliography of the 46 Federal publications that Adri Edwards-Johnson of the University of Central Oklahoma and I believe to be the most important historical Federal publications about our state. It excludes two types of publications—the legislation that made Oklahoma a state, and documents about the Indian wars in Oklahoma. These two categories of publications will be listed in two future bibliographies. The bibliography and project are named "46" because Oklahoma was the 46th state in the U.S.

The "46" bibliography is also a starting point for an optical scanning project that will eventually result in these publications being available from two linked websites, one at the University of Central Oklahoma, and the other at the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. Two other depositories will be "loaning partners" when we begin to scan these titles, the Linscheid Library at East Central University, and the Bizzell Library at the University of Oklahoma.

As these publications become available from our websites we will send the web addresses out to you via GOVDOC-L.

In the meantime, if you want to borrow any of these documents, every title is available from the Oklahoma Department of Libraries, U.S. Government Information Division (except for Item #6, the Geographic Atlases, which are too fragile to loan). We will substitute microfiche or photocopies for some of the paper copies that aren’t in good shape.

So how about producing a bibliography of important Federal publications about your state? That should be easy for the original thirteen colonies!

The entire text of "46" is available at:


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Members, Depository Library Council to the Public Printer

As of 9/7/01


Linda Fredericks
Government and Legal Librarian
King County Library System
1111 – 110th Avenue NE
Bellevue, WA 98004-4508
425-450-1782 425-450-2469 (fax)

Robert A. Hinton
Associate Librarian
Reference Team/University College Team
Government Documents
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
University Library, 2102A
755 West Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5195
317-278-2317 317-274-0492 (fax)

Sharon A. Hogan
University Librarian
The University Library (m/c 234)
University of Illinois at Chicago
Box 8198
Chicago, IL 60680
312-996-2716 312-413-0424 (fax)

Mary Redmond
Principal Librarian, Collection Acquisition
and Processing
New York State Library
Cultural Education Center
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12230
518-474-5946 518-4740-5786 (fax)

Andrea Sevetson
(relocating to Maryland)


Charlene C. Cain
Associate Librarian/Government Documents Librarian
Paul M. Hebert Law Center
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-1010
225-388-4957 225-388-5773 (fax)

Cathy Nelson Hartman
Documents Librarian: Electronic Resources Coordinator
University of North Texas Libraries
P.O. Box 305190
Denton, TX 76203-5190
940-565-3269 940-565-2599 (fax)

Dena Hutto
Documents/Social Science Librarian
Reed College
3203 SE Woodstock Boulevard
Portland, OR 97202
503-777-7572 503-777-7786 (fax)

Greta E. Marlatt
Head, Information Services
Dudley Knox Library
Naval Postgraduate School
411 Dyer Road
Monterey, CA 93943
831-656-3500 831-656-2842 (fax)

John A. Stevenson
Coordinator, Government Documents and Maps
Processing Unit
University of Delaware Library
181 South College Avenue
Newark, DE 19717-5267
302-831-8671 302-831-1046 (fax)


Paul Arrigo
Reference Coordinator/Government Documents &
Electronic Services Librarian
Washburn University
School of Law Library
1700 College Avenue
Topeka, KS 66621
785-231-1010, ext. 1787 785-232-8087 (fax)

Daniel C. Barkley
Interim Director
Government Information, Microforms and Reference
Zimmerman Library
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1466
505-277-7180 505-277-4097 (fax)

Barbara J. Ford
Assistant Commissioner
Chicago Public Library
400 South State Street
Chicago, IL 60605
312-747-4070 312-747-4077 (fax)

John C. Kavaliunas
Chief, Marketing Services Division
Marketing Services Office
Room 3021, Bldg. 3
U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
301-457-4090 301-457-2778 (fax)

Roberta Shaffer
Executive Director
Special Libraries Association
1700 18th St NW
Washington, DC 20009-2514
Phone: 202-234-4700 202-265-9317 (fax)

[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

Coming Soon!

Biennial Survey 2001

November 1 - 30

Watch for details in the

October 15 Administrative Notes


GPO Access

    • Your online source for U.S. Government information since 1994.
    • Easy, one-stop, no-fee access to information from all three branches of the Federal Government.
    • Over 80 applications make information available from more than 2,100 databases, representing more than 212,000 individual titles.
    • Provides links to an additional 85,000 titles on other Federal websites.


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Administrative Notes is published in Washington, DC by the Superintendent of Documents, LibraryPrograms Service, Government Printing Office, for the staffs of U.S. Federal Depository Libraries. It is published monthly, onthe 15th day of each month; some months may have additional issues. Postmaster send address changes to:

The Editor, Administrative Notes
U.S. Government Printing Office
Library Programs Service, SLLD
Washington, DC 20401

Internet access at URL: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/index.html
Editor: Marian W. MacGilvray   (202) 512-1119   mmacgilvray@gpo.gov

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated: May 23, 2002 
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/adnotes.html
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