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@rubyist In some climates, the reduced ambient temperature makes it difficult for underpowered grills to cook in a satisfactory manner.
@zedder02 That seems a little quick, but I guess it could be rabies.
I bet you can really get the Graty all day long.
@katrina_ I am rooting for USC. I reflexively root against all Big 10 teams that are not Indiana.
@huntac WOW, greatly improved! Was that a gift specifically for me, your twitter friend? Because it is sooooooooo appreciated.
psychotic cannibalistic predator receptionists are opportunistic indeed.
Is the Zune-pocalypse a desperate marketing ploy? Makes the Seinfeld/Gates commercials look reasonable by comparison.
Weird noises from the roof were not rain or snow, they were from a flock of birds.
@kevinrose I use because sometimes they send me emails in french.
@mbleigh iTunes at $0.33 per minute seems right to me. How can you have more fun for $20 per hour?
You slip out of your depth and out of your mind, with your fear flowing out behind you, as you call "thin ice!"
@jayamster Sweeeet! Finally a jamster tumblr!
@kneath Chunky tranny fluid is always a deal-breaker for me.
@ddemaree Yep. I think the implicit message from the example is that I should be using FactoryGirl. My temporary workaround is not pretty.
looking for foxy fixture friendly controller test examples for shoulda
@Cashmere I thought it was a show for kids?
@jasonfried "She found a molotov cocktail behind the premises and wants you to remove it."
@davemccall So, a fairer characterization might be "flawed priorities"?
@craiguffman I think I've held my own so far, but her rope-a-dope can really take a lot out of you.


Jack Dorsey Nick Douglas enoch choi Hillary Hartley Sarah Hatter John Nunemaker Matthew Bischoff Lisa McMillan Steven Bristol Jim Long Geoffrey Grosenbach Scott Raymond William H Harle Jr. Steve Smith Avi Bryant Jesse Newland Mel Kirk Ryan Carson Carrie Smith David Ellen Nemesis lucylou rands John Gruber Obie Kevin Andy Clark Trevor Dave Josh Peek Darth Vader nostrich Brian Christiansen Kyle Neath Brent Simmons Kevin Rose Diana LeRoi-Schmidt
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