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2008 Published and Presented

Ayres, Greg. 2008. “Electric Drive Strategic Plan Update”, APTA Rail Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 2, 2008.

Ayres, Greg. 2008. “The Role of Hydrogen in US Transit's Future”, Fourth International Hydrail Conference, Valencia, Spain, June 9, 2008.

Barberio, Gina, Barolsky, Rachael, Culp, Michael and Robert Ritter. 2008. “Planning and Environment Linkages: Using the PEL Umbrella Approach to Streamline Transportation Decision Making”, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 13-17, 2008. (08-1721)

Barolsky, Rachael and David Damm-Luhr. 2008. “Balancing Community Livability and Freight Movement: Baltimore City and Its Port Area”, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 13-17, 2008. (P08-0803)

Biernbaum, Lee and Kevin Gay. 2008. "Safety Model Assessment and Two-Lane Urban Crash Model", October 2008.

Boeker, Eric. 2008. “Functional Description of the Aircraft Acoustics Module of the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT)”, Noise-Con 2008, Dearborn, MI, July 29, 2008.

Bousquet, Paul. 2008. “A Technology Comparison of Two In-Vehicle Warning Methods at Level Crossings with Human Factor Implications”, 10th International Level Crossing Safety and Trespass Prevention Symposium, Paris, France, June 24-27, 2008

Brewer, John and David L. Smith. 2008. "Preliminary Evaluation Methodology in Front-Front Vehicle Compatibility", 2008 Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress, Detroit, MI, April 16, 2008.

Burki-Cohen, Judith and Andrea Sparko. 2008. "Airplane Upset Prevention Research Needs", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Honolulu, HI, August 19, 2008.

Burki-Cohen, Judith. 2008. "Simulator Motion: Does it Contribute to Training Effectiveness?", FAA Shared Vision of Aviation Safety Conference, San Diego, CA, May 27-29, 2008.

Carolan, Michael, Perlman, A. Benjamin and David C. Tyrell. 2008. "Evaluation of Occupant Volume Strength in Conventional Passenger Railroad Equipment", 2008 ASME Rail Transportation Fall Conference, Chicago, IL, September 24-26, 2008, RTDF2008-74026.

Carolan, Michael, Talamini, Brandon and David C. Tyrell. 2008. "Update on Ongoing Tank Car Crashworthiness Research: Predicted Performance and Fabrication Approach", Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/ASME/ASCE Joint Railroad Conference, Wilmington, DE, April 22-24, 2008, JRC-2008-63052.

Carroll, James, et al. 2008. “An Evaluation of Loran as a Backup Navigation Sensor for ADS-B”, Institute for Navigation Technical Meeting 2008, San Diego, CA, January 28-30, 2008.

Carroll, James A., 2008. “Global Positioning System (GPS) Timing Criticality Assessment“, (briefing), Royal Institute of Navigation and the International Loran Association Annual Navigation Conference, Westminster, London, October 28-30, 2008.

Carroll, James and John Kraemer. 2008. “Results from a Global Positioning System (GPS) Timing Criticality Assessment“, European Group of the Institutes of Navigation, European Navigation Conference Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Toulouse, France, April 23-25, 2008.

Chase, Stephanie and Caroline Donohoe. 2008. Constructing a Low-Cost Ground-Vehicle Driving Simulator at an Airport, September 2007, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-07-10; DOT/FAA/AR-07/59.

daSilva, Marco P. 2008. Analysis of Event Data Recorder Data for Vehicle Safety Improvement, April 2008, DOT-VNTSC-NHTSA-08-01; DOT-HS-810 935.

daSilva, Marco P. 2008. “Automated Railroad Infrastructure Trespass Detection System Performance Guidelines”, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) 2008 Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, September 21-24, 2008.

Dinning, Michael. 2008. “Transit Operations Security: System Design for Safety and Risk Management”, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 13-17, 2008. (P08-0872)

Dufresne, C., Hansen, A., O’Neill, K., Parmet, J. and L. Volchansky. 2008. “Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) Web Service to Support Area Navigation (RNAV) Flight Planning”, Institute for Navigation National Technical Meeting 2008, San Diego, CA, January 28-30, 2008.

Fleming, Gregg. 2008. “A Comprehensive Tool Suite for the Assessment of the Environmental Aspects of Aviation”, Symposium on Aviation Environmental Tradeoffs and Interdependencies, Kiev, Ukraine, October 7-8, 2008.

Fleming, Gregg. 2008. "NextGen Environmental Tools", Annual Symposium on Aviation Noise and Air Quality, Palm Springs, CA, March 2-5, 2008.

Fleming, Gregg. 2008. "Trends in Global Noise and Exhaust Emissions from Commercial Aviation for 2000 and 2025", 25th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Anchorage, AK, September 14-19, 2008

Garay-Vega, Lisandra. 2008. “Drivers Performance in Response to Sight-Limited Scenarios at Midblock Crosswalks: Evaluation of Advance Yield Markings and Symbolic Signage”, 52nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Meeting, New York City, NY, September 22-25, 2008.

Hall, Timothy, Mackey, Allen, Nichols, Bobby and John Marksteiner. 2008. "Prototype ADS-B System in the Midwest: Description and Lessons Learned", 8th Integrated Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance (ICNS) Conference, Bethesda, MD, May 5-7, 2008.

Hannon, Daniel J., Lee, Jonathan T., Sheridan, Thomas B. and Caroline Donohue. 2008. “Tower Information Display System (TIDS): Human-in-the- Loop Simulation and Evaluation”, 8th Integrated Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance (ICNS) Conference, Bethesda, MD, May 5-7, 2008.

Hansen, Andrew. 2008. "Development and Extension of GBAS Ionospheric Error Threat Models", Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Ionospheric Symposium, Santiago, Chile, April 14-16, 2008.

Hansen, Andrew. 2008. "GNSS Network Observation of Ionospheric Structure and Disturbances", Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Ionospheric Symposium, Santiago, Chile, April 14-16, 2008.

Hansen, Andrew. 2008. "Ionospheric Observation Reference Network Noise and Bias Calibration Techniques", Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Ionospheric Symposium, Santiago, Chile, April 14-16, 2008.

Harrington, Ryan. 2008. "Light Vehicle and Heavy Truck On-Road Test Results", Integrated Vehicle-Based Safety Systems (IVBSS) Public Meeting, Ypsilanti, MI., April 10-11, 2008

Jackson, David W. Zirker, Margaret, Peirce, Sean and Michael Baltes. 2008. “Urban Partnership Proposals: Review of Domestic and International Deployments and Transit Impacts from Congestion Pricing”, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 13-17, 2008. (08-0820)

Jeong, David, Hu, Hailing, Gordon, Jeffrey and Yim Tang. 2008. “Finite Element Analysis of Unnotched Sharpy Impact Test”, 2008 Materials Science and Technology Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, October 7-9, 2008.

Jeong, David Y. and David Tyrell. 2008. “Improved Tank Car Safety Research”, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 13-17, 2008. (P08-0690)

Lee, Douglass B. “Toward the Evaluation of Value Pricing”, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 13-17, 2008. (08-1972)

Mallon, Philip, Perlman, A. Benjamin, and David Tyrell. 2008. “The Influence of Manufacturing Variations on a Crash Energy Management System”, 2008 ASME Rail Transportation Fall Conference, Chicago, IL, September 24-26, 2008, RTDF2008-74021.

Marquis, Brian and J.-P. Pascal. 2008. “Report on a Railway Benchmark Simulating a Single Wheelset without Friction Impacting a Rigid Track”, Vehicle System Dynamics, v. 46, nos. 1-2, 2008, pp. 93-116.

Mauri, Ronald A., Wetula, Leopold E., and Dan M. Black. 2008. “Development of New Amtrak Performance Tracking System”, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 13-17, 2008. (P08-0807)

McGovern, Seamus. 2008. "Lexicographic Goal Programming and Assessment Tools for a Combinatorial Production Problem", In: Multi-Objective Optimization in Computational Intelligence: Theory and Practice, Lam Thu Bui and Sameer Alam, eds., Hershey, PA: IGI Publishing.

Najm, Wassim, Harrington, Ryan, Husain Muqtada and Scott Bogard. 2008. "Light Vehicle and Heavy Truck Verification Testing", Integrated Vehicle-Based Safety Systems (IVBSS) Public Meeting, Ypsilanti, MI., April 10-11, 2008.

Noel, George, Senzig David, Roof, Chris, Fleming, Gregg and Judith Patterson. 2008. “Analysis of ICAO Departure Profile Using Real-Time Cockpit Flight Data Recorder Information”, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 13-17, 2008. (08-1823)

Peck, Steven, Carroll, Anya, and Miriam Kloeppel. 2008. Private Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Safety Research and Inquiry, June 2008.

Peirce, Sean, Lappin, Jane, Zirker, Maragret, Baltes, Michael and Yehuda Gross. 2008. “Vehicle-Infrastructure Integration: Application for Public Transit”, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 13-17, 2008. (08-0812)

Priante, Michelle, Llana, Patricia, Jacobsen, Karina, Tyrell, David and A. Benjamin Perlman. 2008. "Dynamic Test of a Collision Post of a State-of-the-Art End Frame", 2008 ASME Rail Transportation Fall Conference, Chicago, IL, September 24-26, 2008, RTDF2008-74020.

Priante, Michelle. 2008. "Post Test Review of a Single Car Test of Multi-Level Passenger Equipment", Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/ASME/ASCE Joint Railroad Conference, Wilmington, DE, April 22-24, 2008, JRC-2008-63053.

Redington, Michael, et al. 2008. Drug and Alcohol Testing Results 2005 Annual Report, January 2008, DOT-VNTSC-FTA-08-01, FTA-MA-26-5559-08-01

Rossetti, Michael A. and Michael Johnson. 2008. “Impacts of Climate Change and Weather on Commercial Motor Vehicles”, 20th Conference on Climate Variability and Change, New Orleans, LA, January 21-24, 2008.

Rossetti, Michael and Thomas Seliga. 2008. "Informatics and Transportation Applications of Weather Technology", Lakeside 2008 Conference on Intelligent Weather Information Systems and Services, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 9-11, 2008.

Rossetti, Michael A., Pisano, Paul A. and Lynette Goodwin. 2008. “U.S. Highway Crashes in Adverse Road Weather Conditions”, 24th Conference on International Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography and Hydrology, New Orleans, LA, January 21-24, 2008.

Seliga, Thomas A., Hazen, David A. and Stephen Burnley. 2008. “Evaluation of the 2 Foot-Lambert (FL) Dawn and Dusk Thresholds for Runway Visual Range (RVR) Airport Applications”, 13th Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, New Orleans, LA, January 21-24, 2008.

Seliga, Thomas A., Hazen, David A. and Stephen Burnley. 2008. “Statistical Characteristics of the Wind Dependence of Snow and Freezing Fog Events at Several Major Airports for Improving Runway Visual Range (RVR) Performance”, 13th Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, New Orleans, LA, January 21-24, 2008.

Severson, Kristine, Perlman, A. Benjamin, and Richard Stringfellow. 2008. "Quasi-Static and Dynamic Sled Testing of Prototype Commuter Rail Passenger Seats", Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/ASME/ASCE Joint Railroad Conference, Wilmington, DE, April 22-24, 2008, JRC-2008-63051.

Smith, Scott, Wen, Yang, Belakrishna, Ramachandran and Moshe E. Ben-Akiva. 2008. “Online Deployment of Dynamic Traffic Assignment: Evaluation and Lessons”, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 13-17, 2008. (08-2955)

Steffes, Ann, Bryan, Jeffrey and Michael Lee Pack. 2008. “Overview and Status of Regional Integrated Transportation Information System in the National Capital Region”, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 13-17, 2008. (08-1299)

Sussmann, Theodore R. and James P. Hyslip. 2008. “Track Design Methodology and Data”, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 13-17, 2008. (08-2794)

Sussmann, Theodore R. 2008. “Track Design: Review”, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 13-17, 2008. (P08-1325)

Tang, Yim H., Yu, Hailing, Gordon, Jeffrey E., Jeong, David Y., and A. Benjamin Perlman. 2008. "Analysis of Railroad Tank Car Shell Impacts Using Finite Element Method", Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/ASME/ASCE Joint Railroad Conference, Wilmington, DE, April 22-24, 2008, JRC-2008-63014.

Tang, Yim, Jeong, David, Hu, Hailing and Jeffrey Gordon. 2008. “Finite Element Analyses of Railroad Tank Car Head Impacts”, 2008 ASME Rail Transportation Fall Conference, Chicago, IL, September 24-26, 2008, RTDF2008-74022.

Templeton, Joshua, Pickrell, Don H. and Ronald A. Mauri. 2008. “Estimation of Amtrak’s Avoidable Costs”, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 13-17, 2008. (P08-0808)

Tyrell, David, Jeong, David, Talamini, Brandon, Carolan, Michael and A. Benjamin Perlman. 2008. “Improved Tank Car Design Development: Design Studies and Concept Evaluation”, 2008 ASME Rail Transportation Fall Conference, Chicago, IL, September 24-26, 2008, RTDF2008-74024.

Tyrell, David, Jeong, David, Jacobsen, Karina, Perlman, A. Benjamin and Michael Carolan. 2008. “Improved Tank Car Design Development: Strategy, Target Performance, and Concept”, 2008 ASME Rail Transportation Fall Conference, Chicago, IL, September 24-26, 2008, RTDF2008-74023.

Wassaf, Hadi, Tabrizi, Amir, Wang, Frank and Melanie Soares. 2008. “Atmospheric Turbulence Effects on Near-Ground Wake Vortex Demise”, 13th Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, New Orleans, LA, January 21-24, 2008.

Wilson, Bruce. 2008. “Estimating the Safety Benefits of a DSRC-Based Collision Avoidance System”, 15th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, New York City, NY, November 16-20, 2008.

Woods, Sharon, Francis, Mike and Jonathan Lee. 2008. “Tower Information Display System (TIDS): the System Architecture”, 8th Integrated Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance (ICNS) Conference, Bethesda, MD, May 5-7, 2008.

Zuschlag, Michael and Joyce Ranney. 2008. “Changes in U.S. Railroad Workplace Practices Associated with Combined Behavior-Based and Continuous-Improvement Safety Implementation”, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 13-17, 2008. (P08-0682)