Senator Kent Conrad | North Dakota
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Kent Conrad

Press Room

Press Releases

April 12, 2005

Senator Pays Tribute to Heroes of Flight 93

Conrad Introduces Legislation To Honor Passengers, Crew of Hijacked Plane

Washington - With overwhelming bipartisan support, Senator Kent Conrad today introduced legislation honoring the passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 93 who died September 11, 2001, when they wrestled for control of their hijacked plane, sending it to the ground rather than to a target such as the White House or the U.S. Capitol.

"We know that terrorists hijacked Flight 93 to use as a weapon against our nation," Senator Conrad said. "The plane was almost certainly headed for either the White House or the United States Capitol. The crew and passengers of Flight 93 stopped that from happening -- and became heroes. We must not forget their courage and sacrifice."

Senator Conrad's bill calls for a memorial to be built in the United States Capitol to honor the passengers and crew of Flight 93 who perished when their plane crashed in Shanksville, Penn. He first introduced his legislation in September 2004, on the third anniversary of the terrorist attacks that killed thousands when hijacked airliners were flown like missiles into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Joined by Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA), Senator Conrad has introduced his legislation to the 109th Congress. Senator Santorum has agreed to be the lead Republican co-sponsor of Senator Conrad's bill in the Senate. Similar legislation was also introduced in the House of Representatives by a pair of Pennsylvania congressmen, Rep. Bud Shuster, a Republican, and Rep. John Murtha, a Democrat.

"It is appropriate that we commemorate the heroes of Flight 93 here at the Capitol, within the very walls that might have crumbled had they not made the ultimate sacrifice," Senator Conrad said. "We are forever indebted to them."