

Census Region

More than one-third (38%) of households in the Northeast Census Region used heating oil, and nearly all of those used it as their main heating fuel (Figure 1). No more than 5 percent of households in any of the other regions used the fuel for any use. Households in two regions, the Northeast and the Midwest (both cooler than the South or West), consumed significantly more heating oil (Figure 2). Households in the Northeast consumed the most and spent the most per household for the fuel (Figure 3). Prices for heating oil were slightly higher in the South and West Regions (Figure 4).

Figure 1. Percent of Households That Use Heating Oil by Census Region, 1997
Figure 1. Percent of households that use heating oil by Census Region, 1997
Source: EIA, Residential Energy Consumption Survey 1997.

Figure 2. Heating Oil Consumption per Household by Census Region, 1997
Figure 2. Heating oil consumption per household by Census Region, 1997
Source: EIA, Residential Energy Consumption Survey 1997.

Figure 3. Heating Oil Expenditures per Household in 1997 by Census Region
(Based on 1997 and 2001 Prices)

Figure 3. Heating oil expenditures per household by Census Region, 1997 prices and projected 2001 prices
Sources: EIA, Residential Energy Consumption Survey 1997 and EIA, Short-Term Energy Outlook February 2001.

Figure 4. Heating Oil Prices by Census Region, 1997
Figure 4. Heating oil prices by Census Region, 1997 Source: EIA, Residential Energy Consumption Survey 1997.
