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Table 4.  Total Energy Expenditures in U.S. Households by Household Income, 1997
                            |         |                                       |         |         |       
                            |         |         1997 Household Income         |         |   Eli-  |       
                            |         |_______________________________________|         |  gible  |       
                            |         |         |         |         |         |         |   for   |       
                            |         |   Less  | $10,000 | $25,000 | $50,000 |  Below  | Federal |       
                            |         |   than  |    to   |    to   |    or   | Poverty | Assist- |       
                            |  Total  | $10,000 | $24,999 | $49,999 |   More  |   Line  |  ance1  |       
                            |_________|_________|_________|_________|_________|_________|_________|  RSE  
                            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |  Row  
     RSE Column Factor:     |   0.6   |   1.5   |   1.0   |   0.9   |   1.0   |   1.3   |   1.0   |Factors
                                                          Million Households
Total U.S. Households.......   101.5      13.3      29.1      31.1      27.9      14.6      34.1  |   2.7 
Number of Households, Fuels                                                                       |       
Used (more than one may                                                                           |       
apply):                                                                                           |       
  Electricity2..............   101.4      13.3      29.1      31.1      27.9      14.6      34.0  |   2.7 
  Natural Gas...............    61.9       8.0      17.0      19.0      17.9       9.1      20.4  |   4.3 
  Fuel Oil..................    10.0       1.3       2.5       3.2       3.0       1.4       3.4  |  10.4 
  Kerosene..................     3.5       0.4       1.2       1.2       0.6       0.6       1.4  |  14.5 
  LPG.......................     8.1       1.0       2.4       2.7       1.9       1.2       2.8  |  12.7 
  Wood......................    15.0       0.7       3.0       4.7       6.7       1.1       3.0  |   9.4 
                                                            Billion Dollars
Total Expenditures, Fuels                                                                         |       
Used:                                                                                             |       
  Electricity...............    88.33      8.36     21.92     26.61     31.43     10.29     24.79 |   3.4 
  Natural Gas...............    35.81      3.74      8.82     11.17     12.08      4.35     10.54 |   5.4 
  Fuel Oil..................     7.11      0.66      1.52      2.21      2.73      0.69      1.97 |  12.1 
  Kerosene..................     0.50      0.08      0.19      0.18      0.06      0.12      0.22 |  23.4 
  LPG.......................     4.04      0.43      1.20      1.39      1.02      0.50      1.34 |  14.8 
  Total.....................   135.79     13.26     33.65     41.56     47.33     15.95     38.86 |   2.9 
                                                        Dollars per Household3
Total Expenditures per                                                                            |       
Household, Fuels Used:                                                                            |       
  Electricity...............      871       630       752       855     1,126       703       728 |   2.3 
  Natural Gas...............      579       469       518       589       673       476       516 |   3.0 
  Fuel Oil..................      714       505       603       699       914       498       576 |   5.3 
  Kerosene..................      144       192       149       147        99       185       163 |  19.6 
  LPG.......................      500       412       493       518       531       433       482 |   8.6 
  Total.....................    1,338       997     1,155     1,335     1,696     1,088     1,140 |   1.6 
                                                       Dollars per Million Btu3
Average Price of Btu                                                                              |       
Consumption, Fuels Used:                                                                          |       
  Electricity...............   24.97     25.05     24.70     24.63     25.44     25.04     25.16  |   1.3 
  Natural Gas...............    6.78      7.06      6.76      6.78      6.72      6.86      6.88  |   1.6 
  Fuel Oil..................    7.05      6.22      6.87      7.03      7.42      6.16      6.66  |   1.5 
  Kerosene..................    8.51      8.58      8.54      8.41      8.61      8.68      8.64  |   1.7 
  LPG.......................   11.23     11.36     11.18     10.66     12.12     11.33     11.42  |   2.8 
  Total.....................   13.25     13.05     13.23     13.01     13.55     13.12     13.15  |   1.8 

See footnotes at end of table.

Table 4. Total Energy Expenditures in U.S. Households by Household Income, 1997 (Continued) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | 1997 Household Income | | Eli- | | |_______________________________________| | gible | | | | | | | | for | | | Less | $10,000 | $25,000 | $50,000 | Below | Federal | | | than | to | to | or | Poverty | Assist- | | Total | $10,000 | $24,999 | $49,999 | More | Line | ance1 | |_________|_________|_________|_________|_________|_________|_________| RSE | | | | | | | | Row RSE Column Factor: | 0.6 | 1.5 | 1.0 | 0.9 | 1.0 | 1.3 | 1.0 |Factors ____________________________|_________|_________|_________|_________|_________|_________|_________|_______ Price per Physical Unit3 _____________________________________________________________________________ | Average Price of Physical | Units of Consumption, Fuels | Used: | Electricity (cents per | kWh)...................... 8.5 8.5 8.4 8.4 8.7 8.5 8.6 | 1.3 Natural Gas (dollars per | thousand cf).............. 6.96 7.25 6.94 6.96 6.90 7.04 7.07 | 1.6 Fuel Oil (dollars per | gallon)................... 0.98 0.86 0.95 0.98 1.03 0.85 0.92 | 1.5 Kerosene (dollars per | gallon)................... 1.15 1.16 1.15 1.14 1.16 1.17 1.17 | 1.7 LPG (dollars per gallon).. 1.03 1.04 1.02 0.97 1.11 1.03 1.04 | 2.8 _____________________________________________________________________|_______ Million Households _____________________________________________________________________________ | Number of Households, Where | the End Use Is: | Space Heating4............ 99.7 12.8 28.5 30.7 27.6 14.0 33.0 | 2.8 Electric Air-Conditioning5 72.6 8.1 19.3 23.1 22.2 8.3 20.9 | 3.6 Water Heating6............ 100.8 13.0 29.0 31.0 27.7 14.4 33.7 | 2.8 Refrigerators............. 101.3 13.2 29.1 31.1 27.9 14.6 34.0 | 2.8 Appliances................ 101.5 13.3 29.1 31.1 27.9 14.6 34.1 | 2.7 _____________________________________________________________________|_______ Billion Dollars _____________________________________________________________________________ | Total Expenditures, Where | the End Use Is: | Space Heating............. 42.03 4.33 10.78 13.12 13.79 4.73 12.20| 3.3 Electric Air-Conditioning. 10.20 0.91 2.39 2.86 4.04 1.00 2.48| 6.1 Water Heating............. 19.76 2.08 5.22 6.14 6.33 2.71 6.40| 3.0 Refrigerators............. 12.14 1.36 3.15 3.55 4.07 1.52 3.61| 3.2 Other Appliances and | Lighting.................. 51.66 4.58 12.10 15.89 19.10 5.99 14.18| 3.2 _____________________________________________________________________|_______ Dollars per Household3 _____________________________________________________________________________ | Total Expenditures per | Household, Where the End Use | Is: | Space Heating............. 421 338 378 427 499 338 370 | 2.6 Electric Air-Conditioning. 140 113 124 124 182 120 119 | 4.8 Water Heating............. 196 160 180 198 228 189 190 | 1.8 Refrigerators............. 120 103 108 114 146 104 106 | 2.0 Other Appliances and | Lighting.................. 509 344 415 510 684 409 416 | 2.0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________|_______ 1 Below 150 percent of poverty line or 60 percent of median State income. 2 The RECS cannot be used to accurately estimate the number of households that do not use electricity. 3 The averages for total and for appliances are over the set of all households; otherwise the averages are over the set of households using a given fuel or over the set using a given end use. 4 Households where the main or secondary space-heating fuel is electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, kerosene, or LPG. 5 The number of households, where the end use is electric air-conditioning, does not include households that did not use their equipment (0.9 million). It does include the small number of households where the fuel for central air-conditioning equipment was something other than electricity; those households were treated as if the fuel was electricity. 6 Households where the main or secondary water-heating fuel is electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, kerosene, or LPG. Notes: • To obtain the RSE percentage for any table cell, multiply the corresponding column and row factors. • Because of rounding, data may not sum to totals. • See "Glossary" for definition of terms used in this report. Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Forms EIA-457 A-G of the 1997 Residential Energy Consumption Survey.

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