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AirTran isn't on my Good list today, either. Jerks.
I intend to be an evangelist *against* Geek Squad. And ADP. Both picked the wrong day to fail on me.
Well, I won't be doing business with Geek Squad ever again. Frauds.
@briancrouch The wall got a bit of blood on it, but it came right off.
Geek Squad Fail. They got me into the store by telling me they could handle a problem in 24 hours. Once at the store, it became 7 days.
Punched a wall so hard this morning that my hand bled. It's been THAT kind of morning.
If you're going to cross the street at the wrong time, forcing oncoming cars to slow/stop for you, at least have the decency to scurry.
Gears of War online in 10 minutes. Leeeerrrrooooooyyyyy!
@conawayhaskins Yeah, I think you'd get some funny looks. If anybody asks if you have kids, don't say "not yet, but I just got here!"
Looks like Kent Hovind's taxes are as good as his science.
@LizMair No doubt, but it doesn't hold up as an adult. Bad pizza, bad games, overwhelming atmosphere.
This Alberto Gonzales quote is....just wow.
@CPACnews I didn't see him, but I wasn't really looking.
@RonColeman I bet there are advanced civilizations living on some of those games. Abiogenesis! In the beginning was Chuckee Cheese.
@EATerrell Is the giant costumed mouse a bug or a feature? Anyway, Alex doesn't seem to notice him. I bet it's all the flashing lights.
@notlarrysabato. $1,000 worth of Wii, XBox and associated games, yet Alex can't get enough of the 20 year old games at Chuckee Cheese (sigh)
Alex asks, "Why do they call it Chuckee Cheese? They don't have any cheese games."
Alex tells me the panhandler we saw is going to use the money to buy himself "a sweet, sweet party." That's one way to put it.
Taking the kids to Chuckee Cheese in Fairfax. 2009 is not starting well for we parents. The kids probably feel differently, though.
@anamariecox The C-Span anchors are amazing. Not a chuckle, eye roll, smirk, nothing. They're political therapists. "Tell me how you feel."


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