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heading over to the library for a presentation..
Stopping by the mechanic shop to check on an oil leak. Back to work shorty.
power is out at home.. systems shut down, I'm going back to bed. Hope the wind didn't do any damage outside.
up too late playing Civilization on the ps3. time to shelf that game for a while, the rounds always take twice as long as I think they will
Just over 2 days left to vote on Mozilla's next Firefox marketing project. Read proposals and vote now at
@davidascher the Buffalo Terastations are really sweet. Work with iTunes, full upnp/dlna that actually works.
neck and back are killing, slept weird a couple nights back. Could go for a chiropractor or masseuse right about now
@weeve made enough to go through about 18 pounds of sugar, 3.5 bottles of corn syrup and about 18 drams of flavor oil. Gift candy of course
almost done making candy.. got one last batch to break up and powder.. who knew that could make for such a long (but productive) day
went through 10 pounds of sugar and I'm just over half way done
making some hard candy.. without burning it this time!
just got beat on Wii bowling by my 4 year old.. I quit!
@innismir esp when the nearest 900 system is about 50-60 miles away, heh..
@innismir yeah, I'd like to get into that whole refurb and programming game.. not willing to pay ebay prices to tinker though
@innismir ha! wonder what I do to search that says "give me the expensive results". :P
@innismir meh, let me know next time you see one <50. I hardly see them <100. Would love to find a surplus pile for nothing though ;)
@innismir where are they finding all of that surplus? By the time it hits ebay it gets marked up too much IMO
@jaysonl same problem in the closed beta. Stand around in PS3 Home waiting for an arcade game to open up is not my kind of "fun"
@magicbug look into the fcc-get (now named script from the Xastir package
should have learned from last night that I shouldn't be up this late.. off to bed.


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