









Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee, I am pleased to present the funding requirements of the Government Printing Office (GPO) for FY 1997.


For FY 1997, I am requesting $114.6 million for those programs that require annual appropriations directly to GPO. This is an increase of less than one-half of one percent over the funding approved for FY 1996. The request includes $83.8 million for the Congressional Printing and Binding Appropriation and $30.8 million for the Salaries and Expenses Appropriation of the Superintendent of Documents. The request for the Salaries and Expenses Appropriation includes a plan for the transition of the Federal Depository Library Program from ink-on-paper dissemination to predominately electronic information dissemination, in accordance with the requirement contained in section 210 of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 1996 (P.L. 104-53).


Cost Savings through Downsizing: The financial picture at GPO is significantly improved over what it was a year ago. The year-end loss, which was $21.8 million in FY 1994, was approximately $3 million in FY 1995, a decrease of 86 percent. The loss represented less than four-tenths of one percent of GPO's total FY 1995 revenues of $852.6 million, and was funded out of GPO's retained earnings. One of the most important cost and performance indicators--personnel compensation and benefits--decreased by $14 million during the year, or slightly more than 6 percent. Most of this decrease, more than $9 million, occurred in GPO's printing plant area. During the year, GPO's financial statements were audited by Arthur Andersen, under contract with the General Accounting Office. The audit resulted in a clean opinion for GPO.

Because GPO's regional printing plants continued to lose money in FY 1995, it is no longer feasible to continue most of these operations. Last year we closed the Seattle regional printing plant. This year we plan to close the Chicago, New York, and San Francisco plants. These downsizing and consolidation measures follow the recent consolidation of Superintendent of Documents operations from leased to owned space at GPO's central office, the downsizing of warehouse space in Virginia, and the relocation of Rapid Response Center operations from the Washington, DC, Navy Yard to the central office plant.

Modernization in technology and increased operational efficiencies have enabled substantial reductions in GPO's workforce. Since February 1993, GPO has reduced its workforce by approximately 900 positions, realizing a savings of about $45 million annually. The number of supervisors has also been reduced. Of the 4,000 positions reduced from the workforce through improved technological productivity in the past 20 years, nearly a quarter has been reduced in the past three years. By September 1996, GPO will meet the mandated FTE level of 3,800. We recently conducted an early-out retirement program that resulted in the reduction of 94 positions. We are currently operating another early-out program that will run until May 1996.

To achieve savings, additional workforce downsizing will continue. However, the extent of the downsizing must be managed carefully so that it does not impair GPO's ability to perform its mission to serve Congress. GPO has been able to accommodate significant statutory FTE reductions in recent years without impairing services. Continued reductions of these sizes, however, will deprive GPO of the flexibility to process work expeditiously.

Performance: Congress was in session longer this past year compared to the previous year, generating more pages of the Congressional Record. For the first session of the 104th Congress, there were a total of 35,003 pages of House and Senate proceedings, compared with a total of 27,044 pages for the second session of the 103d Congress, an increase of 29 percent. On the first day of the 104th Congress alone, the Congressional Record totaled 603 pages. Throughout FY 1995, the Record was delivered on time 97 percent of the time; instances of lateness were usually due to late sessions. Overall, however, other congressional workload levels were moderate, especially in the latter part of the year.

At the same time, overtime utilization during FY 1995 decreased 21 percent, yielding a reduction in overtime costs of $2.6 million, or 19 percent, compared with the previous year. The reduction in overtime was due to a combination of factors, including a new policy under which supervisors are provided with compensatory time off in lieu of overtime, less overtime worked by GPO details to Congress due to improved overtime management by the committees and GPO staff, increased efforts by GPO to improve the scheduling of work and control overtime use, and a relatively moderate congressional workload.

During the Government-wide shutdown in November 1995, GPO's production and congressional printing management operations remained at work at the request of the House and Senate leadership to provide legislative products essential to the orderly conduct of congressional business.

GPO processed an increased dollar volume of procured printing during the year. Total revenues from printing procurement were $574.7 million, compared with $526.8 million the previous year, an increase of 9 percent. The rise in dollar value was attributable in part to increased paper prices in the private sector. GPO attained a 94 percent on time delivery rate and a 99 percent quality acceptance rate for procured printing during FY 1995.

During the year, GPO established a direct-deal term contract to be used by Members of Congress for the printing of personal office requirements, such as newsletters, schedules, miscellaneous stationery items, business cards, and other needs not provided for by Title 44.

Technology Improvements: GPO continued to make operational improvements during the year, taking advantage as much as possible of new technology to deliver products and services. Three state-of-the-art offset presses are now operational for producing the Congressional Record and the Federal Register. We operate print-on-demand capabilities, which are networked to our automated composition system, at our plant and on-site for the Senate. We provided assistance in establishing a similar print-on-demand capability for the House. The on-site print-on-demand systems on Capitol Hill are designed to reduce the volume of documents stored in the House and Senate document rooms. In addition, we have a pilot program in place to test the use of a print-on-demand capability in GPO's main bookstore for the remote printing of Government publications downloaded from GPO Access, GPO's online information dissemination service. Depending on the results, this service could be extended to GPO's other bookstores located nationwide.

GPO Access Service: GPO Access features fully searchable online access to the daily Congressional Record for the second session of the 103d Congress and for the 104th Congress to date, the Congressional Record Index from 1983 forward, the daily Federal Register from 1994 to date, the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulations from 1994 and 1995, congressional bills from the 103d and 104th Congresses, the History of Bills from 1983 forward, the recent hearing on campaign reform legislation, Jefferson's Manual and Rules of the House of Representatives, Economic Indicators, General Accounting Office reports, the U.S. Government Manual, the Congressional Directory, House and Senate calendars for the 104th Congress, the Privacy Act, the U.S. Code, the U.S. Budget for FY 1997, and Government Information Locator (GILS) records from a variety of different agencies, including the Office of Management and Budget and the Departments of Commerce, State, and Treasury. GILS is a decentralized collection of agency-based information locators using network technology and international standards to direct users to relevant information resources within the Government. Additional databases, including the Code of Federal Regulations, are under development. GPO-produced databases for the Record and other legislative information form the core of the Library of Congress's THOMAS legislative information service and the information services provided by House Information Resources (HIR).

Last year GPO completed acquisition of a new Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) software package that will provide the most flexibility and capability for meeting the requirements of congressional, Federal agency, and public information needs, in accordance with the intent of the GPO Electronic Information Access Enhancement Act of 1993 (P.L. 103-40). Use of SGML as a documents standard for legislative information products was also recommended by the House task force that prepared "An Information Systems Program Plan for the U.S. House of Representatives" in November 1995. In September 1995, a multi-agency pilot program was initiated for the purpose of standardizing electronic submissions in SGML for documents published in the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations.

Public acceptance and utilization of GPO Access have expanded dramatically in the past year. In March 1995, GPO was the recipient of the annual James Madison Award, sponsored by the Coalition on Government Information, for enhancing public access to Government information. In December 1995 we announced that the service would be provided at no charge. Utilization increased exponentially following the announcement, to approximately 7,000 document downloads per hour, the equivalent of nearly five million document downloads per month (these are measured as actual document downloads by GPO's Wide Area Information Server--WAIS--rather than simply as file or system transactions). During the Government-wide shutdown in November, GPO Access was the only Government information system providing daily online access to the Congressional Record, Federal Register, and other important information.

Other Online Improvements: In 1995 we inaugurated a GPO home page linking users electronically with a wide variety of GPO information services. These services now include the electronic posting of bid solicitations to enhance competitive opportunities for Government printing contracts among private sector printers. Along with electronic funds transfer and related measures, this feature is in keeping with other Government-wide electronic commerce initiatives. GPO's home page also links users with GPO Access via the World Wide Web, although GPO Access also remains available to users who do not have access to the Web via dialup and telnet capabilities, and through a network of electronic gateways established in cooperation with participating depository libraries nationwide.

These and other operational improvements, combined with GPO's ongoing downsizing, are transforming GPO into a smaller but more technologically proficient information service to meet the demands of Congress, Federal agencies, and the public.


Estimated Requirements and Workload: Our FY 1997 request for the Congressional Printing and Binding Appropriation of $83.8 million is the same as the level appropriated in the current fiscal year. Workforce downsizing, improved production efficiencies, and reductions in the number of copies distributed have reduced the cost of congressional printing. The Congressional Printing and Binding Appropriation has declined in each year since FY 1992, a reduction of 6.3 percent over the period. This reduction has been achieved despite the need to fund pay raises, substantial increases in the cost of paper, and other mandatory increases.

The major categories of work produced for Congress include the Congressional Record, committee hearings, bills, resolutions, amendments, committee prints and reports, documents, stationery, franks, and business and committee calendars. The volume of work required by Congress varies based on the legislative schedules of each session of Congress, as well as other factors which sometimes are unpredictable.

Based on historical analysis of workload data by session, we anticipate there will be a reduction in work for the Congressional Record, committee and business calendars, committee reports, documents, miscellaneous printing and binding, and details to Congress. Cost reductions in these categories of printing will offset projected cost increases for workload increases in other categories. We project an increase of about 23,000 pages of committee prints, 13,000 pages of bills, resolutions, and amendments, and 11,000 pages of hearings. We also project an increase of 6,000 pages for miscellaneous publications, which will include a revised printing of the U.S. Constitution and miscellaneous Presidential inaugural products.

Cost Savings Initiatives: In 1996 we plan to reduce the page rate for the Congressional Record to reflect productivity gains in production as well as the requirement for a reduced number of copies. The new rate will be $435 per page, as opposed to the old rate of $466, a reduction of 6.7 percent. In addition, we will offer a discount of $39 per page to encourage the submission of Record copy in electronic format, much as we do for the Federal Register. For those pages submitted electronically, there will be an overall page rate reduction of 15 percent from the old rate.

Currently, very little Record copy for House proceedings is submitted electronically to GPO, although we are fully prepared to accept it. Electronic submissions on the Senate side currently range from 30 to 40 percent of Record copy. The House began submitting proceedings in electronic format via fiber optic links with GPO in late November 1995. In early February 1996, staff of GPO's Congressional Printing Management Division met with staff of the Office of the Clerk of the House to discuss measures for increasing the transmission to GPO of electronic files of legislative data that are captured at the source in the House, as well as measures to expedite the printing process for a variety of products. The discussions were helpful and we look forward to working with the Office of the Clerk to improve printing services for the House and further reduce costs.

Other cost savings in congressional printing are being achieved as the result of congressional action. In its report on H.R. 1854, and in the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 1996, the House Appropriations Committee and Congress directed a number of cost saving measures aimed primarily at reducing the number of paper copies of various congressional publications distributed without charge.

The total distribution of copies of the Congressional Record in paper has been cut from 16,935 to 10,615, a reduction of 6,320 copies per issue, based primarily on the direction to eliminate the distribution of copies to public agencies and institutions designated by House Members. This will save about $1.5 million annually. A plan for reducing the number of copies of hearings provided to originating House committees from 300 to 150 is being developed in cooperation with the Joint Committee on Printing. Special binding for House committees has been limited to two copies per publication. Funding for free copies of congressional publications distributed by Congress without charge to recipients designated by law, with the exception of depository libraries, has been eliminated. Recipients affected include former Members, judges, the Library of Congress, and various Government agencies. The free distribution of soil surveys by Members of Congress has been eliminated. As directed by this Subcommittee, GPO is continuing to work with the staff of the Joint Committee on Printing to carry out these reductions in a reasonable manner, providing certain exemptions in order to meet legislative needs. We also plan to end the issuance of bulk shipments of Record copies to Congress. Instead, each copy will be labeled to facilitate accountability for all copies printed.

Additional cost savings will be achieved through a new arrangement for the printing of letterheads for Members of the House, under which the House will no longer furnish the stock for printing. GPO will furnish the stock and perform the printing when requested, reducing paper storage costs to the House.

Library of Congress Legislative Information Service Plan: Section 209 of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 1996 directed the Library of Congress to develop a plan for the creation of a single legislative information system to serve the entire Congress. GPO had limited opportunities to comment on the development of this plan and, at the Library's request, any GPO comments were at the staff level. We recently managed to obtain a copy of the final Library plan which was transmitted to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations, the House Committee on House Oversight, and the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration. We are currently reviewing the plan, and will transmit formal comments to the Library as well as these committees, including this Subcommittee.

We have serious concerns about the Library's plan for a single legislative information service to serve both Congress and the public, which apparently would be run under the direction of the Library. The GPO Access service was created by public law to provide public access to official legislative and other Government information. Many congressional offices now utilize it, it has a vast number of public users, and it has become a critical component of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP).

The transition plan we are submitting with this appropriation request for the conversion of the FDLP to a predominately electronic basis, in response to a statutory requirement in the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 1996, depends on the utilization and expansion of GPO Access. To the best of our knowledge, there was no consultation by the Library with the ongoing depository library study group, also created in response to a statutory requirement in P.L. 104-53, about the impact of its plan for a single legislative information service on the future of public access through the FDLP, nor does there appear to have been any consultation on this plan with the library community at large.

There is clearly a need for a discussion of the roles, responsibilities, and capabilities of the various legislative support agencies in providing legislative information services. However, the Library's plan presents only one option, and we have not been provided with enough information on the alternatives that were considered by the Library to know if this is the best option. These comments, as well as others, will be included in the formal comments on the Library's plan that we will transmit to Congress.


Estimated Requirements: Our FY 1997 request for the Salaries and Expenses Appropriation of the Superintendent of Documents is $30.8 million. This is an increase of $520,000, or 1.7 percent, over the funding approved for FY 1996, but a reduction of $780,000, or 2.5 percent, from the funding approved for FY 1995. The request includes increases of $500,000 for technology grants to depository libraries and an additional $20,000 in travel for promoting training and continuing education opportunities for the librarians. Both of these initiatives are part of the transition plan to convert the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) to predominately electronic information dissemination.

The Salaries and Expenses Appropriation funds the FDLP ($27.2 million, or 88 percent of the total Salaries and Expenses Appropriation request, is for this program), the Cataloging and Indexing Program ($2.6 million, or 8 percent), the International Exchange Program ($509,000, or 2 percent), and the By-Law Distribution Program ($482,000, or 2 percent).

FDLP Study: Section 210 of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 1996 required GPO to conduct a study to identify measures necessary for a successful transition to a more electronic FDLP. In response to the requirement for broad consultation on this matter, GPO formed a study group comprising representatives from GPO, the Joint Committee on Printing, the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, the House Oversight Committee, the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, the Office of Management and Budget, the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress, the National Archives and Records Administration, federal publishing agencies, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the depository library community, and others. The study will be completed in March 1996.

FDLP Electronic Transition Plan: During consideration of the Salaries and Expenses Appropriation for FY 1996, the House unambiguously indicated its preference for an electronic FDLP at an early date. Section 210 of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 1996 required GPO to include in our FY 1997 appropriations request a proposal for the conversion of this Program that would assure substantial progress toward maximum use of electronic information dissemination technologies by all entities of Government with respect to the FDLP and information dissemination generally. This plan is included in our appropriations request. It has been submitted to the study group and others for consideration and comment.

Transition Plan Summary: "The Electronic Federal Depository Library Program: Transition Plan, FY 1996-FY 1998" was developed under the assumption that the FDLP would be changed to a predominately electronic program by the end of FY 1998. The plan addresses significant changes for GPO as well as the nation's nearly 1,400 depository libraries.

Under the transition plan, the FDLP, which is managed by the Library Programs Service (LPS) of the Superintendent of Documents (SOD), would move rapidly to an electronic service environment in which official Government information would be accessible to the public directly or through depository libraries from Government on-line services directed to the libraries by SOD. Electronic information would be accessible at SOD sites, from other Government agencies, or from institutions acting as agents for the Government. Some information would be distributed as tangible electronic products, such as CD-ROMs or diskettes.

The electronic FDLP would augment the geographically-dispersed collections of books and microfiche with connections to Government on-line electronic services. The responsibility for ensuring extended public access would include both the libraries and the SOD. To provide extended access to online data, the SOD would assume such costs as data preparation for mounting, maintenance, storage, and ongoing costs to minimize deterioration and assure technological currency. The SOD would work with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to ensure that electronic information made available through the FDLP is included in GPO's records schedule for preservation.

The plan assumes that some FDLP expenses, especially those associated with acquiring and shipping physical printed products, would decline as the use of electronic technologies increases. The plan anticipates offsetting cost savings in such areas as postage and shipping costs, printing of depository copies, microfiche contracts, and space charges.

To effectively accomplish this transition by the end of FY 1998, technical implementation assistance would be required. A statement of work for contractor support in FY 1996 is included with the plan.

Impact on Appropriations: The transition to an electronic FDLP is planned to occur without major increases in appropriations. With the exception of additional funding for technology grants and travel, the plan would be funded by savings realized through the reduction in distribution of paper or microfiche versions. The redundant dissemination of content in different formats (e.g., paper and microfiche, or microfiche and electronic, or CD-ROM and on-line) would be eliminated due to the limited availability of funds. Once the transition to an electronic FDLP is complete, only "core" paper titles would represent potential duplicate distribution, as their content would also be available electronically.

Cost savings in the FDLP under the transition plan would support no-charge use of the GPO Access services for depository libraries and the general public. FDLP costs would shift from printing, microfiche conversion and reproduction, and shipping and handling, to other costs and work associated with administering an electronic information access activity.

The proposed technology grants included in our appropriations request would ensure reasonable public access and proximity to at least one electronically-capable library in every congressional district. The grants, at up to $25,000 each, would be used for public access work stations and Internet connections in depository libraries. This one-time financial assistance would enable the libraries to achieve a minimum level of capability to serve the public with on-line electronic Government information. In order to be eligible for the technology grant, the libraries would have to demonstrate a need and stipulate that no other funding source is available for that purpose.

The additional $20,000 requested for travel would provide hands-on training for librarians in the use of the GPO Access on-line services and facilitate training in other agency systems

Legislative Changes To Support the Transition: To effectively accomplish the transition and assure extended access to Government information through the FDLP, the plan proposes necessary amendments to chapter 19 of Title 44. The amendments cover the provision to the SOD of electronic source data files, the provision to the SOD of advance notice of publishing activities by agencies, the establishment of procedures between the SOD and publishing agencies for obtaining electronic copies of information published elsewhere than GPO, and the establishment of a requirement for agencies to pay for paper copies of publications distributed through the FDLP if they fail to provide electronic versions of the publications for dissemination. This particular draft language responds to a requirement in the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 1996 for such language. The amendments also include necessary definitions.

Comment and Reactions to the Transition Plan: Since the plan was completed in December 1995, it has been reviewed by various library associations, the Depository Library Advisory Council to the Public Printer, the participants in the ongoing depository library study, and, at the request of the Office of Management and Budget, by executive branch agencies. A number of concerns have been raised.

From the Government's perspective, rapidly achieving the level of cooperation between GPO and publishing agencies that would be necessary to implement the transition plan may be burdensome to the agencies. As agencies increasingly publish their information electronically, significantly greater economies could be realized if they provided GPO with their electronic source data files (for information which they do not disseminate electronically themselves), and if those files were in a limited number of standardized data formats. However, in view of the minimal extent of electronic document standardization throughout publishing agencies currently, reaching that level of standardization may take time. In order to move the transition forward, information provided to the SOD in a non-electronic format, or a non-standard electronic format, could be converted by GPO for electronic dissemination. However, the conversion of data, whether from print to electronic, or from a non-standard electronic source file, would be an expensive process.

From the perspective of the library community, the rapid transition to an electronic FDLP would pose a significant challenge. The 1995 Biennial Survey of depository libraries asked several questions about the electronic capabilities of the depositories. Although 80-90 percent report that they have personal computers, CD-ROM capability, and access to the Internet, the more detailed picture is different. The fastest growing application on the Internet is the World Wide Web, which requires a robust PC and a high-speed connection to use effectively. Yet no more than 38 percent of the depositories can offer the public use of even one 486-class PC with Web browser software and a full Internet connection. About 12 percent currently have no plans to acquire this capability for public use. These facts suggest that many depository libraries face significant upgrading of their capabilities before they would be able to serve the public effectively in a predominately electronic FDLP.

The library community has indicated other reservations concerning the details and pace of the transition. Among these are the ability of the public to effectively utilize electronic Government information, the financial and staffing impact on the nation's depository libraries, the ability of the publishing agencies to supply usable electronic source files or otherwise provide electronic access, the commitment of the Government to ensuring the extended availability and preservation of electronic information, and the rapid time frame of the transition. Given the traditional partnership GPO has shared with the library community in the operation of the FDLP, these concerns need to be addressed if the transition plan is to be successful.

Depository libraries and the library community have advised us that a transition period of five to seven years, rather than two, is a more realistic goal in terms of library capabilities and the readiness of the users of Government information. The same message is being received from Federal agency representatives who have been involved in the depository library study currently being conducted.

GPO wholly supports the concept of transforming the FDLP with electronic technologies to provide the public with greater access to Government information and to reduce costs. However, this objective cannot be achieved efficiently and effectively without the full participation and cooperation of all partners in the FDLP, including the publishing agencies, the library community, and GPO.

There are options to achieve the necessary level of cooperation and participation within the current structure of the plan, and within current budget constraints, provided that the time line for the transition is adjusted in recognition of the current state of preparedness for a predominately electronic FDLP. For example, instead of attempting to optically scan printed documents to create files for online access, which can be very expensive, GPO can take measures to utilize electronic source files that are presently provided by agencies with their printing requisitions. We can continue to distribute publications in microfiche (microfiche is extremely cost effective and in fact represents the format in which the vast majority of publications are currently distributed to the libraries), or paper when the electronic source is not available or is not in a format suitable for conversion for online use. At the same time, we will work with and encourage all agencies to provide electronic source files in standard formats suitable for online use. These are workable options that will move the FDLP affirmatively in the direction of a predominately electronic program over a relatively short term period without compromising the FDLP's capability to effectively serve the public, and without exceeding ongoing fiscal constraints.


GPO's revolving fund, established by section 309 of Title 44, is authorized on an annual basis. Appropriations are not requested for the fund, because the fund is designed to recover costs through offsetting collections for services provided. Revenue is received from Government agencies for printing procurement, printing production, publications distribution services performed for agencies, and from the public for the sale of Government publications.

FTE Level: The statutory FTE level contained in the revolving fund authorization is requested at 3,750. With a beginning FTE level of 3,800, an overall FTE utilization level of 3,750 for the year will require GPO to reduce by another 100 FTE's, to a year-end level of 3,700. In view of the significant personnel reductions GPO has made in recent years, continued downsizing must now be managed carefully in order not to deprive GPO of the flexibility necessary to process fluctuating workload levels, especially workload for Congress.

Proposed Rate Adjustment: The revolving fund has sustained losses since FY 1991 due primarily to the fact that GPO's printing rates have not been adjusted since late 1989/early 1990, an unparalleled length of time for no price adjustment. During that period mandatory expenses have increased, particularly personnel expenses, which have risen by 21 percent since 1989. Section 309 requires that the revolving fund be reimbursed for the full cost of services. This requirement has not been effectively implemented under the existing rate mechanism.

Accordingly, I recently proposed an increase in GPO's printing rates of 9.67 percent. The adjustment would apply to the hourly rates for products and services produced in GPO's printing plant only. While the adjustment would affect congressional printing, it has already been built into the appropriation estimate provided to this Subcommittee. Moreover, the adjustment would not affect products produced on a page-rate basis, including the Congressional Record; the proposed decrease in the Record page rate will be implemented as described earlier.

The revenues derived from the rate adjustment will be used to cover the cost of providing production services in GPO's plant plus other costs allocated to the plant, including supplies and materials, utilities, and indirect supervisory and administrative support. This measure is necessary for the responsible administration of GPO's finances under section 309. I have communicated this proposal to the Joint Committee on Printing where it is under consideration.


As required by the conference report on the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 1996, GPO is initiating an energy conservation program to reduce facility energy costs. We have already achieved substantial energy cost savings through recent consolidations of space. Recent and planned closings of regional printing plants will also achieve energy cost savings. The greatest energy costs for GPO are electricity and steam heat. Our energy saving initiative includes turning off transformers and air conditioning units on weekends and utilizing high efficiency light fixtures. Additionally, we will reevaluate the ambient temperatures of our facility and make appropriate adjustments. Since compliance with the Clean Air Act and the use of dryers on presses will tend to increase our consumption of natural gas, we are looking at measures to achieve savings on natural gas purchases. These and related measures will enable GPO to maintain energy costs at a relatively stable level to offset the cost impact of escalating utility rate increases (for example, PEPCO increased Government rates 3.8 percent in July 1995).


As further required by the House report on the Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill for FY 1996, GPO has conducted a cost feasibility study of outsourcing security and custodial care at GPO facilities. The study indicated that savings can be achieved through outsourcing custodial care. We are currently reviewing the options for achieving these savings that can be implemented without incurring the costs of a reduction-in-force procedure, which would have a disruptive impact on GPO's workforce.

The study of security services compared the cost of providing GPO-provided police protection with the cost of police protection contracted through the General Services Administration (GSA). A small savings resulted. The study has been expanded to conduct a comparison of GPO-provided police protection with commercial building security, rather than full police protection.

The final plan for the future of GPO's custodial and security services will be submitted to the Appropriations Committees as required and for the review of the Joint Committee on Printing prior to implementation.

* * *

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee, this completes my prepared statement. I would be pleased to answer any questions you may have.


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Page #public-affairs/ppfy97.html March 11, 1998