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As bad as Twitter is for my productivity, Pandora (tuned to classic Jazz) is my productivity fuel. And Caffeine.
Never expected to become a web designer. Weird. Just picked up a Big Band as a client.
Client who is a relative. It is the suck. Never again.
Taking Mini-me to the pediatrician. Bye.
@mmcallen: That is a perfectly valid and doable usage of RSS on WP. Goferit!
@LDpodcast: Baked goods= over the top. Lemonade is a better choice.
I'm trying out Skribit over at . Have you had good experiences with Skribit, Tweeters?
I have lost 17.5 pounds in the last 3 weeks. Woot!
Has anyone figured out any way to get Jott to talk to
Has anyone figure out anyway to get Jott to talk to
The horrible truth about Twitter: It's Made of People!
@jeffcaylor: Ooh, is it the one by Francois Truffaut? I really liked that in college.
@Grum : You and me both :P
is there a way to create an rss feed for the DMs you receive?
@guidos : I did! You need to email the owner for an invitation code, but there's a link on the site for that.
At Chris Brogan's suggestion, I am trying 's social web press release system. Check it out!
Are you familiar with the Kimkins controversy? New interview with former employee:
Holy crap! CC Chapman was just on the Fox 10:00 news!
Just celebrated 11th anniversary with wife at fancy place with meh food. Salad bar was great, though!


Paul Terry Walhus Jason Calacanis Sooz i heart quotes Chris Brogan julien Bob Goyetche Whitney Hoffman Justin Kownacki Bill Palmer Dave LaMorte Michael Bailey Beth Kanter Heidi Miller Jay Moonah Becky McCray Doug Haslam Meg Jim Long Mark Blevis that grum guy! giovanni Status Updates the Domestic Diva John Hood Connie Reece Julia Roy Michael Berkowitz Jeff Keni Pulver David Dodell Christopher Penn Bryan Person Eric Skiff Karen Cardoza Mike McAllen Cliff Ravenscraft
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