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June 16, 2000
United States Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii) announced that Congress has approved legislation (S. 2722) to award the Medal of Honor to James K. Okubo, Ed W. Freeman and Andrew J. Smith. The legislation culminates Senator Akaka's efforts to recognize James K. Okubo for his acts of gallantry during World War II.

Senator Akaka, in cooperation with the 442nd Veterans Club of Hawaii, requested reconsideration of Technician Fifth Grade (T-5) James K. Okubo's case under a special provision of law (Section 1130, 10 U.S.C.) that allows Members of Congress to require the military to review a proposal for an award regardless whether the deadline for considering such award has passed. The Senior Army Decorations Board reviewed the case and submitted it to Secretary of the Army Louis Caldera recommending an upgrade to the Medal of Honor. Secretary Caldera approved the recommendation. Congressional action was necessary to waive the time restrictions on award of the Medal of Honor that apply to Okubo's case. Akaka was successful in including legislation waiving the restriction in two previous Senate measures, and recently introduced freestanding legislation (S. 2722) to accelerate consideration of the waiver in the House. The Secretary of Defense and the President must now approve the award.

Okubo, a medic who served as a member of the Medical Detachment of the 442nd, was awarded the Silver Star, the third highest award for valor in combat, for heroism displayed over several days in rescuing and delivering aid to fellow soldiers during the 442nd's famous relief of the Texas "Lost Battalion." He was originally recommended to receive the Medal of Honor by his commanding officers in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, but the medal was downgraded to the Silver Star. The explanation given for the downgrade: as a medic, he was not eligible for any award higher than the Silver Star.

"James Okubo's heroism on the battlefield is an inspiration to all who believe in duty, honor, and service to one's country," Akaka said. "He takes his rightful place among America's great war heroes."

"It is my aim that Dr. Okubo be honored with the fellow members of his unit next week at the White House. Toward this goal, I am grateful for the cooperation and support I have received in expediting action on this legislation. My colleagues and the President have been very supportive and helpful in this process, and I hope the Okubo family will be able to participate in this auspicious event with the other families of members from the 100th Battalion, 442nd Regimental Combat Team."

Okubo, a native of Alturas, California, and a dentist by profession, died in 1967 in a car accident. He is survived by his wife Nobuyo Okubo, of Walled Lake, Michigan, and three children. Okubo's case was brought to Senator Akaka's attention by the 442nd Veterans Club and was based on original research by a special committee of the Oahu AJA Veterans Council.

The Okubo case is separate from the recently completed Army review of the war records of Asian Pacific Americans veterans to determine if men who received the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC), the nation's second highest award, during World War II, should be upgraded to the Medal of Honor. The review, which was required under legislation Akaka included in the FY96 Defense Authorization Bill, resulted in the Army's nomination, and President Clinton approval, of 21 Asian Pacific American veterans to receive the Medal of Honor.

The Medal of Honor awards to Edward W. Freeman, an Army Captain in Vietnam, and Andrew J. Smith, a corporal in the Civil War, were requested by other Members of Congress and included in the Akaka bill to hasten Congressional action on their awards. Their honors will not be presented as part of the ceremony honoring Asian Pacific American veterans at the White House next Wednesday.

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June 2000

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