[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 50, Volume 2]
[Revised as of October 1, 2006]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 50CFR17.42]

[Page 125-131]
                    TITLE 50--WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES
                          INTERIOR (CONTINUED)
                      Subpart D_Threatened Wildlife
Sec.  17.42  Special rules--reptiles.

    (a) American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)--(1) 
Definitions. For purpose of this paragraph (a): ``American alligator'' 
shall mean any member of the species Alligator mississippiensis, whether 
alive or dead, and any part, product, egg, or offspring thereof found in 
captivity or the wild.
    (2) Taking. No person may take any American alligator, except:
    (i) Any employee or agent of the Service, any other Federal land 
management agency, or a State conservation agency, who is designated by 
the agency for such purposes, may, when acting in the course of official 
duties, take an American alligator.
    (ii) Any person may take an American alligator in the wild, or one 
which was born in captivity or lawfully placed in captivity, and may 
deliver, receive, carry, transport, ship, sell, offer to sell, purchase, 
or offer to purchase such alligator in interstate or foreign commerce, 
by any means whatsoever and in the course of a commercial activity in 
accordance with the laws and regulations of the State of taking subject 
to the following conditions:
    (A) Any hide of such alligator may be sold or otherwise transferred 
only in compliance with paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(C) of this section;
    (B) Any hide, meat or other part may be sold or otherwise 
transferred only in accordance with the laws and regulations of the 
State in which the taking occurs and the State in which the sale or 
transfer occurs;
    (C) The State of taking requires hides to be tagged by State 
officials, or under State supervision, with a Service approved tag, a 
sample of which must be on file in the Federal Wildlife Permit Office 
(FWPO), that:
    (1) Is made of permanent material,
    (2) Shows State of origin, year of take, species, and is serially 
unique, and
    (3) Cannot be opened and reused once attached to the hide.
    (iii) Import/Export. Any person may import or export hides, 
manufactured products, meat or other parts in accordance with part 23 of 
this chapter.
    (iv) Recordkeeping
    (A) Any person not holding an import/export license issued by the 
Service under Sec.  14.91 and who imports, exports, or obtains permits 
under part 23 for the import or export of American alligator shall keep 
such records as are otherwise required to be maintained by all import/
export licensees under Sec.  14.93(d). Such records shall be maintained 
as in the normal course of business, reproducible in the English 
language, and retained available for Service inspection for 5 years from 
the date of each transaction.
    (B) Subject to applicable limitations of law, duly authorized 
Service officers at all reasonable time shall, upon notice, be afforded 
access to examine such records required to be kept under

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paragraph (a)(2)(iv)(A)(1) of this section, and an opportunity to copy 
such records.
    (b) Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), loggerhead sea turtle 
(Caretta caretta), olive ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) 
(these do not include the populations listed as endangered in Sec.  
    (1) Prohibitions. Subject to the permits allowable under the 
following paragraph (b)(2) of this section, all of the provisions set 
forth in Sec.  17.31 (which incorporate portions of Sec.  17.21) shall 
apply to this wildlife with the following exceptions:
    (i) Section 17.21(c)(2) (self-defense) is not applicable.
    (ii) In Sec.  17.21(c)(3)(i), the word ``orphaned'' is replaced by 
the word ``stranded.''
    (iii) Delete Sec.  17.21(c)(3)(iv) (Wildlife threatening human 
    (iv) [Reserved]
    (v) The prohibition against taking shall not apply to incidental 
catches, as specified in 50 CFR 227.72(e).
    (vi) The prohibition against taking within the United States or the 
territorial sea of the United States shall not apply to subsistence 
taking, as specified in 50 CFR 227.72(f).
    (2) Permits. (i) For those activities which come under the 
jurisdiction of the Service, only permits for scientific purposes, 
enhancement of propagation or survival, zoological exhibition or 
educational purposes, are available under Sec.  17.32. Procedures for 
issuance of permits are found in Sec.  17.32 and, for those activities 
which come under the jurisdiction of the National Marine Fisheries 
Service, subpart E of part 220. All the provisions of Sec.  17.32 apply 
to permits issued by the Service.
    (c) Threatened crocodilians. This paragraph applies to the following 
species: Saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) originating in 
Australia (also referred to as Australian saltwater crocodile) and Nile 
crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) populations listed in Appendix II of 
the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild 
Fauna and Flora (CITES or Convention).
    (1) Definitions of terms for purposes of this paragraph (c)--(i) 
Crocodilian skins means whole or partial skins, flanks, and bellies 
(whether salted, crusted, tanned, partially tanned, or otherwise 
    (ii) Crocodilian parts means meat and body parts with or without 
skin attached (including tails, throats, feet, and backstrips and other 
parts), except skulls.
    (iii) Country of re-export means those intermediary countries that 
import and re-export crocodilian skins, parts, and/or products, except 
that those countries through which crocodilian skins, parts, and/or 
products are transhipped while remaining under Customs control will not 
be considered to be a country of re-export.
    (iv) Tagging resolution shall mean the CITES resolution entitled 
``Universal Tagging System for the Identification of Crocodilian Skins'' 
and numbered Conf. 9.22 and any subsequent revisions.
    (2) Prohibitions. All provisions of Sec.  17.31 (a) and (b) and 
Sec.  17.32 apply to Nile crocodile populations listed in Appendix I of 
CITES. The following prohibitions apply to saltwater crocodiles 
(Crocodylus porosus) originating in Australia and to all Nile crocodile 
(Crocodylus niloticus) populations in Appendix II of CITES:
    (i) Import, export, and re-export. Except as provided in paragraph 
(c)(3) of this section, it is unlawful to import, export, re-export, or 
present for export or re-export any Nile crocodile (Crocodylus 
niloticus) or Australian saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) or 
their skins, other parts or products, without valid permits required 
under 50 CFR parts 17 and 23.
    (ii) Commercial activity. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(3) of 
this section, it is unlawful, in the course of a commercial activity, to 
sell or offer for sale, deliver, receive, carry, transport, or ship in 
interstate or foreign commerce any Nile or saltwater crocodile, 
crocodilian skins, or other parts or products.
    (iii) It is unlawful for any person subject to the jurisdiction of 
the United States to commit, attempt to commit, solicit to commit, or 
cause to be committed any acts described in paragraphs (c)(2)(i)-(iii) 
of this section.
    (3) Exceptions. The import, export, or re-export of, or interstate 
or foreign

[[Page 127]]

commerce in live crocodiles, crocodilian skins, meat, skulls, and other 
parts or products may be allowed without a threatened species permit 
issued pursuant to 50 CFR 17.32 when the provisions in 50 CFR parts 13, 
14, and 23, and the applicable paragraphs set out below have been met.
    (i) Import, export, or re-export of crocodilian skins and parts. The 
import, export, or re-export into/from the United States of crocodilian 
skins and parts of Nile crocodiles listed in Appendix II of the 
Convention, and of saltwater crocodiles originating in Australia must 
meet the following conditions:
    (A) All crocodilian parts must be in a transparent, sealed 
container, and each container imported into or presented for export or 
re-export from the United States after July 24, 1997,
    (1) Must have a parts tag attached in such a way that opening of the 
container will preclude reuse of an undamaged tag,
    (2) This parts tag must contain a description of the contents and 
total weight of the container, and
    (3) This parts tag must reference the number of the CITES permit 
issued to allow the export or re-export of the container;
    (B) Each crocodilian skin and each belly skin piece wider than 35 
cm. imported into or presented for export or re-export from the United 
States after July 24, 1996, must bear: either an intact, uncut tag from 
the country of origin meeting all the requirements of the CITES tagging 
resolution, or an intact, uncut tag from the country of re-export where 
the original tags have been lost or removed from raw, tanned, and/or 
finished skins. The replacement tags must meet all the requirements of 
the CITES tagging resolution, except showing the country of re-export in 
place of the country of origin, provided those re-exporting countries 
have implemented an administrative system for the effective matching of 
imports and re-exports consistent with the tagging resolution. Clearance 
of any shipment with more than 25 percent replacement tags requires 
prior consultation with the U.S. Office of Management Authority by the 
re-exporting country to determine whether the requirements of the 
tagging resolution have been observed;
    (C) The same information that is on the tags must be given on the 
export permit for all skins or re-export certificate for whole skins and 
belly skin pieces wider than 35 cm or on a separate sheet, which will be 
considered an integral part of the document, carry the same permit or 
certificate number, and be validated by the government authority 
designated by the CITES-document issuing authority;
    (D) The Convention permit or certificate must contain the following 
    (1) The country of origin, its export permit number, and date of 
    (2) If re-export, the country of re-export, its certificate number, 
and date of issuance; and
    (3) If applicable, the country of last re-export, its certificate 
number, and date of issuance;
    (E) The country of origin and any intermediary country(s) must be 
effectively implementing the tagging resolution for this exception to 
apply. If the Service receives substantial evidence from the CITES 
Secretariat or other reliable sources that the tagging resolution is not 
being effectively implemented by a specific country, the Service will 
prohibit or restrict imports from such country(s) as appropriate for the 
conservation of the species.
    (F) At the time of import, for each shipment covered by this 
exception, the country of origin and each country of re-export involved 
in the trade of a particular shipment is not subject to a Schedule III 
Notice of Information pertaining to all wildlife or any members of the 
Order Crocodylia that may prohibit or restrict imports. A listing of all 
countries that are subject to such a Schedule III Notice of Information 
will be available by writing: The Office of Management Authority, ARLSQ 
Room 430, 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 
Arlington, Virginia, 22203.
    (ii) Import, export or re-export of crocodilian products. Import, 
export, or re-export into or from the United States

[[Page 128]]

of crocodilian products of Nile crocodiles listed in Appendix II of the 
Convention, and saltwater crocodiles originating in Australia will be 
allowed without permits required by 50 CFR part 17 provided the 
following conditions are met:
    (A) The Convention permit or certificate must contain the following 
    (1) The country of origin, its export permit number, and date of 
    (2) If re-export, the country of re-export, its certificate number, 
and date of issuance; and
    (3) If applicable, the country of previous re-export, its 
certificate number, and date of issuance;
    (B) The country of origin and any intermediary country(s) must be 
effectively implementing the tagging resolution for this exception to 
apply. If the Service receives substantial evidence from the CITES 
Secretariat or other reliable sources that the tagging resolution is not 
being effectively implemented by a specific country, the Service will 
prohibit or restrict imports from such countries as appropriate for the 
conservation of the species.
    (C) At the time of import, for each shipment covered by this 
exception, the country of origin and each country of re-export involved 
in the trade of a particular shipment is not subject to a Schedule III 
Notice of Information pertaining to all wildlife or any member of the 
Order Crocodylia that may prohibit or restrict imports. A listing of all 
countries that are subject to such a Schedule III Notice of Information 
will be available by writing: The Office of Management Authority, ARLSQ 
Room 430, 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 
Arlington, Virginia, 22203.
    (iii) Shipments of eggs, skulls, meat, scientific specimens and live 
specimens. The import/re-export into/from the United States of eggs, 
skulls, meat, scientific specimens and live specimens of Nile crocodile 
populations listed in Appendix II of CITES or Australian saltwater 
crocodile will be allowed without permits otherwise required by 50 CFR 
part 17, provided the requirements of part 23 are met.
    (iv) Noncommercial accompanying baggage. The conditions of 
paragraphs (c)(3)(i) and (ii) for skins tagged in accordance with the 
tagging resolution, skulls, meat, other parts, and products made of 
specimens of Nile crocodile populations on CITES Appendix II or of 
Australian saltwater crocodile do not apply to noncommercial 
accompanying personal baggage or household effects.
    (v) Personal sport-hunted trophies. The import of personal sport-
hunted trophies, including skulls, of Nile crocodile or saltwater 
crocodile from Appendix II populations will be allowed from country of 
origin and intermediary countries into the United States without permits 
required by 50 CFR part 17, provided that unmounted skins bear an 
intact, uncut tag from the country of origin or such a tag accompanies 
mounted specimens in accordance with the tagging resolution.
    (4) Notice of Information. Except in rare cases involving 
extenuating circumstances that do not adversely affect the conservation 
of the species, the Service will issue a Schedule III Notice of 
Information banning or restricting trade in specimens of crocodilians 
addressed in this paragraph (c) if any of the following criteria are 
    (i) The country is listed in a Notification to the Parties by the 
CITES Secretariat as lacking designated Management and Scientific 
Authorities that issue CITES documents or their equivalent.
    (ii) The country is identified in any action adopted by the Parties 
to the Convention, the Convention's Standing Committee, or in a 
Notification issued by the CITES Secretariat, whereby Parties are asked 
to not accept shipments of specimens of CITES-listed Species from the 
country in question.
    (iii) The Service determines, based on information from the CITES 
Secretariat or other reliable sources that the country is not 
effectively implementing the tagging resolution.
    (d) Blue-tailed mole skink (Eumeces egregius lividus) and sand skink 
(Neoseps reynoldsi). (1) No person shall take these species, except in 
accordance with applicable State fish and wildlife conservation laws and 
regulations for

[[Page 129]]

educational purposes, scientific purposes, the enhancement or survival 
of the species, zoological exhibition, and other conservation purposes 
consistent with the Act.
    (2) Any violation of applicable State fish and wildlife conservation 
laws or regulations with respect to taking of these species is also a 
violation of the Endangered Species Act.
    (3) No person shall possess, sell, deliver, carry, transport, ship, 
import, or export, by any means whatever, any such species taken in 
violation of applicable State fish and wildlife conservation laws or 
    (4) It is unlawful for any person to attempt to commit, solicit 
another to commit, or cause to be committed, any offense defined in 
paragraph (c) (1) through (3) of this section.
    (5) Taking of these species for purposes other than those described 
in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, including taking incidental to 
carrying out otherwise lawful activities, is prohibited except when 
permitted under Sec. Sec.  17.23 and 17.32.
    (e) Desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii)--(1) Definition. For the 
purposes of this paragraph (e) ``desert tortoise'' shall mean any member 
of the species Gopherus agassizii, whether alive or dead, and any part, 
product, egg, or offspring thereof, found outside of Arizona (south and 
east of the Colorado River) and Mexico, regardless of natal origin or 
place of removal from the wild.
    (2) Applicable provisions. The provisions of Sec.  17.31-17.32 shall 
apply to any desert tortoise subject to this paragraph (e).
    (f) Bog turtle (Clemmys muhlenbergii), southern population--(1) 
Definitions of terms. For the purposes of this paragraph (f): Bog turtle 
of the southern population means any member of the species Clemmys 
muhlenbergii, within Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee 
and Virginia, regardless of whether in the wild or captivity, and also 
applies to the progeny of any such turtle.
    (2) Prohibitions. Except as provided in paragraph (f)(3) of this 
section, the provisions of Sec. 17.31 (a) and (b) of this part applies 
to bog turtles of the southern population (see also 50 CFR part 23).
    (3) Take. Incidental take, that is, take that results from, but is 
not the purpose of, carrying out an otherwise lawful activity, does not 
apply to bog turtles of the southern population.
    (g) Threatened caiman. This paragraph applies to the following 
species: Yacare caiman (Caiman yacare), the common caiman (Caiman 
crocodilus crocodilus), and the brown caiman (Caiman crocodilus fuscus 
including Caiman crocodilus chiapasius). These taxa will be collectively 
referred to as ``caiman.''
    (1) What are the definitions of terms used in this paragraph (g)? 
(i) Caiman skins means whole or partial skins, flanks, chalecos, and 
bellies (whether these are salted, crusted, tanned, partially tanned, or 
otherwise processed).
    (ii) Caiman parts means body parts with or without skin attached 
(including tails, throats, feet, and other parts, but excluding meat and 
skulls) and small cut skins pieces.
    (iii) Caiman product means any processed or manufactured product 
items (including curios and souvenirs) that are ready for retail sale, 
and composed, totally or in part, of yacare caiman, brown caiman, or 
common caiman.
    (iv) Country of re-export means those intermediary countries that 
import and re-export caiman skins, parts, and/or products. However, we 
will not consider intermediary countries those through which caiman 
skins, parts, and/or products are shipped while remaining under Customs 
    (v) Universal Tagging System Resolution means the CITES (Convention 
on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) 
resolution entitled ``Universal Tagging System for the Identification of 
Crocodilian Skins'' and numbered Conf. 9.22, and any subsequent 
    (2) What activities involving yacare caiman (Caiman yacare), the 
common caiman (Caiman crocodilus crocodilus), and the brown caiman 
(Caiman crocodilus fuscus) are prohibited by this rule? (i) Import, 
export, and re-export. Except for the activities described in paragraph 
(g)(3) of this section, it is unlawful to import, export, re-export, or 
present for export or re-export without valid

[[Page 130]]

permits (as required under 50 CFR parts 17 and 23) any caiman or their 
skins, other parts or products.
    (ii) Commercial activity. Except as described in paragraph (g)(3) of 
this section, it is unlawful to sell or offer for sale, deliver, 
receive, carry, transport, or ship in interstate or foreign commerce any 
caiman or their skins, other parts, or products.
    (iii) It is unlawful for any person subject to the jurisdiction of 
the United States to commit, attempt to commit, solicit to commit, or 
cause to be committed any acts described in paragraphs (g)(2)(i) and 
(ii) of this section.
    (3) What activities involving yacare caiman (Caiman yacare), the 
common caiman (Caiman crocodilus crocodilus), and the brown caiman 
(Caiman crocodilus fuscus) are allowed by this rule? The import/export/
re-export of, or the interstate/foreign commerce in caiman skins, other 
parts, or products may be allowed without a threatened species permit 
(issued according to 50 CFR 17.32) only when the provisions in 50 CFR 
parts 13, 14, and 23, and the requirements of the applicable paragraphs 
below have been met.
    (i) Import, export, or re-export. The import, export, or re-export 
into/from the United States of caiman skins, parts, or products may be 
allowed provided the following conditions are met:
    (A) Each caiman skin imported into or exported or re-exported from 
the United States after the effective date of the final rule must bear 
    (1) An intact, uncut tag from the country of origin meeting all the 
requirements of the CITES Universal Tagging System Resolution, or
    (2) An intact, uncut replacement tag from the country of re-export 
where the original tags were lost or removed from raw, tanned, and/or 
processed skins. These replacement tags must meet all the requirements 
of the CITES Universal Tagging System Resolution, except showing the 
country of re-export instead of the country of origin, provided those 
re-exporting countries have implemented an administrative system for the 
effective matching of imports and re-exports consistent with the CITES 
Universal Tagging System Resolution. If a shipment contains more than 25 
percent replacement tags, the Management Authority of the re-exporting 
country must consult with the U.S. Office of Management Authority before 
clearance of the shipment. Such shipments may be seized if we determine 
that the requirements of the CITES Universal Tagging System Resolution 
have not been met.
    (B) In accordance with the CITES Universal Tagging System 
Resolution, all caiman parts must be placed in a transparent, sealed 
container. Each container imported, exported, or re-exported into/from 
the United States after the effective date of the rule:
    (1) Must have a parts tag attached in such a way that opening of the 
container will prevent later reuse of such tag; and
    (2) The parts tag must contain a description of the contents plus 
total weight of the container and its contents.
    (C) The information on the export permit or re-export certificate 
must be the same as that on the skin and part tags, carry the same 
permit or certificate number, and be validated by the government 
authority designated as the CITES document-issuing authority.
    (D) The CITES permit or certificate accompanying shipments of caiman 
skins, parts, or products must contain the following information:
    (1) The country of origin, its export permit number, and date of 
    (2) If re-export, the country of re-export, its certificate number, 
and date of issuance; and
    (3) If applicable, the country of previous re-export, its 
certificate number, and date of issuance.
    (E) The country of origin and any intermediary country(s) must be 
effectively implementing the CITES Universal Tagging System Resolution. 
If we receive persuasive information from the CITES Secretariat or other 
reliable sources that a specific country is not effectively implementing 
the CITES Universal Tagging System Resolution, we will prohibit or 
restrict imports from such country(s) as appropriate for the 
conservation of the species.
    (F) At the time of import, for each shipment covered by this 
exception, the country of origin and each country of re-export involved 
in the trade of a

[[Page 131]]

particular shipment must not be subject to a Schedule III Notice of 
Information (see paragraph (g)(4) of this section) prohibiting or 
restricting imports of all wildlife or any members of the Order 
Crocodylia. A listing of all countries subject to such a Schedule III 
Notice of Information is available by writing to: Office of Management 
Authority, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Mail Stop ARLSQ-700, 
Washington, DC 20240, or via e-mail at r9oma@fws.gov.
    (ii) Shipment of skulls, processed meat, and scientific specimens. 
The import, export, and re-export into/from the United States of skulls, 
processed meat, and scientific specimens of caiman is allowed without 
permits otherwise required by 50 CFR part 17, provided the requirements 
of part 23 are met.
    (iii) Noncommercial accompanying baggage. The conditions described 
in paragraphs (g)(3)(i) and (ii) for skins, skulls, meat, other parts, 
and products made of specimens of caiman do not apply to non-commercial 
personal effects in accompanying baggage or household effects.
    (iv) Eggs and live specimens. This special rule does not apply to 
live specimens or eggs of caiman. Import of such specimens requires an 
import permit as described in 50 CFR 17.32.
    (4) When and how will we inform you of additional restrictions in 
trade of yacare caiman (Caiman yacare), the common caiman (Caiman 
crocodilus crocodilus), and the brown caiman (Caiman crocodilus fuscus)? 
Except in rare cases involving extenuating circumstances that do not 
adversely affect the conservation of the species, the Service will issue 
a Notice of Information announcing additional CITES restrictions in 
trade in specimens of caiman dealt with in this paragraph (g) if any of 
the following criteria are met:
    (i) The country is listed in a Notification to the Parties by the 
CITES Secretariat as not having designated Management and Scientific 
Authorities that issue CITES documents or their equivalent.
    (ii) The country is identified in any action adopted by the 
Conference of the Parties to the Convention, the Convention's Standing 
Committee, or in a Notification issued by the CITES Secretariat, whereby 
Parties are asked not to accept shipments of specimens of any CITES-
listed species from the country in question or of any crocodilian 
species listed in the CITES appendices.
    (iii) We determine, based on information from the CITES Secretariat 
or other reliable sources, that the country is not effectively 
implementing the CITES Universal Tagging System Resolution.
    (5) What are the approved information collection requirements in 
this rule? The Office of Management and Budget approved the information 
collection requirements contained in this special rule under the 
Paperwork Reduction Act and assigned clearance number 1018-0093 as part 
of the permit requirements contained in Part 23 of Title 50. We may not 
conduct or sponsor, and you are not required to respond to, a collection 
of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. 
The collection of information under this rule is done to provide 
information necessary to evaluate permit applications. We will use this 
information to review permit applications and make decisions, according 
to criteria established in various Federal wildlife conservation 
statutes and regulations, on the issuance, suspension, revocation, or 
denial of permits. You must respond to obtain or retain a permit. We 
estimate the public reporting burden for these reporting requirements to 
vary from 20 minutes to 2 hours per response, with an average of 1 hour 
per response, including time for reviewing instructions, gathering and 
maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the forms.

[42 FR 2076, Jan. 10, 1977, as amended at 43 FR 32809, July 28, 1978; 44 
FR 59084, Oct. 12, 1979; 45 FR 17589, Mar. 19, 1980; 45 FR 78154, Nov. 
25, 1980; 48 FR 46336, Oct. 12, 1983; 50 FR 25678, June 20, 1985; 50 FR 
45409, Oct. 31, 1985; 52 FR 21063, June 4, 1987; 52 FR 42662, Nov. 6, 
1987; 55 FR 12191, Apr. 2, 1990; 61 FR 32366, June 24, 1996; 62 FR 
59622, Nov. 4, 1997; 65 FR 25879, May 4, 2000]