[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 50, Volume 2]
[Revised as of October 1, 2006]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 50CFR17.11]

[Page 10-59]
                    TITLE 50--WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES
                          INTERIOR (CONTINUED)
                             Subpart B_Lists
Sec.  17.11  Endangered and threatened wildlife.

    (a) The list in this section contains the names of all species of 
wildlife which have been determined by the Services to be Endangered or 
Threatened. It also contains the names of species of wildlife treated as 

[[Page 11]]

or Threatened because they are sufficiently similar in appearance to 
Endangered or Threatened species (see Sec.  17.50 et seq.).
    (b) The columns entitled ``Common Name,'' ``Scientific Name,'' and 
``Vertebrate Population Where Endangered or Threatened'' define the 
species of wildlife within the meaning of the Act. Thus, differently 
classified geographic populations of the same vertebrate subspecies or 
species shall be identified by their differing geographic boundaries, 
even though the other two columns are identical. The term ``Entire'' 
means that all populations throughout the present range of a vertebrate 
species are listed. Although common names are included, they cannot be 
relied upon for identification of any specimen, since they may vary 
greatly in local usage. The Services shall use the most recently 
accepted scientific name. In cases in which confusion might arise, a 
synonym(s) will be provided in parentheses. The Services shall rely to 
the extent practicable on the International Code of Zoological 
    (c) In the ``Status'' column the following symbols are used: ``E'' 
for Endangered, ``T'' for Threatened, and ``E [or T] (S/A)'' for 
similarity of appearance species.
    (d) The other data in the list are nonregulatory in nature and are 
provided for the information of the reader. In the annual revision and 
compilation of this title, the following information may be amended 
without public notice: the spelling of species' names, historical range, 
footnotes, references to certain other applicable portions of this 
title, synonyms, and more current names. In any of these revised 
entries, neither the species, as defined in paragraph (b) of this 
section, nor its status may be changed without following the procedures 
of part 424 of this title.
    (e) The ``historic range'' indicates the known general distribution 
of the species or subspecies as reported in the current scientific 
literature. The present distribution may be greatly reduced from this 
historic range. This column does not imply any limitation on the 
application of the prohibitions in the Act or implementing rules. Such 
prohibitions apply to all individuals of the species, wherever found.
    (f)(1) A footnote to the Federal Register publication(s) listing or 
reclassifying a species is indicated under the column ``When listed.'' 
Footnote numbers to Sec. Sec.  17.11 and 17.12 are in the same numerical 
sequence, since plants and animals may be listed in the same Federal 
Register document. That document, at least since 1973, includes a 
statement indicating the basis for the listing, as well as the effective 
date(s) of said listing.
    (2) The ``Special rules'' and ``Critical habitat'' columns provide a 
cross reference to other sections in parts 17, 222, 226, or 227. The 
``Special rules'' column will also be used to cite the special rules 
that describe experimental populations and determine if they are 
essential or nonessential. Separate listing will be made for 
experimental populations, and the status column will include the 
following symbols: ``XE'' for an essential experimental population and 
``XN'' for a nonessential experimental population. The term ``NA'' (not 
applicable) appearing in either of these two columns indicates that 
there are no special rules and/or critical habitat for that particular 
species. However, all other appropriate rules in parts 17, 217 through 
227, and 402 still apply to that species. In addition, there may be 
other rules in this title that relate to such wildlife, e.g., port-of-
entry requirements. It is not intended that the references in the 
``Special rules'' column list all the regulations of the two Services 
which might apply to the species or to the regulations of other Federal 
agencies or State or local governments.
    (g) The listing of a particular taxon includes all lower taxonomic 
units. For example, the genus Hylobates (gibbons) is listed as 
Endangered throughout its entire range (China, India, and SE Asia); 
consequently, all species, subspecies, and populations of that genus are 
considered listed as Endangered for the purposes of the Act. In 1978 (43 
FR 6230-6233) the species Haliaeetus leucocephalus (bald eagle) was 
listed as Threatened in ``USA (WA, OR, MN, WI, MI)'' rather than its 
entire population; thus, all individuals of the bald eagle

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found in those five States are considered listed as Threatened for the 
purposes of the Act.
    (h) The ``List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife'' is provided 

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                           Species                                                       Vertebrate population
--------------------------------------------------------------      Historic Range        where endangered or     Status    When     Critical   Special
             Common name                  Scientific name                                      threatened                  listed    habitat     rules
Addax...............................  Addax nasomaculatus....  North Africa...........  Entire.................        E                   NA         NA
Anoa, lowland.......................  Bubalus depressicornis.  Indonesia..............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Anoa, mountain......................  Bubalus quarlesi.......  ......do...............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Antelope, giant sable...............  Hippotragus niger        Angola.................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Antelope, Tibetan...................  Panthalops hodgsonii...  China, India, Nepal....  ......do...............        E  ........         NA
Argali..............................  Ovis ammon.............  Afganistan, China,       Entire except                  E   15, 475         NA         NA
                                                                India, Kazakhstan,       Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia,
                                                                Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia,    and Tajikistan.
                                                                Nepal, Pakistan,
                                                                Russia, Tajikistan,
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia,          T   15, 475         NA   17.40(j)
                                                                                         and Tajikistan.
Armadillo, giant....................  Priodontes maximus.....  Venezuela and Guyana to  Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
Armadillo, pink fairy...............  Chlamyphorus truncatus.  Argentina..............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Ass, African wild...................  Equus asinus...........  Somalia, Sudan,          ......do...............        E     3, 22         NA         NA
Ass, Asian wild.....................  Equus hemionus.........  Southwestern and         ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Central Asia.
Avahi...............................  Avahi laniger (=entire   Malagasy Republic        ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       genus).                  (=Madagascar).
Aye-aye.............................  Daubentonia              ......do...............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Babirusa............................  Babyrousa babyrussa....  Indonesia..............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Baboon, gelada......................  Theropithecus gelada...  Ethiopia...............  ......do...............        T        16         NA   17.40(c)
Bandicoot, barred...................  Perameles bougainville.  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Bandicoot, desert...................  Perameles eremiana.....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         6         NA         NA
Bandicoot, lesser rabbit............  Macrotis leucura.......  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Bandicoot, pig-footed...............  Chaeropus ecaudatus....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Bandicoot, rabbit...................  Macrotis lagotis.......  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Banteng.............................  Bos javanicus..........  Southeast Asia.........  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Bat, Bulmer's fruit (flying fox)....  Aproteles bulmerae.....  Papua New Guinea.......  ......do...............        E       139         NA         NA
Bat, bumblebee......................  Craseonycteris           Thailand...............  ......do...............        E       139         NA         NA
Bat, gray...........................  Myotis grisescens......  Central and              ......do...............        E        13         NA         NA
                                                                southeastern U.S.A..
Bat, Hawaiian hoary.................  Lasiurus cinereus        U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
Bat, Indiana........................  Myotis sodalis.........  Eastern and Midwestern   ......do...............        E         1   17.95(a)         NA
Bat, lesser long-nosed..............  Leptonycteris curasoae   U.S.A. (AZ, NM),         ......do...............        E       336         NA         NA
                                       yerbabuenae.             Mexico, Central
Bat, little Mariana fruit...........  Pteropus tokudae.......  Western Pacific Ocean--  ......do...............        E       156         NA         NA
                                                                U.S.A. (Guam).
Fruit Bat, Mariana (=fanihi, Mariana  Pteropus mariannus       Western Pacific Ocean--  ......do...............        T       156       Guam         NA
 flying fox).                          mariannus.               U.S.A. (GU, MP).                                                     17.95(a)
Bat, Mexican long-nosed.............  Leptonycteris nivalis..  U.S.A. (NM, TX),         ......do...............        E       336         NA         NA
                                                                Mexico, Central
Bat, Ozark big-eared................  Corynorhinus             U.S.A. (MO, OK, AR)....  ......do...............        E        85         NA         NA
                                       (=Plecotus) townsendii
Bat, Rodrigues fruit (flying fox)...  Pteropus rodricensis...  Indian Ocean--Rodrigues  ......do...............        E       139         NA         NA
Bat, Singapore roundleaf horseshoe..  Hipposideros ridleyi...  Malaysia...............  ......do...............        E       139         NA         NA

[[Page 14]]

Bat, Virginia big-eared.............  Corynorhinus             U.S.A. (KY, NC, WV, VA)  ......do...............        E        85   17.95(a)         NA
                                       (=Plecotus) townsendii
Bear, American black................  Ursus americanus.......  North America..........  U.S.A. (LA, all           T(S/A)       456         NA   17.40(i)
                                                                                         counties; MS, TX, only
                                                                                         within the historic
                                                                                         county range of the
                                                                                         Louisiana black bear).
Bear, Baluchistan...................  Ursus thibetanus         Iran, Pakistan.........  Entire.................        E       233         NA         NA
Bear, brown.........................  Ursus arctos arctos....  Palearctic.............  Italy..................        E   15, 15A         NA         NA
 Do.................................  Ursus arctos pruinosus.  China (Tibet)..........  Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
Bear, grizzly.......................  Ursus arctos...........  Holarctic..............  U.S.A., conterminous           T    1,2D,9         NA   17.40(b)
                                                                                         (lower 48) States,
                                                                                         except where listed as
                                                                                         an experimental
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (portions of ID        XN       706         NA   17.84(l)
                                                                                         and MT, see 17.84(l)).
Bear, Louisiana black...............  Ursus americanus         U.S.A. (LA--all          Entire.................        T       456         NA   17.40(i)
                                       luteolus.                counties; MS--all
                                                                counties south of or
                                                                touching a line from
                                                                Greenville, Washington
                                                                County, to Meridian,
                                                                Lauderdale County; TX--
                                                                all counties east of
                                                                or touching a line
                                                                from Linden, Cass
                                                                County, SW to Bryan,
                                                                Brazos County, thence
                                                                SSW to Rockport,
                                                                Aransas County).
Bear, Mexican grizzly...............  Ursus arctos...........  Holarctic..............  Mexico.................        E         3         NA         NA
Beaver..............................  Castor fiber birulai...  Mongolia...............  Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
Bison, wood.........................  Bison bison athabascae.  Canada, northwestern     Canada.................        E         3         NA         NA
Bobcat, Mexican.....................  Lynx (=Felis) rufus      Central Mexico.........  Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
Bontebok (antelope).................  Damaliscus pygarus       South Africa...........  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       (=dorcas) dorcas.
Camel, Bactrian.....................  Camelus bactrianus.....  Mongolia, China........  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Caribou, woodland...................  Rangifer tarandus        U.S.A. (AK, ID, ME, MI,  U.S.A. (ID, WA), Canada        E     128E,         NA         NA
                                       caribou.                 MN, MT, NH, VT, WA,      (that part of S.E.               136, 143
                                                                WI), Canada.             British Columbia
                                                                                         bounded by the U.S.-
                                                                                         Can. border, Columbia
                                                                                         R., Kootenay R.,
                                                                                         Kootenay L., and
                                                                                         Kootenai R.).
Cat, Andean.........................  Felis jacobita.........  Chile, Peru, Bolivia,    Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
Cat, Asian golden (=Temminck's).....  Catopuma (=Felis)        Nepal, China, Southeast  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       temminckii.              Asia, Indonesia
Cat, black-footed...................  Felis nigripes.........  Southern Africa........  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Cat, flat-headed....................  Prionailurus (=Felis)    Malaysia, Indonesia....  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Cat, Iriomote.......................  Prionailurus (=Felis)    Japan (Iriomote Island,  ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
                                       bengalensis              Ryukyu Islands).
Cat, leopard........................  Prionailurus (=Felis)    India, Southeast Asia..  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Cat, marbled........................  Pardofelis (=Felis)      Nepal, Southeast Asia,   ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       marmorata.               Indonesia.

[[Page 15]]

Cat, Pakistan sand..................  Felis margarita          Pakistan...............  ......do...............        E       139         NA         NA
Cat, tiger..........................  Leopardus (=Felis)       Costa Rica to northern   ......do...............        E         5         NA         NA
                                       tigrinus.                Argentina.
Chamois, Apennine...................  Rupicapra rupicapra      Italy..................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Cheetah.............................  Acinonyx jubatus.......  Africa to India........  ......do...............        E      3, 5         NA         NA
Chimpanzee..........................  Pan troglodytes........  Africa--see 17.40(c)(3)  Wherever found in the          E   16, 376         NA         NA
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Wherever found in              T   16, 376         NA   17.40(c)
Chimpanzee, pygmy...................  Pan paniscus...........  Zaire..................  Entire.................        E   16, 376         NA         NA
Chinchilla..........................  Chinchilla brevicaudata  Bolivia................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Civet, Malabar large-spotted........  Viverra civettina        India..................  ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
                                       (=megaspila c.).
Cochito.............................  Phocoena sinus.........  Mexico (Gulf of          ......do...............        E       169         NA         NA
Deer, Bactrian......................  Cervus elaphus           Tajikistan, Uzbekistan,  ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
                                       bactrianus.              Afghanistan.
Deer, Barbary.......................  Cervus elaphus barbarus  Morocco, Tunisia,        ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
Deer, Calamianes (=Philippine)......  Axis porcinus            Philippines (Calamian    ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       calamianensis.           Islands).
Deer, Cedros Island mule............  Odocoileus hemionus      Mexico (Cedros Island).  ......do...............        E        10         NA         NA
Deer, Columbian white-tailed........  Odocoileus virginianus   U.S.A. (WA, OR)........  Columbia River (Clark,         E     1,738         NA         NA
                                       leucurus.                                         Cowlitz, Pacific,
                                                                                         Skamania, and
                                                                                         Wahkiakum Counties,
                                                                                         WA, and Clatsop,
                                                                                         Columbia, and
                                                                                         Multnomah Counties,
Deer, Corsican red..................  Cervus elaphus           Corsica, Sardinia......  ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
Deer, Eld's brow-antlered...........  Cervus eldi............  India to Southeast Asia  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Deer, Formosan sika.................  Cervus nippon taiouanus  Taiwan.................  ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
Deer, Indochina hog.................  Axis (=Cervus) porcinus  Thailand, Indochina....  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Deer, key...........................  Odocoileus virginianus   U.S.A. (FL)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Deer, Kuhl's (=Bawean)..............  Axis porcinus kuhli....  Indonesia..............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Deer, marsh.........................  Blastocerus dichotomus.  Argentina, Uruguay,      ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Paraguay, Bolivia,
Deer, McNeill's.....................  Cervus elaphus           China (Sinkiang, Tibet)  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Deer, musk..........................  Moschus spp. (all        Central and eastern      Afghanistan, Bhutan,           E        15         NA         NA
                                       species).                Asia.                    Burma, China (Tibet,
                                                                                         Yunnan), India, Nepal,
                                                                                         Pakistan, Sikkim.
Deer, North China sika..............  Cervus nippon            China (Shantung and      Entire.................        E        50         NA         NA
                                       mandarinus.              Chihli Provinces).
Deer, pampas........................  Ozotoceros bezoarticus.  Brazil, Argentina,       ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                Uruguay, Bolivia,
Deer, Persian fallow................  Dama mesopotamica        Iraq, Iran.............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       (=dama m.).
Deer, Ryukyu sika...................  Cervus nippon keramae..  Japan (Ryukyu Islands).  ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
Deer, Shansi sika...................  Cervus nippon            China (Shansi Province)  ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
Deer, South China sika..............  Cervus nippon kopschi..  Southern China.........  ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
Deer, swamp.........................  Cervus duvauceli.......  India, Nepal...........  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Deer, Visayan.......................  Cervus alfredi.........  Philippines............  ......do...............        E       320         NA         NA
Deer, Yarkand.......................  Cervus elaphus           China (Sinkiang).......  ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
Dhole...............................  Cuon alpinus...........  C.I.S., Korea, China,    ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                India, Southeast Asia.
Dibbler.............................  Antechinus apicalis....  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Dog, African wild...................  Lycaon pictus..........  Sub-Saharan Africa.....  ......do...............        E       139         NA         NA
Dolphin, Chinese river..............  Lipotes vexillifer.....  China..................  ......do...............        E       350         NA         NA

[[Page 16]]

Dolphin, Indus River................  Platanista minor.......  Pakistan (Indus R. and   ......do...............        E       417         NA         NA
Drill...............................  Mandrillus (=Papio)      Equatorial West Africa.  ......do...............        E        16         NA         NA
Dugong..............................  Dugong dugon...........  East Africa to southern  ......do...............        E    4, 740         NA         NA
                                                                Japan, including Palau.
Duiker, Jentink's...................  Cephalophus jentinki...  Sierra Leone, Liberia,   ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
                                                                Ivory Coast.
Eland, western giant................  Taurotragus derbianus    Senegal to Ivory Coast.  ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
Elephant, African...................  Loxodonta africana.....  Africa.................  ......do...............        T        40         NA   17.40(e)
Elephant, Asian.....................  Elephas maximus........  South-central and        ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                southeastern Asia.
Ferret. black-footed................  Mustela nigripes.......  Western U.S.A., Western  Entire, except where           E     1, 3,         NA         NA
                                                                Canada.                  listed as an                         433,
                                                                                         experimental                         545,
                                                                                         population.                          546,
                                                                                                                          703, 737
......do............................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (specified             XN      433,         NA   17.84(g)
                                                                                         portions of AZ, CO,                  545,
                                                                                         MT, SD, UT, and WY,                  546,
                                                                                         see 17.84(g)(9)).                    582,
                                                                                                                          703, 737
Fox, northern swift.................  Vulpes velox hebes.....  U.S.A. (northern         Canada.................        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                plains), Canada.
Fox, San Joaquin kit................  Vulpes macrotis mutica.  U.S.A. (CA)............  Entire.................        E         1         NA         NA
Fox, San Miguel Island..............  Urocyon littoralis       ......do...............  ......do...............        E       742   17.95(a)         NA
Fox, Santa Catalina Island..........  Urocyon littoralis       ......do...............  ......do...............        E       742   17.95(a)         NA
Fox, Santa Cruz Island..............  Urocyon littoralis       ......do...............  ......do...............        E       742   17.95(a)         NA
Fox, Santa Rosa Island..............  Urocyon littoralis       ......do...............  ......do...............        E       742   17.95(a)         NA
Fox, Simien.........................  Canis simensis.........  Ethiopia...............  ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
Gazelle, Arabian....................  Gazella gazella........  Arabian Peninsula,       ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
                                                                Palestine, Sinai.
Gazelle, Clark's....................  Ammodorcas clarkei.....  Somalia, Ethiopia......  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Gazelle, dama.......................  Gazella dama...........  North Africa...........  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Gazelle, Moroccan...................  Gazella dorcas           Morocco, Algeria,        ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       massaesyla.              Tunisia.
Gazelle, mountain (=Cuvier's).......  Gazella cuvieri........  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Gazelle, Pelzeln's..................  Gazella dorcas pelzelni  Somalia................  ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
Gazelle, sand.......................  Gazella subgutturosa     Jordan, Arabian          ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
                                       marica.                  Peninsula.
Gazelle, Saudi Arabian..............  Gazella dorcas saudiya.  Israel, Iraq, Jordan,    ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
                                                                Syria, Arabian
Gazelle, slender-horned.............  Gazella leptoceros.....  Sudan, Egypt, Algeria,   ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Gibbons.............................  Hylobates spp.           China, India, Southeast  ......do...............        E     3, 15         NA         NA
                                       (including Nomascus).    Asia.
Goral...............................  Nemorhaedus goral......  East Asia..............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Gorilla.............................  Gorilla gorilla........  Central and western      ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA

[[Page 17]]

Hare, hispid........................  Caprolagus hispidus....  India, Nepal, Bhutan...  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Hartebeest, Swayne's................  Alcelaphus buselaphus    Ethiopia, Somalia......  ......do...............        E     3, 50         NA         NA
Hartebeest, Tora....................  Alcelaphus buselaphus    Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt.  ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
Hog, pygmy..........................  Sus salvanius..........  India, Nepal, Bhutan,    ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Horse, Przewalski's.................  Equus przewalskii......  Mongolia, China........  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Huemul, north Andean................  Hippocamelus antisensis  Ecuador, Peru, Chile,    ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                Bolivia, Argentina.
Huemul, south Andean................  Hippocamelus bisulcus..  Chile, Argentina.......  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Hutia, Cabrera's....................  Capromys angelcabrerai.  Cuba...................  ......do...............        E       233         NA         NA
Hutia, dwarf........................  Capromys nana..........  ......do...............  ......do...............        E       233         NA         NA
Hutia, large-eared..................  Capromys auritus.......  ......do...............  ......do...............        E       233         NA         NA
Hutia, little earth.................  Capromys sanfelipensis.  ......do...............  ......do...............        E       233         NA         NA
Hyena, Barbary......................  Hyaena hyaena barbara..  Morocco, Algeria,        ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Hyena, brown........................  Parahyaena (=Hyaena)     Southern Africa........  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Ibex, Pyrenean......................  Capra pyrenaica          Spain..................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Ibex, Walia.........................  Capra walie............  Ethiopia...............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Impala, black-faced.................  Aepyceros melampus       Namibia, Angola........  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Indri...............................  Indri indri (=entire     Malagasy Republic        ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       genus).                  (=Madagascar).
Jaguar..............................  Panthera onca..........  U.S.A. (AZ, CA, LA, NM,  ......do...............        E    5, 622         NA         NA
                                                                TX), Mexico, Central
                                                                and South America.
Jaguarundi, Guatemalan..............  Herpailurus (=Felis)     Mexico, Nicaragua......  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       yagouaroundi fossata.
Jaguarundi, Gulf Coast..............  Herpailurus (=Felis)     U.S.A. (TX), Mexico....  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       yagouaroundi cacomitli.
Jaguarundi, Panamanian..............  Herpailurus (=Felis)     Nicaragua, Costa Rica,   ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       yagouaroundi             Panama.
Jaguarundi, Sinaloan................  Herpailurus (=Felis)     U.S.A. (AZ), Mexico....  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       yagouaroundi tolteca.
Kangaroo rat, Fresno................  Dipodomys nitratoides    U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E       170   17.95(a)         NA
Kangaroo rat, giant.................  Dipodomys ingens.......  ......do...............  ......do...............        E       251         NA         NA
Kangaroo rat, Morro Bay.............  Dipodomys heermanni      ......do...............  ......do...............        E         2   17.95(a)         NA
Kangaroo rat, San Bernardino          Dipodomys merriami       ......do...............  ......do...............        E     632E,   17.95(a)         NA
 Merriam's..                           parvus.                                                                                 645
Kangaroo rat, Stephens'.............  Dipodomys stephensi      ......do...............  ......do...............        E       338         NA         NA
                                       (incl. D. cascus).
Kangaroo rat, Tipton................  Dipodomys nitratoides    ......do...............  ......do...............        E       312         NA         NA
Kangaroo, Tasmanian forester........  Macropus giganteus       Australia (Tasmania)...  ......do...............        E         6         NA         NA
Koala...............................  Phascolarctos cinereus.  Australia..............  Australia..............        T       698         NA         NA
Kouprey.............................  Bos sauveli............  Vietnam, Laos,           Entire.................        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Cambodia, Thailand.
Langur, capped......................  Trachypithecus           India, Burma,            ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       (=Presbytis) pileatus.   Bangladesh.
Langur, Douc........................  Pygathrix nemaeus......  Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Langur, Francois'...................  Trachypithecus           China (Kwangsi),         ......do...............        E        16         NA         NA
                                       (=Presbytis) francoisi.  Indochina.
Langur, golden......................  Trachypithecus           India (Assam), Bhutan..  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       (=Presbytis) geei.

[[Page 18]]

Langur, gray (=entellus)............  Semnopithecus            China (Tibet), India,    ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       (=Presbytis) entellus.   Pakistan, Kashmir, Sri
                                                                Lanka, Sikkim,
Langur, long-tailed.................  Presbytis potenziani...  Indonesia..............  ......do...............        T        16         NA   17.40(c)
Langur, Pagi Island.................  Nasalis concolor.......  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Langur, purple-faced................  Presbytis senex........  Sri Lanka..............  ......do...............        T        16         NA   17.40(c)
Lechwe, red.........................  Kobus leche............  Southern Africa........  ......do...............        T    3, 15,         NA         NA
Lemurs..............................  Lemuridae (incl. genera  Malagasy Republic        ......do...............        E    3, 15,         NA         NA
                                       Lemur, Phaner,           (=Madagascar).                                                 15A
                                       Hapalemur, Lepilemur,
                                       Microcebus, Allocebus,
                                       Cheirogaleus, Varecia).
Leopard.............................  Panthera pardus........  Africa, Asia...........  Wherever found, except         E     3, 5,         NA         NA
                                                                                         where it is listed as                 114
                                                                                         Threatened as set
                                                                                         forth below.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  In Africa, in the wild,        T     3, 5,         NA   17.40(f)
                                                                                         south of, and                         114
                                                                                         including, the
                                                                                         following countries:
                                                                                         Gabon, Congo, Zaire,
                                                                                         Uganda, Kenya.
Leopard, clouded....................  Neofelis nebulosa......  Southeastern and south-  Entire.................        E     3, 15         NA         NA
                                                                central Asia, Taiwan.
Leopard, snow.......................  Uncia (=Panthera) uncia  Central Asia...........  ......do...............        E         5         NA         NA
Linsang, spotted....................  Prionodon pardicolor...  Nepal, Assam, Vietnam,   ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                Cambodia, Laos, Burma.
Lion, Asiatic.......................  Panthera leo persica...  Turkey to India........  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Loris, lesser slow..................  Nycticebus pygmaeus....  Indochina..............  ......do...............        T        16         NA   17.40(c)
Lynx, Canada........................  Lynx canadensis........  U.S.A. (AK, CO, ID, ME,  CO, ID, ME, MI, MN, MT,        T       692         NA   17.40(k)
                                                                MI, MN, MT, NH, NY,      NH, NY, OR, UT, VT,
                                                                OR, PA, UT, VT, WA,      WA, WI, WY.
                                                                WI, WY), Canada,
Lynx, Spanish.......................  Felis pardina..........  Spain, Portugal........  Entire.................        E         3         NA         NA
Macaque, Formosan rock..............  Macaca cyclopis........  Taiwan.................  ......do...............        T        16         NA   17.40(c)
Macaque, Japanese...................  Macaca fuscata.........  Japan (Shikoku, Kyushu   ......do...............        T        16         NA   17.40(c)
                                                                and Honshu Islands).
Macaque, lion-tailed................  Macaca silenus.........  India..................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Macaque, stump-tailed...............  Macaca arctoides.......  India (Assam) to         ......do...............        T        16         NA   17.40(c)
                                                                southern China.
Macaque, Toque......................  Macaca sinica..........  Sri Lanka..............  ......do...............        T        16         NA   17.40(c)
Manatee, Amazonian..................  Trichechus inunguis....  South America (Amazon    ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                R. basin).
Manatee, West African...............  Trichechus senegalensis  West Coast of Africa     ......do...............        T        52         NA         NA
                                                                from Senegal R. to
                                                                Cuanza R.
Manatee, West Indian................  Trichechus manatus.....  U.S.A. (southeastern),   ......do...............        E      1, 3   17.95(a)  17.108(a)
                                                                Caribbean Sea, South
Mandrill............................  Mandrillus (=Papio)      Equatorial West Africa.  ......do...............        E        16         NA         NA
Mangabey, Tana River................  Cercocebus galeritus     Kenya..................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA

[[Page 19]]

Mangabey, white-collared............  Cercocebus torquatus...  Senegal to Ghana;        ......do...............        E        16         NA         NA
                                                                Nigeria to Gabon.
Margay..............................  Leopardus (=Felis)       U.S.A. (TX), Central     Mexico southward.......        E         5         NA         NA
                                       wiedii.                  and South America.
Markhor, chiltan (=wild goat).......  Capra falconeri          Chiltan Range of west-   Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
                                       (=aegagrus)              central Pakistan.
Markhor, Kabul......................  Capra falconeri          Afghanistan, Pakistan..  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Markhor, straight-horned............  Capra falconeri jerdoni  ......do...............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Marmoset, buff-headed...............  Callithrix flaviceps...  Brazil.................  ......do...............        E       139         NA         NA
Marmoset, cotton-top................  Saguinus oedipus.......  Costa Rica to Colombia.  ......do...............        E        16         NA         NA
Marmoset, Goeldi's..................  Callimico goeldii......  Brazil, Colombia,        ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.
Marmoset, white-eared (=buffy tufted- Callithrix aurita        Brazil.................  ......do...............        E       233         NA         NA
 ear).                                 (=jacchus a.).
Marmot, Vancouver Island............  Marmota vancouverensis.  Canada (Vancouver        ......do...............        E       139         NA         NA
Marsupial, eastern jerboa...........  Antechinomys laniger...  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Marsupial-mouse, large desert.......  Sminthopsis psammophila  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Marsupial-mouse, long-tailed........  Sminthopsis              ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Marten, Formosan yellow-throated....  Martes flavigula         Taiwan.................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Monkey, black colobus...............  Colobus satanas........  Equatorial Guinea,       ......do...............        E        16         NA         NA
                                                                People's Republic of
                                                                Congo, Cameroon, Gabon.
Monkey, black howler................  Alouatta pigra.........  Mexico, Guatemala,       ......do...............        T        16         NA   17.40(c)
Monkey, Diana.......................  Cercopithecus diana....  Coastal West Africa....  ......do...............        E        16         NA         NA
Monkey, Guizhou snub-nosed..........  Rhinopithecus brelichi.  China..................  ......do...............        E       400         NA         NA
Monkey, L'hoest's...................  Cercopithecus lhoesti..  Upper eastern Congo R.   ......do...............        E        16         NA         NA
                                                                Basin, Cameroon.
Monkey, mantled howler..............  Alouatta palliata......  Mexico to South America  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Monkey, Preuss' red colobus.........  Procolobus (=Colobus)    Cameroon...............  ......do...............        E       139         NA         NA
                                       preussi (=badius p.).
Monkey, proboscis...................  Nasalis larvatus.......  Borneo.................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Monkey, red-backed squirrel.........  Saimiri oerstedii......  Costa Rica, Panama.....  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Monkey, red-bellied.................  Cercopithecus            Western Nigeria........  ......do...............        E        16         NA         NA
Monkey, red-eared nose-spotted......  Cercopithecus            Nigeria, Cameroon,       ......do...............        E        16         NA         NA
                                       erythrotis.              Fernando Po.
Monkey, Sichuan snub-nosed..........  Rhinopithecus roxellana  China..................  ......do...............        E       400         NA         NA
Monkey, spider......................  Ateles geoffroyi         Costa Rica, Nicaragua..  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
 Do.................................  Ateles geoffroyl         Costa Rica, Panama.....  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Monkey, Tana River red colobus......  Procolobus (=Colobus)    Kenya..................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       rufomitratus (=badius
Monkey, Tonkin snub-nosed...........  Rhinopithecus avunculus  Vietnam................  ......do...............        E   16, 400         NA         NA
Monkey, woolly spider...............  Brachyteles arachnoides  Brazil.................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Monkey, yellow-tailed woolly........  Lagothrix flavicauda...  Andes of northern Peru.  ......do...............        E        16         NA         NA
Monkey, Yunnan snub-nosed...........  Rhinopithecus bieti....  China..................  ......do...............        E       400         NA         NA
Monkey, Zanzibar red colobus........  Procolobus (=Colobus)    Tanzania...............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       pennantii (=kirki)
Mountain beaver, Point Arena........  Aplodontia rufa nigra..  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E       454         NA         NA
Mouse, Alabama beach................  Peromyscus polionotus    U.S.A. (AL)............  ......do...............        E       183   17.95(a)         NA
Mouse, Anastasia Island beach.......  Peromyscus polionotus    U.S.A. (FL)............  ......do...............        E       349         NA         NA
Mouse, Australian native............  Notomys aquilo.........  Australia..............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA

[[Page 20]]

 Do.................................  Zyzomys pedunculatus...  ......do...............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Mouse, Choctawhatchee beach.........  Peromyscus polionotus    U.S.A. (FL)............  ......do...............        E       183   17.95(a)         NA
Mouse, Field's......................  Pseudomys fieldi.......  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Mouse, Gould's......................  Pseudomys gouldii......  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         6         NA         NA
Mouse, Key Largo cotton.............  Peromyscus gossypinus    U.S.A. (FL)............  ......do...............        E     131E,         NA         NA
                                       allapaticola.                                                                           160
Mouse, New Holland..................  Pseudomys                Australia..............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Mouse, Pacific pocket...............  Perognathus              U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E     526E,         NA         NA
                                       longimembris pacificus.                                                                 554
Mouse, Perdido Key beach............  Peromyscus polionotus    U.S.A. (AL, FL)........  ......do...............        E       183   17.95(a)         NA
Mouse, Preble's meadow jumping......  Zapus hudsonius preblei  U.S.A. (CO, WY)........  ......do...............        T       636   17.95(a)   17.40(l)
Mouse, salt marsh harvest...........  Reithrodontomys          U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
Mouse, Shark Bay....................  Pseudomys praeconis....  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Mouse, Shortridge's.................  Pseudomys shortridgei..  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Mouse, smoky........................  Pseudomys fumeus.......  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Mouse, southeastern beach...........  Peromyscus polionotus    U.S.A. (FL)............  ......do...............        T       349         NA         NA
Mouse, St. Andrew beach.............  Peromyscus polionotus    ......do...............  ......do...............        E       655         NA         NA
Mouse, western......................  Pseudomys occidentalis.  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Muntjac, Fea's......................  Muntiacus feae.........  Northern Thailand,       ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
Native-cat, eastern.................  Dasyurus viverrinus....  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         6         NA         NA
Numbat..............................  Myrmecobius fasciatus..  ......do...............  ......do...............        E      4, 6         NA         NA
Ocelot..............................  Leopardus (=Felis)       U.S.A. (AZ, TX) to       ......do...............        E    5, 119         NA         NA
                                       pardalis.                Central and South
Orangutan...........................  Pongo pygmaeus.........  Borneo, Sumatra........  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Oryx, Arabian.......................  Oryx leucoryx..........  Arabian Peninsula......  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Oryx, scimitar-horned...............  Oryx dammah............  North Africa...........  ......do...............        E                   NA         NA
Otter, Cameroon clawless............  Aonyx congicus           Cameroon, Nigeria......  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       (=congica) microdon.
Otter, giant........................  Pteronura brasiliensis.  South America..........  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Otter, long-tailed..................  Lontra (=Lutra)          ......do...............  ......do...............        E     3, 15         NA         NA
                                       longicaudis (incl.
Otter, marine.......................  Lontra (=Lutra) felina.  Peru south to Straits    ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                of Magellan.
Otter, northern sea.................  Enhydra lutris kenyoni.  U.S.A. (AK, WA)........  Southwest Alaska, from         T  ........         NA         NA
                                                                                         Attu Island to Western
                                                                                         Cook Inlet, including
                                                                                         Bristol Bay, the
                                                                                         Kodiak Archipelago,
                                                                                         and the Barren Islands.
Otter, southern river...............  Lontra (=Lutra)          Chile, Argentina.......  Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
Otter, southern sea.................  Enhydra lutris nereis..  West Coast, U.S.A. (CA,  Entire, except where           T   21, 284         NA   17.84(d)
                                                                OR, WA) south to         listed below.
                                                                Mexico (Baja

[[Page 21]]

 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  All areas subject to          XN       284         NA   17.84(d)
                                                                                         U.S. jurisdiction
                                                                                         south of Pt.
                                                                                         Conception, CA
                                                                                         (34[deg]26.9[min] N.
                                                                                         Lat.) [Note--status
                                                                                         governed by Pub. L. 99-
                                                                                         625, 100 Stat. 3500.].
Panda, giant........................  Ailuropoda melanoleuca.  China..................  Entire.................        E       139         NA         NA
Pangolin, Temnick's ground..........  Manis temmincki........  Africa.................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Panther, Florida....................  Puma (=Felis) concolor   U.S.A. (LA and AR east   ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
                                       coryi.                   to SC and FL).
Planigale, little...................  Planigale ingrami        Australia..............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Planigale, southern.................  Planigale tenuirostris.  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Porcupine, thin-spined..............  Chaetomys subspinosus..  Brazil.................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Possum, Leadbeater's................  Gymnobelideus            Australia..............  ......do...............        E       233         NA         NA
Possum, mountain pygmy..............  Burramys parvus........  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Possum, scaly-tailed................  Wyulda squamicaudata...  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Prairie dog, Mexican................  Cynomys mexicanus......  Mexico.................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Prairie dog, Utah...................  Cynomys parvidens......  U.S.A. (UT)............  ......do...............        T    6, 149         NA   17.40(g)
Pronghorn, peninsular...............  Antilocapra americana    Mexico (Baja             ......do...............        E        10         NA         NA
                                       peninsularis.            California).
Pronghorn, Sonoran..................  Antilocapra americana    U.S.A. (AZ), Mexico....  ......do...............        E      1, 3         NA         NA
Pudu................................  Pudu pudu..............  Southern South America.  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Puma (=mountain lion)...............  Puma (=Felis) concolor   Canada to South America  U.S.A. (FL)............   T(S/A)       432         NA   17.40(h)
                                       (all subsp. except
Puma, Costa Rican...................  Puma (=Felis) concolor   Nicaragua, Panama,       Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
                                       costaricensis.           Costa Rica.
Puma (=cougar), eastern.............  Puma (=Felis) concolor   Eastern North America..  ......do...............        E         6         NA         NA
Quokka..............................  Setonix brachyurus.....  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         6         NA         NA
Rabbit, Columbia Basin pygmy........  Brachylagus idahoensis.  U.S.A. (western          U.S.A. (WA--Douglas,           E  ........         NA         NA
                                                                conterminous U.S.).      Grant, Lincoln, Adams,
                                                                                         Benton Counties).
Rabbit, Lower Keys..................  Sylvilagus palustris     U.S.A. (FL)............  Entire.................        E       390         NA         NA
Rabbit, riparian brush..............  Sylvilagus bachmani      U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E       687         NA         NA
Rabbit, Ryukyu......................  Pentalagus furnessi....  Japan (Ryukyu Islands).  ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
Rabbit, volcano.....................  Romerolagus diazi......  Mexico.................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Rat, false water....................  Xeromys myoides........  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Rat, stick-nest.....................  Leporillus conditor....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         6         NA         NA
Rat-kangaroo, brush-tailed..........  Bettongia penicillata..  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Rat-kangaroo, desert (=plain).......  Caloprymnus campestris.  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Rat-kangaroo, Gaimard's.............  Bettongia gaimardi.....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         6         NA         NA
Rat-kangaroo, Lesuer's..............  Bettongia lesueur......  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Rat-kangaroo, Queensland............  Bettongia tropica......  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Rhinoceros, black...................  Diceros bicornis.......  Sub-Saharan Africa.....  ......do...............        E        97         NA         NA
Rhinoceros, great Indian............  Rhinoceros unicornis...  India, Nepal...........  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Rhinoceros, Javan...................  Rhinoceros sondaicus...  Indonesia, Indochina,    ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Burma, Thailand,
                                                                Sikkim, Bangladesh,
Rhinoceros, northern white..........  Ceratotherium simum      Zaire, Sudan, Uganda,    ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       cottoni.                 Central African

[[Page 22]]

Rhinoceros, Sumatran................  Dicerorhinus             Bangladesh to Vietnam    ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       sumatrensis.             to Indonesia (Borneo).
Rice rat............................  Oryzomys palustris       U.S.A. (FL)............  Lower FL Keys (west of         E       421   17.95(a)         NA
                                       natator.                                          Seven Mile Bridge).
Saiga, Mongolian (antelope).........  Saiga tatarica           Mongolia...............  Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
Saki, southern bearded..............  Chiropotes satanas       Brazil.................  ......do...............        E       233         NA         NA
Saki, white-nosed...................  Chiropotes albinasus...  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Sea-lion, Steller...................  Eumetopias jubatus.....  U.S.A. (AK, CA, OR,      Entire, except the             T     384E,    226.202   223.102,
                                                                WA), Canada, Russia;     population segment               408, 614               223.202
                                                                North Pacific Ocean.     west of 144[deg] W.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Population segment west        E    384E ,    226.202         NA
                                                                                         of 144[deg] W. Long.             408, 614
Seal, Caribbean monk................  Monachus tropicalis....  Caribbean Sea, Gulf of   Entire.................        E    1, 2D,         NA         NA
                                                                Mexico.                                                         45
Seal, Guadalupe fur.................  Arctocephalus townsendi  U.S.A. (Farallon         ......do...............        T    1, 2D,         NA    223.201
                                                                Islands of CA) south                                           212
                                                                to Mexico (Islas
Seal, Hawaiian monk.................  Monachus schauinslandi.  U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E        18    226.201         NA
Seal, Mediterranean monk............  Monachus monachus......  Mediterranean,           ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Northwest African
                                                                Coast and Black Sea.
Seal, Saimaa........................  Phoca hispida saimensis  Finland (Lake Saimaa)..  ......do...............        E       508         NA         NA
Seledang............................  Bos gaurus.............  Bangladesh, Southeast    ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Asia, India.
Serow...............................  Naemorhedus              East Asia, Sumatra.....  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Serval, Barbary.....................  Leptailurus (=Felis)     Algeria................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       serval constantina.
Shapo...............................  Ovis vignei vignei.....  Kashmir................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Sheep, bighorn......................  Ovis canadensis........  U.S.A. (Western          U.S.A. (CA) Peninsular         E       634   17.95(a)         NA
                                                                conterminous states),    Ranges.
                                                                Canada (southwestern),
                                                                Mexico (northern).
Sheep, Sierra Nevada bighorn........  Ovis canadensis          ......do...............  U.S.A. (CA) Sierra             E     660E,         NA         NA
                                       californiana.                                     Nevada.                               675
Shou................................  Cervus elaphus wallichi  Tibet, Bhutan..........  Entire.................        E         3         NA         NA
Shrew, Buena Vista Lake.............  Sorex ornatus relictus.  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E       725   17.95(a)         NA
Siamang.............................  Symphalangus             Malaysia, Indonesia....  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Sifakas.............................  Propithecus spp........  Malagasy Republic        ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Sloth, Brazilian three-toed.........  Bradypus torquatus.....  Brazil.................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Solenodon, Cuban....................  Solenodon cubanus......  Cuba...................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Solenodon, Haitian..................  Solenodon paradoxus....  Dominican Republic,      ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Squirrel, Carolina northern flying..  Glaucomys sabrinus       U.S.A. (NC, TN)........  ......do...............        E       189         NA         NA
Squirrel, Delmarva Peninsula fox....  Sciurus niger cinereus.  U.S.A. (Delmarva         Entire, except Sussex          E   1, 161,         NA         NA
                                                                Peninsula to             Co., DE.                              168
                                                                southeastern PA).
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (DE--Sussex Co.)       XN       161         NA   17.84(a)

[[Page 23]]

Squirrel, Mount Graham red..........  Tamiasciurus hudsonicus  U.S.A. (AZ)............  Entire.................        E       268   17.95(a)         NA
Squirrel, northern Idaho ground.....  Spermophilus brunneus    U.S.A. (ID)............  ......do...............        T       693         NA         NA
Squirrel, Virginia northern flying..  Glaucomys sabrinus       U.S.A. (VA, WV)........  ......do...............        E       189         NA         NA
Stag, Barbary.......................  Cervus elaphus barbarus  Tunisia, Algeria.......  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Stag, Kashmir.......................  Cervus elaphus hanglu..  Kashmir................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Suni, Zanzibar......................  Neotragus moschatus      Zanzibar (and nearby     ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
                                       moschatus.               islands).
Tahr, Arabian.......................  Hemitragus jayakari....  Oman...................  ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
Tamaraw.............................  Bubalus mindorensis....  Philippines............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Tamarin, golden-rumped..............  Leontopithecus spp.....  Brazil.................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Tamarin, pied.......................  Saguinus bicolor.......  ......do...............  ......do...............        E        16         NA         NA
Tamarin, white-footed...............  Saguinus leucopus......  Colombia...............  ......do...............        T        16         NA   17.40(c)
Tapir, Asian........................  Tapirus indicus........  Burma, Laos, Cambodia,   ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                Vietnam, Malaysia,
                                                                Indonesia, Thailand.
Tapir, Central American.............  Tapirus bairdii........  Southern Mexico to       ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Colombia and Ecuador.
Tapir, mountain.....................  Tapirus pinchaque......  Colombia, Ecuador and    ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                possibly Peru and
Tapir, South American (=Brazilian)..  Tapirus terrestris.....  Colombia and Venezuela   ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                south to Paraguay and
Tarsier, Philippine.................  Tarsius syrichta.......  Philippines............  ......do...............        T        16         NA   17.40(c)
Tiger...............................  Panthera tigris........  Temperate and tropical   ......do...............        E      3, 5         NA         NA
Tiger, Tasmanian....................  Thylacinus cynocephalus  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Uakari (all species)................  Cacajao spp............  Peru, Brazil, Ecuador,   ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Colombia, Venezuela.
Urial...............................  Ovis musimon ophion....  Cyprus.................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Vicu[ntilde]a.......................  Vicugna vicugna........  Argentina, Bolivia,      Entire, except Ecudator        T    3, 724         NA  17.40 (m)
                                                                Chile, Ecuador, Peru.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Ecuador................        E    3, 724         NA         NA
Vole, Amargosa......................  Microtus californicus    U.S.A. (CA)............  Entire.................        E       166   17.95(a)         NA
Vole, Florida salt marsh............  Microtus pennsylvanicus  U.S.A. (FL)............  ......do...............        E       415         NA         NA
Vole, Hualapai Mexican..............  Microtus mexicanus       U.S.A. (AZ)............  ......do...............        E       292         NA         NA
Wallaby, banded hare................  Lagostrophus fasciatus.  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Wallaby, brindled nail-tailed.......  Onychogalea fraenata...  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Wallaby, crescent nail-tailed.......  Onychogalea lunata.....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Wallaby, Parma......................  Macropus parma.........  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Wallaby, western hare...............  Lagorchestes hirsutus..  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Wallaby, yellow-footed rock.........  Petrogale xanthopus....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         6         NA         NA
Whale, blue.........................  Balaenoptera musculus..  Oceanic................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Whale, bowhead......................  Balaena mysticetus.....  Oceanic (north           ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                latitudes only).
Whale, finback......................  Balaenoptera physalus..  Oceanic................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Whale, gray.........................  Eschrichtius robustus..  North Pacific Ocean--    Entire, except eastern         E    3, 540         NA         NA
                                                                coastal and Bering       North Pacific Ocean--
                                                                Sea, formerly North      coastal and Bering,
                                                                Atlantic Ocean.          Beaufort, and Chukchi
Whale, humpback.....................  Megaptera novaeangliae.  Oceanic................  Entire.................        E         3         NA   224.101,

[[Page 24]]

Whale, North Atlantic right.........  Eubalaena glacialis....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         3    226.203    224.103
Whale, North Pacific right..........  Eubalaena japonica.....  ...... do..............  ...... do..............        E         3         NA         NA
Whale, Southern right...............  Eubalaena australis....  ...... do..............  ...... do..............        E         3         NA         NA
Whale, Sei..........................  Balaenoptera borealis..  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Whale, sperm........................  Physeter catodon         ......do...............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Wolf, gray..........................  Canis lupus............  Holarctic..............  Southwestern Distinct          E     1, 6,         NA         NA
                                                                                         Population Segment-               13, 15,
                                                                                         U.S.A. (AZ, NM, CO               35, 631,
                                                                                         south of Interstate                   735
                                                                                         Highway 70, UT south
                                                                                         of U.S. Highway 50, OK
                                                                                         and TX, except those
                                                                                         parts of OK and TX
                                                                                         east of Interstate
                                                                                         Highway 35; except
                                                                                         where listed as an
                                                                                         population); Mexico.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Eastern Distinct               T     1, 6,   17.95(a)   17.40(d)
                                                                                         Population Segment--              13, 15,              17.40(o)
                                                                                         U.S.A. (CT, IA, IL,                35,735
                                                                                         IN, KS, MA, ME, MI,
                                                                                         MN, MO, ND, NE, NH,
                                                                                         NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI,
                                                                                         SD, VT, and WI).
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Western Distinct               T     1, 6,         NA   17.40(n)
                                                                                         Population Segment--              13, 15,
                                                                                         U.S.A. (CA, ID, MT,              35, 561,
                                                                                         NV, OR, WA, WY, UT                   562,
                                                                                         north of U.S. Highway            735, 745
                                                                                         50, and CO north of
                                                                                         Interstate Highway 70,
                                                                                         except where listed as
                                                                                         an experimental
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (WY and portions       XN      561,         NA  17.84(i),
                                                                                         of ID and MT--see                562, 745              17.84(n)
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (portions of AZ,       XN       631         NA   17.84(k)
                                                                                         NM, and TX--see
                                                                                         section 17.84(k)).
Wolf, maned.........................  Chrysocyon brachyurus..  Argentina, Bolivia,      Entire.................        E         4         NA         NA
                                                                Brazil, Paraguay,
Wolf, red...........................  Canis rufus............  U.S.A. (SE U.S.A., west  Entire, except where           E   1, 248,         NA         NA
                                                                to central TX).          listed as experimental           449, 579
                                                                                         populations below.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (portions of NC        XN      248,         NA   17.84(c)
                                                                                         and TN--see                      449, 579
Wombat, Queensland hairy-nosed        Lasiorhinus krefftii     Australia..............  Entire.................        E      4, 6         NA         NA
 (incl. Barnard's).                    (formerly L. barnardi
                                       and L. gillespiei).
Woodrat, Key Largo..................  Neotoma floridana        U.S.A. (FL)............  ......do...............        E     131E,         NA         NA
                                       smalli.                                                                                 160
Woodrat, riparian (San Joaquin        Neotoma fuscipes         U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E       687         NA         NA
 Valley).                              riparia.
Yak, wild...........................  Bos mutus (=grunniens    China (Tibet), India...  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Zebra, Grevy's......................  Equus grevyi...........  Kenya, Ethiopia,         ......do...............        T        54         NA         NA
Zebra, Hartmann's mountain..........  Equus zebra hartmannae.  Namibia, Angola........  ......do...............        T   54, 111         NA         NA

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Zebra, mountain.....................  Equus zebra zebra......  South Africa...........  ......do...............        E   15, 111         NA         NA
`Akepa, Hawaii (honeycreeper).......  Loxops coccineus         U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
`Akepa, Maui (honeycreeper).........  Loxops coccineus         ......do...............  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
`Akialoa, Kauai (honeycreeper)......  Hemignathus procerus...  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
`Akiapola`au (honeycreeper).........  Hemignathus munroi.....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Albatross, Amsterdam................  Diomedea amsterdamensis  Indian Ocean--Amsterdam  ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
Albatross, short-tailed.............  Phoebastria (=Diomedea)  North Pacific Ocean and  ......do...............        E    3, 700         NA         NA
                                       albatrus.                Bering Sea--Canada,
                                                                China, Japan, Mexico,
                                                                Russia, Taiwan, U.S.A.
                                                                (AK, CA, HI, OR, WA).
Alethe, Thyolo......................  Alethe choloensis......  Malawi, Mozambique.....  ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
Blackbird, yellow-shouldered........  Agelaius xanthomus.....  U.S.A. (PR)............  ......do...............        E        17   17.95(b)         NA
Bobwhite, masked (quail)............  Colinus virginianus      U.S.A. (AZ), Mexico      ......do...............        E      1, 3         NA         NA
                                       ridgwayi.                (Sonora).
Booby, Abbott's.....................  Papasula (=Sula)         Indian Ocean--Christmas  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       abbotti.                 Island.
Bristlebird, western................  Dasyornis longirostris   Australia..............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       (=brachypterus l.).
Bristlebird, western rufous.........  Dasyornis broadbenti     ......do...............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Bulbul, Mauritius olivaceous........  Hypsipetes borbonicus    Indian Ocean--Mauritius  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Bullfinch, Sao Miguel (finch).......  Pyrrhula pyrrhula        Eastern Atlantic Ocean-- ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       murina.                  Azores.
Bush-shrike, Ulugura................  Malaconotus alius......  Tanzania...............  ......do...............        T       571         NA         NA
Bushwren, New Zealand...............  Xenicus longipes.......  New Zealand............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Bustard, great Indian...............  Ardeotis (=Choriotis)    India, Pakistan........  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Cahow...............................  Pterodroma cahow.......  North Atlantic Ocean--   ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Caracara, Audubon's crested.........  Polyborus plancus        U.S.A. (AZ, FL, LA, NM,  U.S.A. (FL)............        T       280         NA         NA
                                       audubonii.               TX) south to Panama;
Condor, Andean......................  Vultur gryphus.........  Colombia to Chile and    Entire.................        E         4         NA         NA
Condor, California..................  Gymnogyps californianus  U.S.A. (AZ, CA, OR),     U.S.A. only, except            E    1, 597   17.95(b)         NA
                                                                Mexico (Baja             where listed as an
                                                                California).             experimental
                                                                                         population below.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (specific              XN       597         NA   17.84(j)
                                                                                         portions of Arizona,
                                                                                         Nevada, and Utah).
Coot, Hawaiian......................  Fulica americana alai..  U.S.A. (HI)............  Entire.................        E         2         NA         NA
Cotinga, banded.....................  Cotinga maculata.......  Brazil.................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Cotinga, white-winged...............  Xipholena atropurpurea.  ......do...............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Crane, black-necked.................  Grus nigricollis.......  China (Tibet)..........  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Crane, Cuba sandhill................  Grus canadensis          West Indies--Cuba......  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Crane, hooded.......................  Grus monacha...........  Japan, Russia..........  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Crane, Japanese.....................  Grus japonensis........  China, Japan, Korea,     ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Crane, Mississippi sandhill.........  Grus canadensis pulla..  U.S.A. (MS)............  ......do...............        E         6   17.95(b)         NA
Crane, Siberian white...............  Grus leucogeranus......  C.I.S. (Siberia) to      ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
                                                                India, including Iran
                                                                and China.
Crane, white-naped..................  Grus vipio.............  Mongolia...............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Crane, whooping.....................  Grus americana.........  Canada, U.S.A. (Rocky    Entire, except where           E      1, 3   17.95(b)         NA
                                                                Mountains east to        listed as an
                                                                Carolinas), Mexico.      experimental

[[Page 26]]

Do..................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (AL, AR, CO, FL,       XN      487,         NA   17.84(h)
                                                                                         GA, ID, IL, IN, IA,              621, 710
                                                                                         KY, LA, MI, MN, MS,
                                                                                         MO, NC, NM, OH, SC,
                                                                                         TN, UT, VA, WI, WV,
Creeper, Hawaii.....................  Oreomystis mana........  U.S.A. (HI)............  Entire.................        E        10         NA         NA
Creeper, Molokai....................  Paroreomyza flammea....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
Creeper, Oahu.......................  Paroreomyza maculata...  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
Crow, Hawaiian......................  Corvus hawaiiensis.....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Crow, Mariana.......................  Corvus kubaryi.........  Western Pacific Ocean    ......do...............        E       156   17.95(b)         NA
                                                                USA (Guam, Rota).
Crow, white-necked..................  Corvus leucognaphalus..  U.S.A. (PR), Dominican   ......do...............        E       419         NA         NA
                                                                Republic, Haiti.
Cuckoo-shrike, Mauritius............  Coquus typicus.........  Indian Ocean--Mauritius  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Cuckoo-shrike, Reunion..............  Coquus newtoni.........  Indian Ocean--Reunion..  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Curassow, razor-billed..............  Mitu mitu mitu.........  Brazil (Eastern).......  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Curassow, red-billed................  Crax blumenbachii......  Brazil.................  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Curassow, Trinidad white-headed.....  Pipile pipile pipile...  West Indies--Trinidad..  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Curlew, Eskimo......................  Numenius borealis......  Alaska and northern      ......do...............        E      1, 3         NA         NA
                                                                Canada to Argentina.
Dove, cloven-feathered..............  Drepanoptila             Southwest Pacific        ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       holosericea.             Ocean--New Caledonia.
Dove, Grenada gray-fronted..........  Leptotila rufaxilla      West Indies--Grenada...  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Duck, Hawaiian......................  Anas wyvilliana........  U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Duck, Laysan........................  Anas laysanensis.......  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Duck, pink-headed...................  Rhodonessa               India..................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Duck, white-winged wood.............  Cairina scutulata......  India, Malaysia,         ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Indonesia, Thailand.
Eagle, bald.........................  Haliaeetus               North America south to   U.S.A., conterminous           T    1, 34,         NA   17.41(a)
                                       leucocephalus.           northern Mexico.         (lower 48) States..                   580
Eagle, Greenland white-tailed.......  Haliaeetus albicilla     Greenland and adjacent   Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
                                       groenlandicus.           Atlantic islands.
Eagle, harpy........................  Harpia harpyja.........  Mexico south to          ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Eagle, Madagascar sea...............  Haliaeetus vociferoides  Madagascar.............  ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
Eagle, Madagascar serpent...........  Eutriorchis astur......  ......do...............  ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
Eagle, Philippine...................  Pithecophaga jefferyi..  Philippines............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Eagle, Spanish imperial.............  Aquila heliaca           Spain, Morocco, Algeria  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Egret, Chinese......................  Egretta eulophotes.....  China, Korea...........  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Eider, spectacled...................  Somateria fischeri.....  U.S.A. (AK), Russia....  ......do...............        T       503   17.95(b)         NA
Eider, Steller's....................  Polysticta stelleri....  USA (AK); Russia.......  U.S.A. (AK breeding            T       616   17.95(b)         NA
                                                                                         population only).
Elepaio, Oahu.......................  Chasiempis               U.S.A. (HI)............  Entire.................        E       696   17.95(b)         NA
                                       sandwichensis ibidis
                                       sandwichensis gayi).
Falcon, Eurasian peregrine..........  Falco peregrinus         Europe, Eurasia south    ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       peregrinus.              to Africa and Mideast.

[[Page 27]]

Falcon, northern aplomado...........  Falco femoralis          U.S.A. (AZ, NM, TX),     Entire, except where           E       216         NA         NA
                                       septentrionalis.         Mexico, Guatemala.       listed as an
Falcon, northern aplomado...........  Falco femoralis          ......do...............  U.S.A. (AZ, NM)........       XN       758         NA   17.84(p)
Finch, Laysan (honeycreeper)........  Telespyza cantans......  U.S.A. (HI)............  Entire.................        E         1         NA         NA
Finch, Nihoa (honeycreeper).........  Telespyza ultima.......  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Flycatcher, Euler's.................  Empidonax euleri         West Indies--Grenada...  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Flycatcher, Seychelles paradise.....  Terpsiphone corvina....  Indian Ocean--           ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Flycatcher, southwestern willow.....  Empidonax traillii       U.S.A. (AZ, CA, CO, NM,  ......do...............        E       577   17.95(b)         NA
                                       extimus.                 TX, UT), Mexico.
Flycatcher, Tahiti..................  Pomarea nigra..........  South Pacific Ocean--    ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Fody, Mauritius.....................  Foudia rubra...........  Indian Ocean--Mauritius  ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
Fody, Rodrigues.....................  Foudia flavicans.......  Indian Ocean--Rodrigues  ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
                                                                Island (Mauritius).
Fody, Seychelles (weaver-finch).....  Foudia sechellarum.....  Indian Ocean--           ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Francolin, Djibouti.................  Francolinus ochropectus  Djibouti...............  ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
Frigatebird, Andrew's...............  Fregata andrewsi.......  East Indian Ocean......  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Gnatcatcher, coastal California.....  Polioptila californica   U.S.A. (CA), Mexico....  ......do...............        T       496   17.95(b)  17.41 (b)
Goose, Hawaiian.....................  Branta (=Nesochen)       U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Goshawk, Christmas Island...........  Accipiter fasciatus      Indian Ocean--Christmas  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       natalis.                 Island.
Grackle, slender-billed.............  Quisicalus palustris...  Mexico.................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Grasswren, Eyrean (flycatcher)......  Amytornis goyderi......  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Grebe, Alaotra......................  Tachybaptus              Madagascar.............  ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
Grebe, Atitlan......................  Podilymbus gigas.......  Guatemala..............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Greenshank, Nordmann's..............  Tringa guttifer........  Russia, Japan, south to  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                Malaya, Borneo.
Guan, horned........................  Oreophasis derbianus...  Guatemala, Mexico......  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Guan, white-winged..................  Penelope albipennis....  Peru...................  ......do...............        E       401         NA         NA
Guineafowl, white-breasted..........  Agelastes meleagrides..  West Africa............  ......do...............        T       571         NA         NA
Gull, Audouin's.....................  Larus audouinii........  Mediterranean Sea......  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Gull, relict........................  Larus relictus.........  India, China...........  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Hawk, Galapagos.....................  Buteo galapagoensis....  Ecuador (Galapagos       ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Hawk, Hawaiian......................  Buteo solitarius.......  U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Hawk, Puerto Rican broad-winged.....  Buteo platypterus        U.S.A. (PR)............  ......do...............        E       550         NA         NA
Hawk, Puerto Rican sharp-shinned....  Accipiter striatus       ......do...............  ......do...............        E       550         NA         NA
Hermit, hook-billed (hummingbird)...  Ramphodon (=Glaucis)     Brazil.................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Honeycreeper, crested...............  Palmeria dolei.........  U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Honeyeater, helmeted................  Lichenostomus melanops   Australia..............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
                                       cassidix (=Meliphaga
Hornbill, helmeted..................  Buceros (=Rhinoplax)     Thailand, Malaysia.....  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Ibis, Japanese crested..............  Nipponia nippon........  China, Japan, Russia,    ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Ibis, northern bald.................  Geronticus eremita.....  Southern Europe,         ......do...............        E       401         NA         NA
                                                                southwestern Asia,
                                                                northern Africa.
Kagu................................  Rhynochetos jubatus....  South Pacific Ocean--    ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                New Caledonia.
Kakapo..............................  Strigops habroptilus...  New Zealand............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Kestrel, Mauritius..................  Falco punctatus........  Indian Ocean--Mauritius  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Kestrel, Seychelles.................  Falco araea............  Indian Ocean--           ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Seychelles Islands.
Kingfisher, Guam Micronesian........  Halcyon cinnamomina      Western Pacific Ocean    ......do...............        E       156   17.95(b)         NA
                                       cinnamomina.             USA (Guam).

[[Page 28]]

Kite, Cuba hook-billed..............  Chondrohierax uncinatus  West Indies--Cuba......  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Kite, Everglade snail...............  Rostrhamus sociabilis    U.S.A. (FL), Cuba......  U.S.A. (FL)............        E         1   17.95(b)         NA
Kite, Grenada hook-billed...........  Chondrohierax uncinatus  West Indies--Grenada...  Entire.................        E         3         NA         NA
Kokako (wattlebird).................  Callaeas cinerea.......  New Zealand............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Lark, Raso..........................  Alauda razae...........  Atlantic Ocean--Raso     ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
                                                                Island (Cape Verde).
Macaw, glaucous.....................  Anodorhynchus glaucus..  Paraguay, Uruguay,       ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Macaw, indigo.......................  Anodorhynchus leari....  Brazil.................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Macaw, little blue..................  Cyanopsitta spixii.....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Magpie-robin, Seychelles (thrush)...  Copsychus sechellarum..  Indian Ocean--           ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Seychelles Islands.
Malimbe, Ibadan.....................  Malimbus ibadanensis...  Nigeria................  ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
Malkoha, red-faced (cuckoo).........  Phaenicophaeus           Sri Lanka (=Ceylon)....  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Megapode, Maleo.....................  Macrocephalon maleo....  Indonesia (Celebes)....  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Megapode, Micronesian (=La            Megapodius laperouse...  West Pacific Ocean--     ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
 Perouse's).                                                    Palau Islands, U.S.A.
                                                                (Mariana Islands).
Millerbird, Nihoa (old world          Acrocephalus familiaris  U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
 warbler).                             kingi.
Moorhen, Hawaiian common............  Gallinula chloropus      U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Moorhen, Mariana common.............  Gallinula chloropus      West Pacific Ocean--     ......do...............        E       156         NA         NA
                                       guami.                   U.S.A. (Guam, Tinian,
                                                                Saipan, Pagan).
Murrelet, marbled...................  Brachyramphus            U.S.A. (AK, CA, OR,      U.S.A. (CA, OR, WA)....        T       479   17.95(b)         NA
                                       marmoratus marmoratus.   WA), Canada (B.C.).
Nightjar, Puerto Rican..............  Caprimulgus noctitherus  U.S.A. (PR)............  Entire.................        E         6         NA         NA
Nukupu`u (honeycreeper).............  Hemignathus lucidus....  U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E      1, 2         NA         NA
Nuthatch, Algerian..................  Sitta ledanti..........  Algeria................  ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
`O`o, Kauai (honeyeater)............  Moho braccatus.........  U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Ostrich, Arabian....................  Struthio camelus         Jordan, Saudi Arabia...  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Ostrich, West African...............  Struthio camelus spatzi  Spanish Sahara.........  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
`O`u (honeycreeper).................  Psittirostra psittacea.  U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Owl, Anjouan scops..................  Otus rutilus capnodes..  Indian Ocean--Comoro     ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Owl, giant scops....................  Mimizuku (=Otus)         Philippines--Marinduque  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       gurneyi.                 and Mindanao Island.
Owl, Madagascar red.................  Tyto soumagnei.........  Madagascar.............  ......do...............        E       401         NA         NA
Owl, Mexican spotted................  Strix occidentalis       U.S.A. (AZ, CO, NM, TX,  ......do...............        T       494   17.95(b)         NA
                                       lucida.                  UT), Mexico.
Owl, northern spotted...............  Strix occidentalis       U.S.A. (CA, OR, WA),     ......do...............        T       393   17.95(b)         NA
                                       caurina.                 Canada (B.C.).
Owl, Seychelles scops...............  Otus magicus             Indian Ocean--           ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       (=insularis) insularis.  Seychelles Islands.
Owlet, Morden's.....................  Otus ireneae...........  Kenya..................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Oystercatcher, Canarian black.......  Haematopus meadewaldoi.  Atlantic Ocean--Canary   ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
Palila (honeycreeper)...............  Loxioides bailleui.....  U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E         1   17.95(b)         NA
Parakeet, blue-throated (=ochre-      Pyrrhura cruentata.....  Brazil.................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Parakeet, Forbes'...................  Cyanoramphus auriceps    New Zealand............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA

[[Page 29]]

Parakeet, golden....................  Aratinga guarouba......  Brazil.................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Parakeet, golden-shouldered.........  Psephotus                Australia..............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Parakeet, Mauritius.................  Psittacula echo........  Indian Ocean--Mauritius  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Parakeet, Norfolk Island............  Cyanoramphus cookii      Australia (Norfolk       ......do...............        E       401         NA         NA
                                       (=novaezelandiae c.).    Island).
Parakeet, orange-bellied............  Neophema chrysogaster..  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Parakeet, paradise..................  Psephotus pulcherrimus.  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Parakeet, scarlet-chested...........  Neophema splendida.....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Parakeet, turquoise.................  Neophema pulchella.....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Parrot, Bahaman or Cuban............  Amazona leucocephala...  West Indies--Cuba,       ......do...............        E     3, 15         NA         NA
                                                                Bahamas, Caymans.
Parrot, ground......................  Pezoporus wallicus.....  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         6         NA         NA
Parrot, imperial....................  Amazona imperialis.....  West Indies--Dominica..  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Parrot, night (=Australian).........  Geopsittacus             Australia..............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Parrot, Puerto Rican................  Amazona vittata........  U.S.A. (PR)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Parrot, red-browed..................  Amazona rhodocorytha...  Brazil.................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Parrot, red-capped..................  Pionopsitta pileata....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Parrot, red-necked..................  Amazona arausiaca......  West Indies--Dominica..  ......do...............        E        50         NA         NA
Parrot, red-spectacled..............  Amazona pretrei pretrei  Brazil, Argentina......  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Parrot, red-tailed..................  Amazona brasiliensis...  Brazil.................  ......do...............        E       401         NA         NA
Parrot, Seychelles lesser vasa......  Coracopsis nigra         Indian Ocean--           ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
                                       barklyi.                 Seychelles (Praslin
Parrot, St. Vincent.................  Amazona guildingii.....  West Indies--St.         ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Parrot, St. Lucia...................  Amazona versicolor.....  West Indies--St. Lucia.  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Parrot, thick-billed................  Rhynchopsitta            Mexico, U.S.A. (AZ, NM)  Mexico.................        E         3         NA         NA
Parrot, vinaceous-breasted..........  Amazona vinacea........  Brazil.................  Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
Parrotbill, Maui (honeycreeper).....  Pseudonestor             U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Pelican, brown......................  Pelecanus occidentalis.  U.S.A (Carolinas to TX,  Entire, except U.S.            E     2, 3,         NA         NA
                                                                CA, OR, WA), West        Atlantic coast, FL, AL.               171
                                                                Indies, coastal
                                                                Central and South
Penguin, Galapagos..................  Spheniscus mendiculus..  Ecuador (Galapagos       Entire.................        E         3         NA         NA
Petrel, Hawaiian dark-rumped........  Pterodroma phaeopygia    U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Petrel, Madeira.....................  Pterodroma madeira.....  Atlantic Ocean--Madeira  ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
Petrel, Mascarene black.............  Pterodroma aterrima....  Indian Ocean--Mauritius  ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
                                                                (Reunion Island).
Pheasant, bar-tailed................  Syrmaticus humaie......  Burma, China...........  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Pheasant, Blyth's tragopan..........  Tragopan blythii.......  Burma, China, India....  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Pheasant, brown eared...............  Crossoptilon             China..................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Pheasant, Cabot's tragopan..........  Tragopan caboti........  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Pheasant, cheer.....................  Catreus wallichii......  India, Nepal, Pakistan.  ......do...............        E       401         NA         NA
Pheasant, Chinese monal.............  Lophophorus lhuysii....  China..................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Pheasant, Edward's..................  Lophura edwardsi.......  Vietnam................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Pheasant, Elliot's..................  Syrmaticus ellioti.....  China..................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Pheasant, imperial..................  Lophura imperialis.....  Vietnam................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Pheasant, Mikado....................  Syrmaticus mikado......  Taiwan.................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Pheasant, Palawan peacock...........  Polyplectron emphanum..  Philippines............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Pheasant, Sclater's monal...........  Lophophorus sclateri...  Burma, China, India....  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Pheasant, Swinhoe's.................  Lophura swinhoii.......  Taiwan.................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Pheasant, western tragopan..........  Tragopan melanocephalus  India, Pakistan........  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA

[[Page 30]]

Pheasant, white eared...............  Crossoptilon             China (Tibet), India...  ......do...............        E         4         NA         NA
Pigeon, Azores wood.................  Columba palumbus         East Atlantic Ocean--    ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       azorica.                 Azores.
Pigeon, Chatham Island..............  Hemiphaga                New Zealand............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Pigeon, Mindoro imperial (=zone-      Ducula mindorensis.....  Philippines............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Pigeon, pink........................  Columba mayeri.........  Indian Ocean--Mauritius  ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
Pigeon, Puerto Rican plain..........  Columba inornata         U.S.A. (PR)............  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
Pigeon, white-tailed laurel.........  Columba junoniae.......  Atlantic Ocean--Canary   ......do...............        T       571         NA         NA
Piping-guan, black-fronted..........  Pipile jacutinga.......  Argentina..............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Pitta, Koch's.......................  Pitta kochi............  Philippines............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Plover, New Zealand shore...........  Thinornis                New Zealand............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Plover, piping......................  Charadrius melodus.....  U.S.A. (Great Lakes,     Great Lakes, watershed         E       211   17.95(b)         NA
                                                                northern Great Plains,   in States of IL, IN,
                                                                Atlantic and Gulf        MI, MN, NY, OH, PA,
                                                                Coasts, PR, VI)          and WI and Canada
                                                                Canada, Mexico,          (Ont.).
                                                                Bahamas, West Indies.
Plover, piping......................  Charadrius melodus.....  U.S.A. (Great Lakes,     Northern Great Plains          T       211   17.95(b)         NA
                                                                northern Great Plains,   in States of MN, MT,
                                                                Atlantic and Gulf        ND, NE, and SD.
                                                                Coasts, PR, VI)
                                                                Canada, Mexico,
                                                                Bahamas, West Indies.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Entire, except those           T       211         NA         NA
                                                                                         areas where listed as
                                                                                         endangered above.
Plover, western snowy...............  Charadrius alexandrinus  U.S.A. (AZ, CA, CO, KS,  U.S.A. (CA, OR, WA),           T       493   17.95(b)         NA
                                       nivosus.                 NM, NV, OK, OR, TX,      Mexico (within 50
                                                                UT, WA), Mexico.         miles of Pacific
Pochard, Madagascar.................  Aythya innotata........  Madagascar.............  Entire.................        E       571         NA         NA
Po`ouli (honeycreeper)..............  Melamprosops phaeosoma.  U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E        10         NA         NA
Prairie-chicken, Attwater's greater.  Tympanuchus cupido       U.S.A. (TX)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Quail, Merriam's Montezuma..........  Cyrtonyx montezumae      Mexico (Vera Cruz).....  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Quetzel, resplendent................  Pharomachrus mocinno...  Mexico to Panama.......  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Rail, Aukland Island................  Rallus pectoralis        New Zealand............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Rail, California clapper............  Rallus longirostris      U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
Rail, Guam..........................  Rallus owstoni.........  Western Pacific Ocean--  Entire, except Rota....        E     146E,         NA         NA
                                                                U.S.A. (Guam).                                            156, 371
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Rota...................       XN       371         NA   17.84(f)
Rail, light-footed clapper..........  Rallus longirostris      U.S.A. (CA), Mexico      U.S.A. only............        E         2         NA         NA
                                       levipes.                 (Baja California).
Rail, Lord Howe wood................  Gallirallus              Australia (Lord Howe     Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
                                       (=Tricholimnas)          Island).
Rail, Yuma clapper..................  Rallus longirostris      Mexico, U.S.A. (AZ, CA)  U.S.A. only............        E         1         NA         NA
Rhea, lesser (incl. Darwin's).......  Rhea (=Pterocnemia)      Argentina, Bolivia,      Entire.................        E         3         NA         NA
                                       pennata.                 Peru, Uruguay.
Robin, Chatham Island...............  Petroica traversi......  New Zealand............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Robin, dappled mountain.............  Arcanator orostruthus..  Mozambique, Tanzania...  ......do...............        T       571         NA         NA
Robin, scarlet-breasted (flycatcher)  Petroica multicolor      Australia (Norfolk       ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       multicolor.              Island).
Rockfowl, grey-necked...............  Picathartes oreas......  Cameroon, Gabon........  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Rockfowl, white-necked..............  Picathartes              Africa--Togo to Sierra   ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       gymnocephalus.           Leone.

[[Page 31]]

Roller, long-tailed ground..........  Uratelornis chimaera...  Malagasy Republic        ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Scrub-bird, noisy...................  Atrichornis clamosus...  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Scrub-jay, Florida..................  Aphelocoma coerulescens  U.S.A. (FL)............  ......do...............        T       267         NA         NA
Shama, Cebu black (thrush)..........  Copsychus niger          Philippines............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Shearwater, Newell's Townsend's.....  Puffinus auricularis     U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        T        10         NA         NA
Shrike, San Clemente loggerhead.....  Lanius ludovicianus      U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E        26         NA         NA
Siskin, red.........................  Carduelis cucullata....  South America..........  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Sparrow, Cape Sable seaside.........  Ammodramus maritimus     U.S.A. (FL)............  ......do...............        E         1   17.95(b)         NA
Sparrow, Florida grasshopper........  Ammodramus savannarum    ......do...............  ......do...............        E       239         NA         NA
Sparrow, San Clemente sage..........  Amphispiza belli         U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        T        26         NA         NA
Sparrowhawk, Anjouan Island.........  Accipiter francesii      Indian Ocean--Comoro     ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       pusillus.                Islands.
Starling, Ponape mountain...........  Aplonis pelzelni.......  West Pacific Ocean--     ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Federated States of
Starling, Rothschild's (myna).......  Leucopsar rothschildi..  Indonesia (Bali).......  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Stilt, Hawaiian.....................  Himantopus mexicanus     U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
                                       (=himantopus) knudseni.
Stork, oriental white...............  Ciconia boyciana         China, Japan, Korea,     ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                       (=ciconia b.).           Russia.
Stork, wood.........................  Mycteria americana.....  U.S.A., (CA, AZ, TX, to  U.S.A. (AL, FL, GA, SC)        E       142         NA         NA
                                                                Carolinas), Mexico, C.
                                                                and S. America.
Sunbird, Marungu....................  Nectarinia prigoginei..  Zaire..................  Entire.................        E       571         NA         NA
Swiftlet, Mariana gray..............  Aerodramus vanikorensis  Western Pacific Ocean--  ......do...............        E       156         NA         NA
                                       bartschi.                U.S.A. (Guam, Rota,
                                                                Tinian, Saipan,
Teal, Campbell Island flightless....  Anas aucklandica         New Zealand (Campbell    ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       nesiotis.                Island).
Tern, California least..............  Sterna antillarum        Mexico, U.S.A. (CA)....  ......do...............        E      2, 3         NA         NA
Tern, least.........................  Sterna antillarum......  U.S.A. (Atlantic and     U.S.A. (AR, CO, IA, IL,        E       182         NA         NA
                                                                Gulf coasts, Miss. R.    IN, KS, KY, LA--Miss.
                                                                Basin, CA), Greater      R. and tribs. N of
                                                                and Lesser Antilles,     Baton Rouge, MS--Miss.
                                                                Bahamas, Mexico;         R., MO, MT, ND, NE,
                                                                winters Central          NM, OK, SD, TN, TX--
                                                                America, northern        except within 50 miles
                                                                South America.           of coast).
Tern, roseate.......................  Sterna dougallii         Tropical and temperate   U.S.A. (Atlantic Coast         E       296         NA         NA
                                       dougallii.               coasts of Atlantic       south to NC), Canada
                                                                Basin and East Africa.   (Newf., N.S, Que.),
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Western Hemisphere and         T       296         NA         NA
                                                                                         adjacent oceans, incl.
                                                                                         U.S.A. (FL, PR, VI),
                                                                                         where not listed as
Thrasher, white-breasted............  Ramphocinclus            West Indies--St. Lucia,  Entire.................        E         3         NA         NA
                                       brachyurus.              Martinique.
Thrush, large Kauai.................  Myadestes myadestinus..  U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
Thrush, Molokai.....................  Myadestes lanaiensis     ......do...............  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
Thrush, New Zealand (wattlebird)....  Turnagra capensis......  New Zealand............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Thrush, small Kauai.................  Myadestes palmeri......  U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Thrush, Taita.......................  Turdus olivaceous        Kenya..................  ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
Tinamou, solitary...................  Tinamus solitarius.....  Brazil, Paraguay,        ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Towhee, Inyo California.............  Pipilo crissalis         U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        T       282   17.95(b)         NA

[[Page 32]]

Trembler, Martinique (thrasher).....  Cinclocerthia ruficauda  West Indies--Martinique  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Turaco, Bannerman's.................  Tauraco bannermani.....  Cameroon...............  ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
Turtle-dove, Seychelles.............  Streptopelia picturata   Indian Ocean--           ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
                                       rostrata.                Seychelles.
Vanga, Pollen's.....................  Xenopirostris polleni..  Madagascar.............  ......do...............        T       571         NA         NA
Vanga, Van Dam's....................  Xenopirostris damii....  ......do...............  ......do...............        T       571         NA         NA
Vireo, black-capped.................  Vireo atricapillus.....  U.S.A. (KS, LA, NE, OK,  ......do...............        E       294         NA         NA
                                                                TX), Mexico..
Vireo, least Bell's.................  Vireo bellii pusillus..  U.S.A. (CA), Mexico....  ......do...............        E       228   17.95(b)         NA
Wanderer, plain (collared-hemipode).  Pedionomous torquatus..  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         6         NA         NA
Warbler, Aldabra (old world warbler)  Nesillas aldabranus....  Indian Ocean--           ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
                                                                Seychelles (Aldabra
Warbler (wood), Bachman's...........  Vermivora bachmanii....  U.S.A. (Southeastern),   ......do...............        E      1, 3         NA         NA
Warbler (wood), Barbados yellow.....  Dendroica petechia       West Indies--Barbados..  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Warbler (wood), golden-cheeked......  Dendroica chrysoparia..  U.S.A. (TX), Mexico,     ......do...............        E     387E,         NA         NA
                                                                Guatemala, Honduras,                                           411
                                                                Nicaragua, Belize.
Warbler (wood), Kirtland's..........  Dendroica kirtlandii...  U.S.A. (principally      ......do...............        E      1, 3         NA         NA
                                                                MI), Canada, West
                                                                Indies--Bahama Islands.
Warbler, nightingale reed, (old       Acrocephalus luscinia..  West Pacific Ocean--     ......do...............        E      3, 4         NA         NA
 world warbler).                                                U.S.A. (Guam,
                                                                Alamagan, Saipan).
Warbler, Rodrigues (old world         Bebrornis rodericanus..  Mauritius (Rodrigues     ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
 warbler).                                                      Islands).
Warbler (wood), Semper's............  Leucopeza semperi......  West Indies--St. Lucia.  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Warbler, Seychelles (old world        Bebrornis sechellensis.  Indian Ocean--           ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
 warbler).                                                      Seychelles Island.
Wattle-eye, banded..................  Platysteira laticincta.  Cameroon...............  ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
Weaver, Clarke's....................  Ploceus golandi........  Kenya..................  ......do...............        E       571         NA         NA
Whipbird, western...................  Psophodes nigrogularis.  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
White-eye, bridled..................  Zosterops                Western Pacific Ocean--  ......do...............        E       156         NA         NA
                                       conspicillatus           U.S.A. (Guam).
White-eye, Norfolk Island...........  Zosterops albogularis..  Indian Ocean--Norfolk    ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
White-eye, Ponape greater...........  Rukia longirostra......  West Pacific Ocean--     ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Federated States of
White-eye, Rota bridled.............  Zosterops rotensis.....  Western Pacific Ocean-   ......do...............        E       741         NA         NA
                                                                U.S.A. (Commonwealth
                                                                of the Northern
                                                                Mariana Islands).
White-eye, Seychelles...............  Zosterops modesta......  Indian Ocean--           ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Woodpecker, imperial................  Campephilus imperialis.  Mexico.................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Woodpecker, ivory-billed............  Campephilus principalis  U.S.A. (southcentral     ......do...............        E      1, 3         NA         NA
                                                                and southeastern),
Woodpecker, red-cockaded............  Picoides borealis......  U.S.A. (southcentral     ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
                                                                and southeastern).
Woodpecker, Tristam's...............  Dryocopus javensis       Korea..................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Wren, Guadeloupe house..............  Troglodytes aedon        West Indies--Guadeloupe  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Wren, St. Lucia house...............  Troglodytes aedon        West Indies--St. Lucia.  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA

[[Page 33]]

Alligator, American.................  Alligator                Southeastern U.S.A.....  ......do...............   T(S/A)    1, 11,         NA   17.42(a)
                                       mississippiensis.                                                                   20, 51,
                                                                                                                          60, 113,
                                                                                                                          186, 269
Alligator, Chinese..................  Alligator sinensis.....  China..................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Anole, Culebra Island giant.........  Anolis roosevelti......  U.S.A. (PR--Culebra      ......do...............        E        25   17.95(c)         NA
Boa, Jamaican.......................  Epicrates subflavus....  Jamaica................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Boa, Mona...........................  Epicrates monensis       U.S.A. (PR)............  ......do...............        T        33   17.95(c)         NA
Boa, Puerto Rican...................  Epicrates inornatus....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
Boa, Round Island [unnamed].........  Bolyeria multocarinata.  Indian Ocean--Mauritius  ......do...............        E        88         NA         NA
 Do.................................  Casarea dussumieri.....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E        88         NA         NA
Boa, Virgin Islands tree............  Epicrates monensis       U.S.A. (PR), British     ......do...............        E     2, 86         NA         NA
                                       granti.                  Virgin Islands.
Caiman, Apaporis River..............  Caiman crocodilus        Colombia...............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Caiman, black.......................  Melanosuchus niger.....  Amazon basin...........  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Caiman, broad-snouted...............  Caiman latirostris.....  Brazil, Argentina,       ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                Paraguay, Uruguay.
Caiman, brown.......................  Caiman crocodilus        Mexico, Central          ......do...............   T(S/A)       695         NA   17.42(g)
                                       fuscus (includes         America, Colombia,
                                       Caiman crocodilus        Ecuador, Venezuela,
                                       chiapasius).             Peru.
Caiman, common......................  Caiman crocodilus        Brazil, Colombia,        ......do...............   T(S/A)       695         NA   17.42(g)
                                       crocodilus.              Ecuador, French
                                                                Guiana, Guyana,
                                                                Suriname, Venezuela,
                                                                Bolivia, Peru.
Caiman, yacare......................  Caiman yacare..........  Argentina, Bolivia,      ......do...............        T    3, 695         NA   17.42(g)
                                                                Brazil, Paraguay.
Chuckwalla, San Esteban Island......  Sauromalus varius......  Mexico.................  ......do...............        E        88         NA         NA
Crocodile, African dwarf............  Osteolaemus tetraspis    West Africa............  ......do...............        E   15, 15A         NA         NA
Crocodile, African slender-snouted..  Crocodylus cataphractus  Western and central      ......do...............        E         5         NA         NA
Crocodile, American.................  Crocodylus acutus......  U.S.A. (FL), Mexico,     ......do...............        E    10, 87   17.95(c)         NA
                                                                Caribbean, Central and
                                                                South America.
Crocodile, Ceylon mugger............  Crocodylus palustris     Sri Lanka..............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Crocodile, Congo dwarf..............  Osteolaemus tetraspis    Congo R. drainage......  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Crocodile, Cuban....................  Crocodylus rhombifer...  Cuba...................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Crocodile, Morelet's................  Crocodylus moreletii...  Mexico, Belize,          ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Crocodile, mugger...................  Crocodylus palustris     India, Pakistan, Iran,   ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       palustris.               Bangladesh.
Crocodile, Nile.....................  Crocodylus niloticus...  Africa, Middle East....  ......do...............        T   3, 279,         NA   17.42(c)
                                                                                                                          514, 585
Crocodile, Orinoco..................  Crocodylus intermedius.  South America--Orinoco   ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                R. basin.
Crocodile, Philippine...............  Crocodylus novaeguineae  Philippine Islands.....  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Crocodile, saltwater................  Crocodylus porosus.....  Southeast Asia,          Entire, except Papua           E   87, 585         NA         NA
                                                                Australia, Papua New     New Guinea and
                                                                Guinea, Islands of the   Australia.
                                                                West Pacific Ocean.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Australia..............        T   87, 585         NA   17.42(c)
Crocodile, Siamese..................  Crocodylus siamensis...  Southeast Asia, Malay    Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA

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Gavial..............................  Gavialis gangeticus....  Pakistan, Burma,         ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Bangladesh, India,
Gecko, day..........................  Phelsuma edwardnewtoni.  Indian Ocean--Mauritius  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Gecko, Monito.......................  Sphaerodactylus          U.S.A. (PR)............  ......do...............        E       125   17.95(c)         NA
Gecko, Round Island day.............  Phelsuma guentheri.....  Indian Ocean--Mauritius  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Gecko, Serpent Island...............  Cyrtodactylus            ......do...............  ......do...............        T       129         NA         NA
Iguana, Acklins ground..............  Cyclura rileyi nuchalis  West Indies--Bahamas...  ......do...............        T       129         NA         NA
Iguana, Allen's Cay.................  Cyclura cychlura         ......do...............  ......do...............        T       129         NA         NA
Iguana, Andros Island ground........  Cyclura cychlura         ......do...............  ......do...............        T       129         NA         NA
Iguana, Anegada ground..............  Cyclura pinguis........  West Indies--British     ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Virgin Islands
                                                                (Anegada Island).
Iguana, Barrington land.............  Conolophus pallidus....  Ecuador (Galapagos       ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Iguana, Cayman Brac ground..........  Cyclura nubila           West Indies--Cayman      ......do...............        T       129         NA         NA
                                       caymanensis.             Islands.
Iguana, Cuban ground................  Cyclura nubila nubila..  Cuba...................  ......do...............        T       129         NA         NA
Iguana, Exuma Island................  Cyclura cychlura         West Indies--Bahamas...  ......do...............        T       129         NA         NA
Iguana, Fiji banded.................  Brachylophus fasciatus.  Pacific--Fiji, Tonga...  ......do...............        E        88         NA         NA
Iguana, Fiji crested................  Brachylophus vitiensis.  Pacific--Fiji..........  ......do...............        E        88         NA         NA
Iguana, Grand Cayman ground.........  Cyclura nubila lewisi..  West Indies--Cayman      ......do...............        E       129         NA         NA
Iguana, Jamaican....................  Cyclura collei.........  West Indies--Jamaica...  ......do...............        E       129         NA         NA
Iguana, Mayaguana...................  Cyclura carinata         West Indies--Bahamas...  ......do...............        T       129         NA         NA
Iguana, Mona ground.................  Cyclura stejnegeri.....  U.S.A. (PR--Mona         ......do...............        T        33   17.95(c)         NA
Iguana, Turks and Caicos............  Cyclura carinata         West Indies--Turks and   ......do...............        T       129         NA         NA
                                       carinata.                Caicos Islands.
Iguana, Watling Island ground.......  Cyclura rileyi rileyi..  West Indies--Bahamas...  ......do...............        E       129         NA         NA
Iguana, White Cay ground............  Cyclura rileyi cristata  ......do...............  ......do...............        T       129         NA         NA
Lizard, blunt-nosed leopard.........  Gambelia silus.........  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Lizard, Coachella Valley fringe-toed  Uma inornata...........  ......do...............  ......do...............        T       105   17.95(c)         NA
Lizard, Hierro giant................  Gallotia simonyi         Spain (Canary Islands).  ......do...............        E       144         NA         NA
Lizard, Ibiza wall..................  Podarcis pityusensis...  Spain (Balearic          ......do...............        T       144         NA         NA
Lizard, Island night................  Xantusia riversiana....  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        T        26         NA         NA
Lizard, Maria Island ground.........  Cnemidophorus vanzoi...  West Indies--St. Lucia   ......do...............        E       443         NA         NA
                                                                (Maria Islands).
Lizard, St. Croix ground............  Ameiva polops..........  U.S.A. (VI)............  ......do...............        E        24   17.95(c)         NA
Monitor, desert.....................  Varanus griseus........  North Africa to Aral     ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                Sea, through Central
                                                                Asia to Pakistan,
                                                                Northwest India.
Monitor, Indian (=Bengal)...........  Varanus bengalensis....  Iran, Iraq, India, Sri   ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                Lanka, Malaysia,
                                                                Afghanistan, Burma,
                                                                Vietnam, Thailand.
Monitor, Komodo Island..............  Varanus komodoensis....  Indonesia (Komodo,       ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                Rintja, Padar, and
                                                                western Flores Island).
Monitor, yellow.....................  Varanus flavescens.....  West Pakistan through    ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                India to Bangladesh.
Python, Indian......................  Python molurus molurus.  Sri Lanka and India....  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA

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Rattlesnake, Aruba Island...........  Crotalus unicolor......  Aruba Island             ......do...............        T       129         NA         NA
                                                                (Netherland Antilles).
Rattlesnake, New Mexican ridge-nosed  Crotalus willardi        U.S.A. (AZ, NM), Mexico  ......do...............        T        43   17.95(c)         NA
Sea turtle, green...................  Chelonia mydas.........  Circumglobal in          Breeding colony                E        42         NA    224.104
                                                                tropical and temperate   populations in FL and
                                                                seas and oceans.         on Pacific coast of
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Wherever found except          T        42    226.208  17.42(b),
                                                                                         where listed as                                        223.205,
                                                                                         endangered.                                            223.206,
Sea turtle, hawksbill...............  Eretmochelys imbricata.  Tropical seas..........  Entire.................        E         3  17.95(c),    224.104
Sea turtle, Kemp's ridley...........  Lepidochelys kempii....  Tropical and temperate   ......do...............        E         4         NA    224.104
                                                                seas in Atlantic
                                                                Basin, incl. Gulf of
Sea turtle, leatherback.............  Dermochelys coriacea...  Tropical, temperate,     ......do...............        E         3  17.95(c),    224.104
                                                                and subpolar seas.                                                    226.207
Sea turtle, loggerhead..............  Caretta caretta........  Circumglobal in          ......do...............        T        42         NA  17.42(b),
                                                                tropical and temperate                                                          223.205,
                                                                seas and oceans.                                                                223.206,
Sea turtle, olive ridley............  Lepidochelys olivacea..  Circumglobal in          Wherever found except          T        42         NA  17.42(b),
                                                                tropical and temperate   where listed as                                        223.205,
                                                                seas.                    endangered below.                                      223.206,
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Breeding colony                E        42         NA    224.104
                                                                                         populations on Pacific
                                                                                         coast of Mexico.
Skink, bluetail mole................  Eumeces egregius         U.S.A. (FL)............  Entire.................        T       299         NA   17.42(d)
Skink, Round Island.................  Leiolopisma telfairi...  Indian Ocean--Mauritius  ......do...............        T       129         NA         NA
Skink, sand.........................  Neoseps reynoldsi......  U.S.A. (FL)............  ......do...............        T       299         NA   17.42(d)
Snake, Atlantic salt marsh..........  Nerodia clarkii          ......do...............  ......do...............        T        30         NA         NA
Snake, Concho water.................  Nerodia paucimaculata..  U.S.A. (TX)............  ......do...............        T       241   17.95(c)         NA
Snake, copperbelly water............  Nerodia erythrogaster    U.S.A. (IL, IN, KY, MI,  IN north of 40[deg] N.         T       607         NA         NA
                                       neglecta.                OH).                     Lat., MI, OH.
Snake, eastern indigo...............  Drymarchon corais        U.S.A. (AL, FL, GA, MS,  Entire.................        T        32         NA         NA
                                       couperi.                 SC).
Snake, giant garter.................  Thamnophis gigas.......  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        T       522         NA         NA
Snake, Lake Erie water..............  Nerodia sipedon          U.S.A. (OH), Canada      Lake Erie offshore             T       665         NA         NA
                                       insularum.               (Ont.).                  islands and their
                                                                                         adjacent waters
                                                                                         (located more than 1
                                                                                         mile from mainland)--
                                                                                         U.S.A. (OH), Canada
Snake, Maria Island.................  Liophus ornatus........  West Indies--St. Lucia   Entire.................        E       443         NA         NA
                                                                (Maria Islands).
Snake, San Francisco garter.........  Thamnophis sirtalis      U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Tartaruga...........................  Podocnemis expansa.....  South America--Orinoco   ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                R. and Amazon R.
Terrapin, river.....................  Batagur baska..........  Malaysia, Bangladesh,    ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Burma, India,
Tomistoma...........................  Tomistoma schlegelii...  Malaysia, Indonesia....  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA

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Tortoise, angulated.................  Geochelone yniphora....  Malagasy Republic        ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Tortoise, Bolson....................  Gopherus                 Mexico.................  ......do...............        E        46         NA         NA
Tortoise, desert....................  Gopherus agassizii.....  U.S.A. (AZ, CA, NV,      Entire, except AZ south        T      103,   17.95(c)         NA
                                                                UT), Mexico.             and east of Colorado                357E,
                                                                                         R., and Mexico.                       378
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  AZ south and east of      T(S/A)       378         NA   17.42(e)
                                                                                         Colorado R., and
                                                                                         Mexico, when found
                                                                                         outside of Mexico or
                                                                                         said range in AZ.
Tortoise, Galapagos.................  Geochelone nigra         Ecuador (Galapagos       Entire.................        E         3         NA         NA
                                       (=elephantopus).         Islands).
Tortoise, gopher....................  Gopherus polyphemus....  U.S.A. (AL, FL, GA, LA,  Wherever found west of         T       281         NA         NA
                                                                MS, SC).                 Mobile and Tombigbee
                                                                                         Rivers in AL, MS, and
Tortoise, Madagascar radiated.......  Geochelone radiata.....  Malagasy Republic        Entire.................        E         3         NA         NA
Tracaja.............................  Podocnemis unifilis....  South America--Orinoco   ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                R. and Amazon R.
Tuatara.............................  Sphenodon punctatus....  New Zealand............  ......do...............        E    3, 630         NA         NA
Tuatara, Brother's Island...........  Sphenodon guntheri.....  New Zealand (N.          ......do...............        E    3, 630         NA         NA
                                                                Brother's Island).
Turtle, Alabama redbelly............  Pseudemys alabamensis..  U.S.A. (AL)............  ......do...............        E       278         NA         NA
Turtle, aquatic box.................  Terrapene coahuila.....  Mexico.................  ......do...............        E         6         NA         NA
Turtle, black softshell.............  Trionyx nigricans......  Bangladesh.............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Turtle, bog (=Muhlenberg)...........  Clemmys muhlenbergii...  U.S.A. (CT, DE, GA, MA,  Entire, except GA, NC,         T       626         NA         NA
                                                                MD, NC, NJ, NY, PA,      SC, TN, VA.
                                                                SC, TN, VA).
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (GA, NC, SC, TN,   T(S/A)       626         NA   17.42(f)
Turtle, Brazilian sideneck..........  Phrynops hogei.........  Brazil.................  Entire.................        E       443         NA         NA
Turtle, Burmese peacock.............  Morenia ocellata.......  Burma..................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Turtle, Cat Island..................  Trachemys terrapen.....  West Indies--Jamaica,    Cat Island in the              E       443         NA         NA
                                                                Bahamas.                 Bahamas.
Turtle, Central American river......  Dermatemys mawii.......  Mexico, Belize,          Entire.................        E       129         NA         NA
Turtle, Cuatro Cienegas softshell...  Trionyx ater...........  Mexico.................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Turtle, flattened musk..............  Sternotherus depressus.  U.S.A. (AL)............  Black Warrior R. system        T       272         NA         NA
                                                                                         upstream from Bankhead
Turtle, geometric...................  Psammobates geometricus  South Africa...........  Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
Turtle, Inagua Island...............  Trachemys stejnegeri     West Indies--Bahamas     ......do...............        E       443         NA         NA
                                       malonei.                 (Great Inagua Island).
Turtle, Indian sawback..............  Kachuga tecta tecta....  India..................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Turtle, Indian softshell............  Trionyx gangeticus.....  Pakistan, India........  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Turtle, peacock softshell...........  Trionyx hurum..........  India, Bangladesh......  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Turtle, Plymouth redbelly...........  Pseudemys rubriventris   U.S.A. (MA)............  ......do...............        E        90   17.95(c)         NA
Turtle, ringed map..................  Graptemys oculifera....  U.S.A. (LA, MS)........  ......do...............        T       250         NA         NA
Turtle, short-necked or western       Pseudemydura umbrina...  Australia..............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Turtle, South American red-lined....  Trachemys scripta        Colombia, Venezuela....  ......do...............        E       443         NA         NA

[[Page 37]]

Turtle, spotted pond................  Geoclemys hamiltonii...  North India, Pakistan..  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Turtle, three-keeled Asian..........  Melanochelys             Central India to         ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       tricarinata.             Bangladesh and Burma.
Turtle, yellow-blotched map.........  Graptemys flavimaculata  U.S.A. (MS)............  ......do...............        T       416         NA         NA
Viper, Lar Valley...................  Vipera latifii.........  Iran...................  ......do...............        E       129         NA         NA
Whipsnake, Alameda (=striped racer).  Masticophis lateralis    U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        T       628   17.95(c)         NA
Coqui, golden.......................  Eleutherodactylus        U.S.A. (PR)............  ......do...............        T        29   17.95(d)         NA
Frog, California red-legged.........  Rana aurora draytonii..  U.S.A. (CA), Mexico....  ......do...............        T       583   17.95(d)      17.43
Frog, Chiricahua leopard............  Rana chiricahuensis....  U.S.A. (AZ, NM), Mexico  ......do...............        T       726         NA       Sec.
Frog, Goliath.......................  Conraua goliath........  Cameroon, Equatorial     ......do...............        T       566         NA         NA
                                                                Guinea, Gabon.
Frog, Israel painted................  Discoglossus             Israel.................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Frog, Mississippi gopher............  Rana capitol sevosa....  U.S.A. (AL, FL, LA, MS)  Wherever found west of         E       718         NA         NA
                                                                                         Mobile and Tombigbee
                                                                                         Rivers in Al, MS, and
Frog, mountain yellow-legged          Rana muscosa...........  U.S.A. (California,      U.S.A., southern               E       728         NA         NA
 (southern California DPS).                                     Nevada).                 California.
Frog, Panamanian golden.............  Atelopus varius zeteki.  Panama.................  Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
Frog, Stephen Island................  Leiopelma hamiltoni....  New Zealand............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Guaj[oacute]n.......................  Eleutherodactylus cooki  U.S.A. (PR)............  ......do...............        T       617         NA         NA
Salamander, Barton Springs..........  Eurycea sosorum........  U.S.A. (TX)............  ......do...............        E       612         NA         NA
Salamander, California tiger........  Ambystoma californiense  U.S.A. (CA)............  U.S.A. (CA--California)        T     667E,   17.95(d)   17.43(c)
                                                                                                                          702, 744
Salamander, Cheat Mountain..........  Plethodon nettingi.....  U.S.A. (WV)............  Entire.................        T       358         NA         NA
Salamander, Chinese giant...........  Andrias davidianus       Western China..........  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       (=davidianus d.).
Salamander, desert slender..........  Batrachoseps aridus....  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E         6         NA         NA
Salamander, flatwoods...............  Ambystoma cingulatum...  U.S.A. (AL, FL, GA, SC)  ......do...............        T       658         NA         NA
Salamander, Japanese giant..........  Andrias japonicus        Japan..................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       (=davidianus j.).
Salamander, Red Hills...............  Phaeognathus hubrichti.  U.S.A. (AL)............  ......do...............        T        19         NA         NA
Salamander, San Marcos..............  Eurycea nana...........  U.S.A. (TX)............  ......do...............        T        98   17.95(d)   17.43(a)
Salamander, Santa Cruz long-toed....  Ambystoma macrodactylum  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Salamander, Shenandoah..............  Plethodon shenandoah...  U.S.A. (VA)............  ......do...............        E       358         NA         NA
Salamander, Sonoran tiger...........  Ambystoma tigrinum       U.S.A. (AZ), Mexico....  ......do...............        E       600         NA         NA
Salamander, Texas blind.............  Typhlomolge rathbuni...  U.S.A. (TX)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Toad, arroyo (=arroyo southwestern).  Bufo californicus......  U.S.A. (CA), Mexico....  ......do...............        E       568   17.95(d)         NA
Toad, Cameroon......................  Bufo superciliaris.....  Equatorial Africa......  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Toad, Houston.......................  Bufo houstonensis......  U.S.A. (TX)............  ......do...............        E         2   17.95(d)         NA
Toad, Monte Verde golden............  Bufo periglenes........  Costa Rica.............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Toad, Puerto Rican crested..........  Peltophryne lemur......  U.S.A. (PR), British     ......do...............        T       283         NA         NA
                                                                Virgin Islands.
Toad, Wyoming.......................  Bufo hemiophrys baxteri  U.S.A. (WY)............  ......do...............        E       138         NA         NA
Toads, African viviparous...........  Nectophrynoides spp....  Tanzania, Guinea, Ivory  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                Coast, Cameroon,
                                                                Liberia, Ethiopia.
Ala Balik (trout)...................  Salmo platycephalus....  Turkey.................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA

[[Page 38]]

Ayumodoki (loach)...................  Hymenophysa curta......  Japan..................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Blindcat, Mexican (catfish).........  Prietella phreatophila.  Mexico.................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Bonytongue, Asian...................  Scleropages formosus...  Thailand, Indonesia,     ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Catfish.............................  Pangasius sanitwongsei.  Thailand...............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Catfish, Thailand giant.............  Pangasianodon gigas....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Catfish, Yaqui......................  Ictalurus pricei.......  U.S.A. (AZ), Mexico....  ......do...............        T       157   17.95(e)   17.44(h)
Cavefish, Alabama...................  Speoplatyrhinus          U.S.A. (AL)............  ......do...............        E   28, 328   17.95(e)         NA
Cavefish, Ozark.....................  Amblyopsis rosae.......  U.S.A. (AR, MO, OK)....  ......do...............        T       164         NA         NA
Chub, bonytail......................  Gila elegans...........  U.S.A. (AZ, CA, CO, NV,  ......do...............        E        92   17.95(e)         NA
                                                                UT, WY).
Chub, Borax Lake....................  Gila boraxobius........  U.S.A. (OR)............  ......do...............        E  94E, 124   17.95(e)         NA
Chub, Chihuahua.....................  Gila nigrescens........  U.S.A. (NM), Mexico      ......do...............        T       132         NA   17.44(g)
Chub, Gila..........................  Gila intermedia........  U.S.A. (AZ, NM),         ......do...............        E       755   17.95(e)         NA
Chub, humpback......................  Gila cypha.............  U.S.A. (AZ, CO, UT, WY)  ......do...............        E         1   17.95(e)         NA
Chub, Hutton tui....................  Gila bicolor ssp.......  U.S.A. (OR)............  ......do...............        T       174         NA   17.44(j)
Chub, Mohave tui....................  Gila bicolor mohavensis  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
Chub, Oregon........................  Oregonichthys crameri..  U.S.A. (OR)............  ......do...............        E       520         NA         NA
Chub, Owens tui.....................  Gila bicolor snyderi...  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E       195   17.95(e)         NA
Chub, Pahranagat roundtail..........  Gila robusta jordani...  U.S.A. (NV)............  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
Chub, slender.......................  Erimystax cahni........  U.S.A. (TN, VA)........  ......do...............        T        28   17.95(e)   17.44(c)
Chub, Sonora........................  Gila ditaenia..........  U.S.A. (AZ), Mexico....  ......do...............        T       227   17.95(e)   17.44(o)
Chub, spotfin (=turquoise shiner)...  Erimonax monachus......  U.S.A. (AL, GA, NC, TN,  Entire, except where           T   28, 732   17.95(e)   17.44(c)
                                                                VA).                     listed as an
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Tellico River, from the       XN       732         NA   17.84(m)
                                                                                         backwaters of the
                                                                                         Tellico Reservoir
                                                                                         (about Tellico River
                                                                                         mile 19 (30 km))
                                                                                         upstream to Tellico
                                                                                         River mile 33 (53 km),
                                                                                         in Monroe County, TN.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Shoal Creek (from Shoal       XN       747         NA   17.84(o)
                                                                                         Creek mile 41.7 (66.7
                                                                                         km)) at the mouth of
                                                                                         Long Branch, Lawrence
                                                                                         County, TN, downstream
                                                                                         to the backwaters of
                                                                                         Wilson Reservoir
                                                                                         (Shoal Creek mile 14
                                                                                         (22 km)) at Goose
                                                                                         Shoals, Lauderdale
                                                                                         County, AL, including
                                                                                         the lower 5 miles (8
                                                                                         km) of all tributaries
                                                                                         that enter this reach.
Chub, Virgin River..................  Gila robusta semidnuda.  U.S.A. (AZ, NV, UT)....  Entire.................        E       361   17.95(e)         NA
Chub, Yaqui.........................  Gila purpurea..........  U.S.A. (AZ), Mexico....  ......do...............        E       157   17.95(e)         NA
Cicek (minnow)......................  Acanthorutilus           Turkey.................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Cui-ui..............................  Chasmistes cujus.......  U.S.A. (NV)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA

[[Page 39]]

Dace, Ash Meadows speckled..........  Rhinichthys osculus      ......do...............  ......do...............        E     117E,   17.95(e)         NA
                                       nevadensis.                                                                           127E,
Dace, blackside.....................  Phoxinus                 U.S.A. (KY, TN)........  ......do...............        T       273         NA         NA
Dace, Clover Valley speckled........  Rhinichthys osculus      U.S.A. (NV)............  ......do...............        E       370         NA         NA
Dace, desert........................  Eremichthys acros......  ......do...............  ......do...............        T    1, 2D,   17.95(e)   17.44(m)
Dace, Foskett speckled..............  Rhinichthys osculus      U.S.A. (OR)............  ......do...............        T       174         NA   17.44(j)
Dace, Independence Valley speckled..  Rhinichthys osculus      U.S.A. (NV)............  ......do...............        E  370, 372         NA         NA
Dace, Kendall Warm Springs..........  Rhinichthys osculus      U.S.A. (WY)............  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
Dace, Moapa.........................  Moapa coriacea.........  U.S.A. (NV)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Darter, amber.......................  Percina antesella......  U.S.A. (AL, GA, TN)....  ......do...............        E       196   17.95(e)         NA
Darter, bayou.......................  Etheostoma rubrum......  U.S.A. (MS)............  ......do...............        T        10         NA   17.44(b)
Darter, bluemask....................  Etheostoma sp..........  U.S.A. (TN)............  ......do...............        E       525         NA         NA
Darter, boulder.....................  Etheostoma wapiti......  U.S.A. (AL, TN)........  Entire, except where           E       322         NA         NA
                                                                                         listed as an
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Shoal Creek (from Shoal       XN       747         NA   17.84(o)
                                                                                         Creek mile 41.7 (66.7
                                                                                         km)) at the mouth of
                                                                                         Long Branch, Lawrence
                                                                                         County, TN, downstream
                                                                                         to the backwaters of
                                                                                         Wilson Reservoir
                                                                                         (Shoal Creek mile 14
                                                                                         (22 km)) at Goose
                                                                                         Shoals, Lauderdale
                                                                                         County, AL, including
                                                                                         the lower 5 miles (8
                                                                                         km) of all tributaries
                                                                                         that enter this reach.
Darter, Cherokee....................  Etheostoma scotti......  U.S.A. (GA)............  Entire.................        T       569         NA         NA
Darter, duskytail...................  Etheostoma percnurum...  U.S.A. (TN, VA)........  Entire, except where           E  502, 732         NA         NA
                                                                                         listed as an
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Tellico River, from the       XN       732         NA   17.84(m)
                                                                                         backwaters of the
                                                                                         Tellico Reservoir
                                                                                         (about Tellico River
                                                                                         mile 19 [30.4 km])
                                                                                         upstream to Tellico
                                                                                         River mile 33 (52.8
                                                                                         km), in Monroe County,
Darter, Etowah......................  Etheostoma etowahae....  U.S.A. (GA)............  Entire.................        E       569         NA         NA
Darter, fountain....................  Etheostoma fonticola...  U.S.A. (TX)............  ......do...............        E         2   17.95(e)         NA
Darter, goldline....................  Percina aurolineata....  U.S.A. (AL, GA, TN)....  ......do...............        T       462         NA         NA
Darter, leopard.....................  Percina pantherina.....  U.S.A. (AR, OK)........  ......do...............        T        31   17.95(e)   17.44(d)
Darter, Maryland....................  Etheostoma sellare.....  U.S.A. (MD)............  ......do...............        E         1   17.95(e)         NA
Darter, Niangua.....................  Etheostoma nianguae....  U.S.A. (MO)............  ......do...............        T       185   17.95(e)   17.44(k)
Darter, Okaloosa....................  Etheostoma okaloosae...  U.S.A. (FL)............  ......do...............        E         6         NA         NA
Darter, relict......................  Etheostoma chienense...  U.S.A. (KY)............  ......do...............        E       525         NA         NA
Darter, slackwater..................  Etheostoma boschungi...  U.S.A. (AL, TN)........  ......do...............        T        28   17.95(e)   17.44(c)
Darter, snail.......................  Percina tanasi.........  U.S.A. (AL, GA, TN)....  ......do...............        T   12, 150         NA         NA
Darter vermilion....................  Etheostoma chermocki...  U.S.A. (AL)............  ......do...............        E       715         NA         NA
Darter, watercress..................  Etheostoma nuchale.....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
Gambusia, Big Bend..................  Gambusia gaigei........  U.S.A. (TX)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA

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Gambusia, Clear Creek...............  Gambusia heterochir....  ......do...............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Gambusia, Pecos.....................  Gambusia nobilis.......  U.S.A. (NM, TX)........  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
Gambusia, San Marcos................  Gambusia georgei.......  U.S.A. (TX)............  ......do...............        E        98   17.95(e)         NA
Goby, tidewater.....................  Eucyclogobius newberryi  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E       527   17.95(e)         NA
Logperch, Conasauga.................  Percina jenkinsi.......  U.S.A. (GA, TN)........  ......do...............        E       196   17.95(e)         NA
Logperch, Roanoke...................  Percina rex............  U.S.A. (VA)............  ......do...............        E       359         NA         NA
Madtom, Neosho......................  Noturus placidus.......  U.S.A. (KS, MO, OK)....  ......do...............        T       388         NA         NA
Madtom, pygmy.......................  Noturus stanauli.......  U.S.A. (TN)............  ......do...............        E       502         NA         NA
Madtom, Scioto......................  Noturus trautmani......  U.S.A. (OH)............  ......do...............        E        10         NA         NA
Madtom, smoky.......................  Noturus baileyi........  U.S.A. (TN)............  Entire, except where           E  163, 732   17.95(e)         NA
                                                                                         listed as an
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Tellico River, from the       XN       732         NA   17.84(m)
                                                                                         backwaters of the
                                                                                         Tellico Reservoir
                                                                                         (about Tellico River
                                                                                         mile 19 [30.4 km])
                                                                                         upstream to Tellico
                                                                                         River mile 33 (52.8
                                                                                         km), in Monroe County,
Madtom, yellowfin...................  Noturus flavipinnis....  U.S.A. (TN, VA)........  Entire, except where           T  28, 317,   17.95(e)   17.44(c)
                                                                                         listed as an                          732
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  N. Fork Holston River         XN       317         NA   17.84(e)
                                                                                         Watershed, VA, TN; S.
                                                                                         Fork Holston R., up-
                                                                                         stream to Ft. Patrick
                                                                                         Henry Dam, TN; Holston
                                                                                         R. down-stream to John
                                                                                         Sevier Detention Lake
                                                                                         Dam, TN; and all
                                                                                         tributaries thereto.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Tellico River, from the       XN       732         NA   17.84(e)
                                                                                         backwaters of the
                                                                                         Tellico Reservoir
                                                                                         (about Tellico River
                                                                                         mile 19 [30.4 km])
                                                                                         upstream to Tellico
                                                                                         River mile 33 (52.8
                                                                                         km), in Monroe County,
Minnow, Devils River................  Dionda diaboli.........  U.S.A. (TX), Mexico....  Entire.................        T       669         NA         NA
Minnow, loach.......................  Rhinichthys cobitis....  U.S.A. (AZ, NM), Mexico  ......do...............        T       247   17.95(e)   17.44(q)
Minnow, Rio Grande silvery..........  Hybognathus amarus.....  U.S.A. (NM, TX), Mexico  ......do...............        E       543   17.95(e)         NA
Nekogigi (catfish)..................  Coreobagrus ichikawai..  Japan..................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Pikeminnow (=squawfish), Colorado...  Ptychocheilus lucius...  U.S.A. (AZ, CA, CO, NM,  Entire, except Salt and        E    1, 193   17.95(e)         NA
                                                                NV, UT, WY), Mexico.     Verde R. drainages, AZ.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Salt and Verde R.             XN       193         NA   17.84(b)
                                                                                         drainages, AZ.
Poolfish, Pahrump...................  Empetrichthys latos....  U.S.A. (NV)............  Entire.................        E         1         NA         NA
Pupfish, Ash Meadows Amargosa.......  Cyprinodon nevadensis    ......do...............  ......do...............        E     117E,   17.95(e)         NA
                                       mionectes.                                                                            127E,
Pupfish, Comanche Springs...........  Cyprinodon elegans.....  U.S.A. (TX)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Pupfish, desert.....................  Cyprinodon macularius..  U.S.A. (AZ, CA) Mexico.  ......do...............        E       222   17.95(e)         NA
Pupfish, Devils Hole................  Cyprinodon diabolis....  U.S.A. (NV)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA

[[Page 41]]

Pupfish, Leon Springs...............  Cyprinodon bovinus.....  U.S.A. (TX)............  ......do...............        E       102   17.95(e)         NA
Pupfish, Owens......................  Cyprinodon radiosus....  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
Pupfish, Warm Springs...............  Cyprinodon nevadensis    U.S.A. (NV)............  ......do...............        E         2         NA         NA
Salmon, Atlantic....................  Salmo salar............  U.S.A., Canada,          U.S.A., ME Gulf of             E       705         NA         NA
                                                                Greenland, western       Maine Atlantic Salmon
                                                                Europe.                  Distinct Population
                                                                                         Segment, which
                                                                                         includes all naturally
                                                                                         reproducing wild
                                                                                         populations and those
                                                                                         hatchery populations
                                                                                         of Atlantic salmon
                                                                                         having historical,
                                                                                         characteristics found
                                                                                         north of and including
                                                                                         tributaries of the
                                                                                         lower Kennebec River
                                                                                         to, but not including,
                                                                                         the mouth of the St.
                                                                                         Croix River at the
                                                                                         U.S.-Canada border. To
                                                                                         date, the Services
                                                                                         have determined that
                                                                                         these populations are
                                                                                         found in the Dennys,
                                                                                         East Machias, Machias,
                                                                                         Pleasant, Narraguagus,
                                                                                         Sheepscot, and
                                                                                         Ducktrap Rivers and in
                                                                                         Cove Brook, Maine..
Salmon, chinook.....................  Oncorhynchus (=Salmo)    North America from       Sacramento R. (U.S.A.-         E     383E,    226.204         NA
                                       tshawytscha.             Ventura R. in            CA) winter run,                  407, 534
                                                                California to Point      wherever found.
                                                                Hope, Alaska, and the
                                                                Mackenzie R. area in
                                                                Canada; Northeast Asia
                                                                from Hokkaido, Japan,
                                                                to the Anadyr R.,
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Snake R. (U.S.A.--ID,          T      516,    226.205         NA
                                                                                         OR, WA) mainstem and                 557E
                                                                                         the following
                                                                                         R., Grande Ronde R.,
                                                                                         Imnaha R., Salmon R,
                                                                                         and Clearwater R.;
                                                                                         fall run, natural
                                                                                         wherever found.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Snake R. (U.S.A.--             T      516,    226.205         NA
                                                                                         ID,OR,WA) mainstem and               557E
                                                                                         the following
                                                                                         R., Grande Ronde R.,
                                                                                         Imnaha R., and Salmon
                                                                                         R.; spring/summer run,
                                                                                         natural population(s),
                                                                                         wherever found.

[[Page 42]]

 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A.(OR, WA) all             T       664    226.212    223.203
                                                                                         naturally spawned
                                                                                         populations from the
                                                                                         Columbia R. and its
                                                                                         tributaries upstream
                                                                                         from its mouth to a
                                                                                         point east of the Hood
                                                                                         R. and White Salmon R.
                                                                                         to Willamette Falls in
                                                                                         Oregon, excluding the
                                                                                         spring run in the
                                                                                         Clackamas R..
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A.(WA) all                 T       664    226.212         NA
                                                                                         naturally spawned
                                                                                         populations in the
                                                                                         Columbia R.
                                                                                         tributaries upstream
                                                                                         of Rock Island Dam and
                                                                                         downstream of Chief
                                                                                         Joseph Dam, excluding
                                                                                         the Okanogan R., and
                                                                                         the Columbia R. from a
                                                                                         line between the west
                                                                                         end of Clatsop jetty,
                                                                                         OR, and the west end
                                                                                         of Peacock jetty, WA,
                                                                                         upstream to Chief
                                                                                         Joseph Dam, including
                                                                                         spring-run hatchery
                                                                                         stocks (and their
                                                                                         progeny) in Chiwawa
                                                                                         R., Methow R., Twisp
                                                                                         R., Chewuch R., White
                                                                                         R. and Nason Creek.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A.(CA) from Redwood        T       674    226.212         NA
                                                                                         Creek south to Russian
                                                                                         R., inclusive, all
                                                                                         naturally spawned
                                                                                         populations in
                                                                                         mainstems and
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A.(CA) all                 T       674    226.212         NA
                                                                                         naturally spawned
                                                                                         spring-run populations
                                                                                         from the Sacramento
                                                                                         San Joaquin R.
                                                                                         mainstem and its
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A.(OR) all                 T       664    226.212    223.203
                                                                                         naturally spawned
                                                                                         populations in the
                                                                                         Clackamas R. and the
                                                                                         Willamette R. and its
                                                                                         tributaries above
                                                                                         Willamette Falls.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A.(WA) all                 T       664    226.212    223.203
                                                                                         naturally spawned
                                                                                         populations from
                                                                                         rivers and streams
                                                                                         flowing into Puget
                                                                                         Sound, including the
                                                                                         Straits of Juan De
                                                                                         Fuca from the Elwha R.
                                                                                         eastward, and Hood
                                                                                         Canal, South Sound,
                                                                                         North Sound and the
                                                                                         Strait of Georgia.

[[Page 43]]

Salmon, chum........................  Oncorhynchus (=Salmo)    North Pacific Rim from   U.S.A. (OR, WA) all            T       664    226.212    223.203
                                       keta.                    Korea and the Japanese   naturally spawned
                                                                Island of Honshu east    populations in the
                                                                to Monterey Bay          Columbia R. and its
                                                                California; Arctic       tributaries.
                                                                Ocean from the Laptev
                                                                Sea in Russia to
                                                                Mackenzie R. in Canada.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (WA) all                T       664    226.212    223.203
                                                                                         naturally spawned
                                                                                         summer-run populations
                                                                                         in Hood Canal and its
                                                                                         tributaries and
                                                                                         Olympic Penninsula
                                                                                         rivers between Hood
                                                                                         Canal and Dungeness
Salmon, coho........................  Oncorhynchus (=Salmo)    North Pacific Basin      U.S.A. (CA), naturally         T       598         NA         NA
                                       kisutch.                 from U.S.A. (CA to AK)   spawning populations
                                                                to Russia and Japan.     in streams between
                                                                                         Punta Gorda, Humboldt
                                                                                         Co., CA and the San
                                                                                         Lorenzo River, Santa
                                                                                         Cruz, Co., CA.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (natural                T       618    226.212         NA
                                                                                         populations in river
                                                                                         basins between Cape
                                                                                         Blanco in Curry
                                                                                         County, OR and Punta
                                                                                         Gorda in Humboldt Co.,
Salmon, sockeye.....................  Oncorhynchus (=Salmo)    North Pacific Basin      U.S.A. (Snake River, ID        E       455    226.205         NA
                                       nerka.                   from U.S.A. (CA) to      stock wherever found.).
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (WA) all                T       664    226.212    223.203
                                                                                         naturally spawned
                                                                                         populations in Ozette
                                                                                         Lake and its tributary
Sawfish, smalltooth.................  Pristis pectinata......  North Atlantic           U.S.A. (Gulf of Mexico         E       748         NA         NA
                                                                (Mediterranean, U.S.     from Texas to Florida
                                                                Atlantic and Gulf of     and along the east
                                                                Mexico) and the          coast from Florida to
                                                                Southwest Atlantic.      Cape Hatteras).
Sculpin, pygmy......................  Cottus pygmaeus........  U.S.A. (AL)............  Entire.................        T       365         NA   17.44(u)
Shiner, Arkansas River..............  Notropis girardi.......  U.S.A. (AR, KS, NM, OK,  Arkansas River Basin           T       653   17.95(e)         NA
                                                                TX).                     (AR, KS, NM, OK, TX.
Shiner, beautiful...................  Cyprinella formosa.....  U.S.A. (AZ, NM), Mexico  Entire.................        T       157   17.95(e)   17.44(h)
Shiner, blue........................  Cyprinella caerulea....  U.S.A. (AL, GA, TN)....  ......do...............        T       462         NA         NA
Shiner, Cahaba......................  Notropis cahabae.......  U.S.A. (AL)............  ......do...............        E       405         NA         NA
Shiner, Cape Fear...................  Notropis mekistocholas.  U.S.A. (NC)............  ......do...............        E       290   17.95(e)         NA
Shiner, palezone....................  Notropis albizonatus...  U.S.A. (AL, KY, TN)....  ......do...............        E       502         NA         NA
Shiner, Pecos bluntnose.............  Notropis simus           U.S.A. (NM)............  ......do...............        T       258   17.95(e)   17.44(r)
Shiner, Topeka......................  (Notropis topeka =       U.S.A. (IA, KS, MN, MO,  ......do...............        E       654   17.95(e)         NA
                                       tristis).                NE, SD).
Silverside, Waccamaw................  Menidia extensa........  U.S.A. (NC)............  ......do...............        T       265   17.95(e)   17.44(s)
Smelt, delta........................  Hypomesus                U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        T       492   17.95(e)         NA
Spikedace...........................  Meda fulgida...........  U.S.A. (AZ, NM), Mexico  ......do...............        T       236   17.95(e)   17.44(p)
Spinedace, Big Spring...............  Lepidomeda mollispinis   U.S.A. (NV)............  ......do...............        T       173   17.95(e)   17.44(i)
Spinedace, Little Colorado..........  Lepidomeda vittata.....  U.S.A. (AZ)............  ......do...............        T    1, 2D,   17.95(e)   17.44(t)
Spinedace, White River..............  Lepidomeda albivallis..  U.S.A. (NV)............  ......do...............        E       203   17.95(e)         NA

[[Page 44]]

Springfish, Hiko White River........  Crenichthys baileyi      U.S.A. (NV)............  ......do...............        E       206   17.95(e)         NA
Springfish, Railroad Valley.........  Crenichthys nevadae....  ......do...............  ......do...............        T       224   17.95(e)   17.44(n)
Springfish, White River.............  Crenichthys baileyi      ......do...............  ......do...............        E       206   17.95(e)         NA
Steelhead...........................  Oncorhynchus (=Salmo)    North Pacific Ocean      All naturally spawned          E       638    226.212         NA
                                       mykiss.                  from the Kamchatka       populations (and their
                                                                Peninsula in Asia to     progeny) in rivers
                                                                the northern Baja        from the Santa Maria
                                                                Peninsula.               R., San Luis Obispo
                                                                                         County, CA (inclusive)
                                                                                         to Malibu Cr., Los
                                                                                         Angeles County, CA
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  All naturally spawned          E       638    226.212         NA
                                                                                         populations (and their
                                                                                         progeny) in the Upper
                                                                                         Columbia R. Basin
                                                                                         upstream from the
                                                                                         Yakima R., WA, to the
                                                                                         U.S./Canada border,
                                                                                         and also including the
                                                                                         Wells Hatchery stock.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  All naturally spawned          T       638    226.212    223.203
                                                                                         populations (and their
                                                                                         progeny) in streams
                                                                                         from the Russian R. to
                                                                                         Aptos Cr., Santa Cruz
                                                                                         County, CA
                                                                                         (inclusive), and the
                                                                                         drainages of San
                                                                                         Francisco and San
                                                                                         Pablo Bays eastward to
                                                                                         the Napa R.
                                                                                         (inclusive), Napa
                                                                                         County, CA, excluding
                                                                                         the Sacramento-San
                                                                                         Joaquin R. Basin of
                                                                                         the Central Valley of
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  All naturally spawned          T       638    226.212    223.203
                                                                                         populations (and their
                                                                                         progeny) in streams
                                                                                         from the Pajaro R.
                                                                                         (inclusive) located in
                                                                                         Santa Cruz County, CA,
                                                                                         to (but not including)
                                                                                         the Santa Maria R.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  All naturally spawned          T       638    226.212    223.203
                                                                                         populations (and their
                                                                                         progeny) in streams in
                                                                                         the Snake R. Basin of
                                                                                         southeast WA,
                                                                                         northeast OR, and ID.

[[Page 45]]

 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  All naturally spawned          T       638    226.212    223.203
                                                                                         populations (and their
                                                                                         progeny) in streams
                                                                                         and tributaries to the
                                                                                         Columbia R. between
                                                                                         the Cowlitz and Wind
                                                                                         Rivers, WA, inclusive,
                                                                                         and the Willamette and
                                                                                         Hood Rivers, OR,
                                                                                         inclusive, excluding
                                                                                         the Upper Willamette
                                                                                         River Basin above
                                                                                         Willamette Falls and
                                                                                         excluding the Little
                                                                                         and Big White Salmon
                                                                                         Rivers in WA.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  All naturally spawned          T       638    226.212    223.203
                                                                                         populations (and their
                                                                                         progeny) in the
                                                                                         Sacramento and San
                                                                                         Joaquin Rivers and
                                                                                         their tributaries,
                                                                                         excluding San
                                                                                         Francisco and San
                                                                                         Pablo Bays and their
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (OR, WA) All            T       664    226.212    223.203
                                                                                         naturally spawned
                                                                                         populations in streams
                                                                                         above and excluding
                                                                                         the Wind R. in
                                                                                         Washington, and the
                                                                                         Hood R. in Oregon,
                                                                                         upstream to, and
                                                                                         including, the Yakima
                                                                                         R. Excluded are
                                                                                         steelhead from the
                                                                                         Snake R. Basin..
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (OR) All                T       664    226.212    223.203
                                                                                         naturally spawned
                                                                                         winter-run populations
                                                                                         in the Willamette R.
                                                                                         and its tributaries
                                                                                         from Willamette Falls
                                                                                         to the Calapooia R.,
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  All naturally spawned          T       701         NA         NA
                                                                                         populations (and their
                                                                                         progeny) in river
                                                                                         basins from Redwood
                                                                                         Creek in Humboldt
                                                                                         County, CA, to the
                                                                                         Gualala River, in
                                                                                         Mendocino County, CA
Stickleback, unarmored threespine...  Gasterosteus aculeatus   U.S.A. (CA)............  Entire.................        E         2         NA         NA
Sturgeon, Alabama...................  Scaphirhynchus suttkusi  U.S.A. (AL, MS)........  ......do...............        E       697         NA         NA

[[Page 46]]

Sturgeon, beluga....................  Huso huso..............  Azerbaijan, Bosnia and   ......do...............        T       743         NA  17.44 (y)
                                                                Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
                                                                Croatia, Czech
                                                                Republic, Georgia,
                                                                Hungary, Islamic
                                                                Republic of Iran,
                                                                Italy, Kazakhstan,
                                                                Republic of Moldova,
                                                                Romania, Russian
                                                                Federation, Serbia and
                                                                Montenegro, Turkey,
                                                                Turkmenistan, Ukraine.
Sturgeon, Gulf......................  Acipenser oxyrinchus     U.S.A. (AL, FL, GA, LA,  ......do...............        T       444  17.95(e),   17.44(v)
                                       (=oxyrhynchus) desotoi.  MS).                                                                  226.214
Sturgeon, pallid....................  Scaphirhynchus albus...  U.S.A. (AR, IA, IL, KS,  ......do...............        E       399         NA         NA
                                                                KY, LA, MO, MS, MT,
                                                                ND, NE, SD, TN).
Sturgeon, shortnose.................  Acipenser brevirostrum.  U.S.A. and Canada        ......do...............        E         1         NA         NA
                                                                (Atlantic Coast).
Sturgeon, white.....................  Acipenser transmontanus  U.S.A. (AK, CA, ID, MT,  U.S.A. (ID, MT), Canada        E       549   17.95(e)         NA
                                                                OR, WA), Canada (BC).    (BC), (Kootenai R.
Sucker, June........................  Chasmistes liorus......  U.S.A. (UT)............  Entire.................        E       223   17.95(e)         NA
Sucker, Lost River..................  Deltistes luxatus......  U.S.A. (CA, OR)........  ......do...............        E       313         NA         NA
Sucker, Modoc.......................  Catostomus microps.....  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E       184   17.95(e)         NA
Sucker, razorback...................  Xyrauchen texanus......  U.S.A. (AZ, CA, CO, NM,  ......do...............        E       447   17.95(e)         NA
                                                                NV, UT, WY), Mexico.
Sucker, Santa Ana...................  (Catostomus santaanae).  U.S.A. (CA)............  Los Angeles River              T       694   17.95(e)         NA
                                                                                         basin, San Gabriel
                                                                                         River basin, Santa Ana
                                                                                         River basin.
Sucker, shortnose...................  Chasmistes brevirostris  U.S.A. (CA, OR)........  Entire.................        E       313         NA         NA
Sucker, Warner......................  Catostomus warnerensis.  U.S.A. (OR)............  ......do...............        T       205   17.95(e)   17.44(l)
Tango, Miyako (Tokyo bitterling)....  Tanakia tanago.........  Japan..................  ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
Temoleh, Ikan (minnow)..............  Probarbus jullieni.....  Thailand, Cambodia,      ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                Vietnam, Malaysia,
Topminnow, Gila (incl. Yaqui).......  Poeciliopsis             U.S.A. (AZ, NM), Mexico  U.S.A. only............        E         1         NA         NA
Totoaba (seatrout or weakfish)......  Cynoscion macdonaldi...  Mexico (Gulf of          Entire.................        E        48         NA         NA
Trout, Apache.......................  Oncorhynchus apache....  U.S.A. (AZ)............  ......do...............        T      1, 8         NA   17.44(a)
Trout, bull.........................  Salvelinus confluentus.  U.S.A. (AK, Pacific NW   U.S.A, coterminous             T      637,   17.95(e)  17.44(w),
                                                                into CA, ID, NV, MT),    (lower 48 states).                  639E,              17.44(x)
                                                                Canada (NW                                                659, 670
Trout, Gila.........................  Oncorhynchus gilae.....  U.S.A. (AZ, NM)........  Entire.................        T    1, 757         NA   17.44(z)
Trout, greenback cutthroat..........  Oncorhynchus clarki      U.S.A. (CO)............  ......do...............        T     1, 38         NA   17.44(f)
Trout, Lahontan cutthroat...........  Oncorhynchus clarki      U.S.A. (CA, NV, OR, UT)  ......do...............        T      2, 8         NA   17.44(a)
Trout, Little Kern golden...........  Oncorhynchus aguabonita  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        T        37   17.95(e)   17.44(e)
Trout, Paiute cutthroat.............  Oncorhynchus clarki      ......do...............  ......do...............        T      1, 8         NA   17.44(a)
Woundfin............................  Plagopterus              U.S.A. (AZ, NV, UT)....  Entire, except Gila R.         E    2, 193   17.95(e)         NA
                                       argentissimus.                                    drainage, AZ, NM.
 Do.................................  ......do...............  ......do...............  Gila R. drainage, AZ,         XN       193         NA   17.84(b)

[[Page 47]]

Abalone, white......................  Haliotis sorenseni.....  North America (West      NA.....................        E       748         NA         NA
                                                                coast from Point
                                                                Conception, CA,
                                                                U.S.A., to Punta
                                                                Abreojos, Baja
                                                                California, Mexico).
Acornshell, southern................  Epioblasma               U.S.A. (AL, GA, TN)....  NA.....................        E       495  17.95 (f)         NA
Bankclimber, purple (mussel)........  Elliptoideus sloatianus  U.S.A. (AL, GA, FL)....  Entire.................        T       633         NA         NA
Bean, Cumberland (pearlymussel).....  Villosa trabalis.......  U.S.A. (AL, KY, TN, VA)  NA.....................        E        15         NA         NA
    Do..............................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (AL--The free-         XN       709         NA   17.85(a)
                                                                                         flowing reach of the
                                                                                         Tennessee R. from the
                                                                                         base of Wilson Dam
                                                                                         downstream to the
                                                                                         backwaters of Pickwick
                                                                                         Reservoir [about 12 RM
                                                                                         (19 km)] and the lower
                                                                                         5 RM [8 km] of all
                                                                                         tributaries to this
                                                                                         reach in Colbert and
                                                                                         Lauderdale Cos., see
Bean, Purple........................  Villosa perpurpurea....  U.S.A. (TN, VA)........  NA.....................        E       602  17.95 (f)         NA
Blossom, green (pearlymussel).......  Epioblasma torulosa      ......do...............  Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
Blossom, tuberoled (pearlmyussel)...  Epioblasma torulosa      U.S.A. (AL, IL, IN, KY,  NA.....................        E        15         NA         NA
                                       torulosa.                TN, WV).
    Do..............................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (AL--The free-         XN       709         NA   17.85(a)
                                                                                         flowing reach of the
                                                                                         Tennessee R. from the
                                                                                         base of Wilson Dam
                                                                                         downstream to the
                                                                                         backwaters of Pickwick
                                                                                         Reservoir [about 12 RM
                                                                                         (19 km)] and the lower
                                                                                         5 RM [8 km] of all
                                                                                         tributaries to this
                                                                                         reach in Colbert and
                                                                                         Lauderdale Cos., see
Blossom, turgid (pearlymussel)......  Epioblasma turgidula...  U.S.A. (AL, TN)........  NA.....................        E        15         NA         NA
    Do..............................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (AL--The free-         XN       709         NA   17.85(a)
                                                                                         flowing reach of the
                                                                                         Tennessee R. from the
                                                                                         base of Wilson Dam
                                                                                         downstream to the
                                                                                         backwaters of Pickwick
                                                                                         Reservoir [about 12 RM
                                                                                         (19 km)] and the lower
                                                                                         5 RM [8 km] of all
                                                                                         tributaries to this
                                                                                         reach in Colbert and
                                                                                         Lauderdale Cos., see
Blossom, yellow (pearlymussel)......  Epioblasma florentina    ......do...............  NA.....................        E        15         NA         NA
    Do..............................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (AL--The free-         XN       709         NA   17.85(a)
                                                                                         flowing reach of the
                                                                                         Tennessee R. from the
                                                                                         base of Wilson Dam
                                                                                         downstream to the
                                                                                         backwaters of Pickwick
                                                                                         Reservoir [about 12 RM
                                                                                         (19 km)] and the lower
                                                                                         5 RM [8 km] of all
                                                                                         tributaries to this
                                                                                         reach in Colbert and
                                                                                         Lauderdale Cos., see

[[Page 48]]

Catspaw, (=purple cat's paw           Epioblasma.............  U.S.A. (AL, IL, IN, KY,  NA.....................        E       394         NA         NA
 pearlymussel).                                                 OH, TN).
    Do..............................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (AL--The free-         XN       709         NA   17.85(a)
                                                                                         flowing reach of the
                                                                                         Tennessee R. from the
                                                                                         base of Wilson Dam
                                                                                         downstream to the
                                                                                         backwaters of Pickwick
                                                                                         Reservoir [about 12 RM
                                                                                         (19 km)] and the lower
                                                                                         5 RM [8 km] of all
                                                                                         tributaries to this
                                                                                         reach in Colbert and
                                                                                         Lauderdale Cos., see
Catspaw, white (pearlymussel).......  Epioblasma obliquata     U.S.A. (IN, MI, OH)....  Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
Clubshell...........................  Pleurobema clava.......  U.S.A. (AL, IL, IN, KY,  NA.....................        E       488         NA         NA
                                                                MI, OH, PA, TN, WV).
    Do..............................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (AL--The free-         XN       709         NA   17.85(a)
                                                                                         flowing reach of the
                                                                                         Tennessee R. from the
                                                                                         base of Wilson Dam
                                                                                         downstream to the
                                                                                         backwaters of Pickwick
                                                                                         Reservoir [about 12 RM
                                                                                         (19 km)] and the lower
                                                                                         5 RM [8 km] of all
                                                                                         tributaries to this
                                                                                         reach in Colbert and
                                                                                         Lauderdale Cos., see
Clubshell, black....................  Pleurobema curtum......  U.S.A. (AL, MS)........  Entire.................        E       262         NA         NA
Clubshell, ovate....................  Pleurobema perovatum...  U.S.A. (AL, TN, GA, MS)  NA.....................        E       495  17.95 (f)         NA
Clubshell, southern.................  Pleurobema decisum.....  ......do...............  NA.....................        E       495  17.95 (f)         NA
Combshell, Cumberlandian............  Epioblasma brevidens...  U.S.A. (AL, KY, MS, TN,  NA.....................        E       602  17.95 (f)         NA
Combshell, southern.................  Epioblasma (=Dysnomia)   U.S.A. (AL, MS)........  Entire.................        E       262         NA         NA
Combshell, upland...................  Epioblasma metastriata.  U.S.A. (AL, GA, TN)....  NA.....................        E       495  17.95 (f)         NA
Elktoe, Appalachian.................  Alasmidonta raveneliana  U.S.A. (NC, TN)........  Entire.................        E       563   17.95(f)         NA
Elktoe, Cumberland..................  Alasmidonta              U.S.A. (KY, TN)........  NA.....................        E       602   17.95(f)         NA
Fanshell............................  Cyprogenia stegaria      U.S.A. (AL, IL, IN, KY,  Entire.................        E       391         NA         NA
                                       (=irrorata).             OH, PA, TN, VA, WV).
Fatmucket, Arkansas.................  Lampsilis powelli......  U.S.A. (AR)............  ......do...............        T       382         NA         NA
Heelsplitter, Alabama (=inflated)...  Potamilus inflatus.....  U.S.A. (AL, LA, MS)....  ......do...............        T       404         NA         NA
Heelsplitter, Carolina..............  Lasmigona decorata.....  U.S.A. (NC, SC)........  ......do...............        E       505   17.95(f)         NA
Higgins eye (pearlymussel)..........  Lampsilis higginsii....  U.S.A. (IA, IL, MN, MO,  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                NE, WI).
Kidneyshell, triangular.............  Ptychobranchus greenii.  U.S.A. (AL, GA, TN)....  NA.....................        E       495  17.95 (f)         NA
Lampmussel, Alabama.................  Lampsilis virescens....  U.S.A. (AL, TN)........  NA.....................        E        15         NA         NA

[[Page 49]]

    Do..............................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (AL--The free-         XN       709         NA   17.85(a)
                                                                                         flowing reach of the
                                                                                         Tennessee R. from the
                                                                                         base of Wilson Dam
                                                                                         downstream to the
                                                                                         backwaters of Pickwick
                                                                                         Reservoir [about 12 RM
                                                                                         (19 km)] and the lower
                                                                                         5 RM [8 km] of all
                                                                                         tributaries to this
                                                                                         reach in Colbert and
                                                                                         Lauderdale Cos., see
Lilliput, pale (pearlymussel).......  Toxolasma cylindrellus.  ......do...............  Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
Mapleleaf, winged (mussel)..........  Quadrula fragosa.......  U.S.A. (AL, IA, IL, IN,  NA.....................        E       426         NA         NA
                                                                KY, MN, MO, NE, OH,
                                                                OK, TN, WI).
    Do..............................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (AL--The free-         XN       709         NA   17.85(a)
                                                                                         flowing reach of the
                                                                                         Tennessee R. from the
                                                                                         base of Wilson Dam
                                                                                         downstream to the
                                                                                         backwaters of Pickwick
                                                                                         Reservoir [about 12 RM
                                                                                         (19 km)] and the lower
                                                                                         5 RM [8 km] of all
                                                                                         tributaries to this
                                                                                         reach in Colbert and
                                                                                         Lauderdale Cos., see
Moccasinshell, Alabama..............  Medionidus acutissimus.  U.S.A. (AL, GA, MS)....  NA.....................        T       495  17.95 (f)         NA
Moccasinshell, Coosa................  Medionidus parvulus....  U.S.A. (AL, GA, TN)....  NA.....................        E       495  17.95 (f)         NA
Moccasinshell, Gulf.................  Medionidus penicillatus  U.S.A. (AL, FL, GA)....  Entire.................        E       633         NA         NA
Moccasinshell, Ochlockonee..........  Medionidus simpsonianus  U.S.A. (FL, GA)........  ......do...............        E       633         NA         NA
Monkeyface, Appalachian               Quadrula sparsa........  U.S.A. (TN, VA)........  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Monkeyface, Cumberland                Quadrula intermedia....  U.S.A. (AL, TN, VA)....  NA.....................        E        15         NA         NA
    Do..............................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (AL--The free-         XN       709         NA   17.85(a)
                                                                                         flowing reach of the
                                                                                         Tennessee R. from the
                                                                                         base of Wilson Dam
                                                                                         downstream to the
                                                                                         backwaters of Pickwick
                                                                                         Reservoir [about 12 RM
                                                                                         (19 km)] and the lower
                                                                                         5 RM [8 km] of all
                                                                                         tributaries to this
                                                                                         reach in Colbert and
                                                                                         Lauderdale Cos., see
Mucket, orange-nacre................  Lampsilis perovalis....  U.S.A. (AL, MS)........  NA.....................        T       495  17.95 (f)         NA
Mucket, pink (pearlymussel).........  Lampsilis abrupta......  U.S.A. (AL, AR, IL, IN,  Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                KY, LA, MO, OH, PA,
                                                                TN, VA, WV).
Mussel, oyster......................  Epioblasma capsaeformis  U.S.A. (AL, GA, KY, MS,  NA.....................        E       602   17.95(f)         NA
                                                                NC, TN, VA).
Mussel, scaleshell..................  Leptodea leptodon......  U.S.A. (AL, AR, IA, IL,  NA.....................        E       714         NA         NA
                                                                IN, KY, MN, MO, OH,
                                                                OK, SD, TN, WI).
Pearlshell, Louisiana...............  Margaritifera hembeli..  U.S.A. (LA)............  Entire.................        T  304, 518         NA         NA
Pearlymussel, birdwing..............  Conradilla caelata.....  U.S.A. (AL, TN, VA)....  NA.....................        E        15         NA         NA

[[Page 50]]

    Do..............................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (AL--The free-         XN       709         NA   17.85(a)
                                                                                         flowing reach of the
                                                                                         Tennessee R. from the
                                                                                         base of Wilson Dam
                                                                                         downstream to the
                                                                                         backwaters of Pickwick
                                                                                         Reservoir [about 12 RM
                                                                                         (19 km)] and the lower
                                                                                         5 RM [8 km] of all
                                                                                         tributaries to this
                                                                                         reach in Colbert and
                                                                                         Lauderdale Cos., see
Pearlymussel, cracking..............  Hemistena lata.........  U.S.A. (AL, IL, IN, KY,  NA.....................        E       366         NA         NA
                                                                OH, TN, VA).
    Do..............................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (AL--The free-         XN       709         NA   17.85(a)
                                                                                         flowing reach of the
                                                                                         Tennessee R. from the
                                                                                         base of Wilson Dam
                                                                                         downstream to the
                                                                                         backwaters of Pickwick
                                                                                         Reservoir [about 12 RM
                                                                                         (19 km)] and the lower
                                                                                         5 RM [8 km] of all
                                                                                         tributaries to this
                                                                                         reach in Colbert and
                                                                                         Lauderdale Cos., see
Pearlymussel, Curtis................  Epioblasma florentina    U.S.A. (AR, MO)........  Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
Pearlymussel, dromedary.............  Dromus dromas..........  U.S.A. (AL, KY, TN, VA)  NA.....................        E        15         NA         NA
    Do..............................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (AL--The free-         XN       709         NA   17.85(a)
                                                                                         flowing reach of the
                                                                                         Tennessee R. from the
                                                                                         base of Wilson Dam
                                                                                         downstream to the
                                                                                         backwaters of Pickwick
                                                                                         Reservoir [about 12 RM
                                                                                         (19 km)] and the lower
                                                                                         5 RM [8 km] of all
                                                                                         tributaries to this
                                                                                         reach in Colbert and
                                                                                         Lauderdale Cos., see
Pearlymussel, little-wing...........  Pegias fabula..........  U.S.A. (AL, KY, NC, TN,  Entire.................        E       342         NA         NA
Pearlymussel, Nicklin's.............  Megalonaias nicklineana  Mexico.................  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Pearlymussel, Tampico...............  Cyrtonaias tampicoensis  ......do...............  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
Pigtoe, Cumberland..................  Pleurobema gibberum....  U.S.A. (TN)............  ......do...............        E       423         NA         NA
Pigtoe, dark........................  Pleurobema furvum......  U.S.A. (AL)............  NA.....................        E       495  17.95 (f)         NA
Pigtoe, fine-rayed..................  Fusconaia cuneolus.....  U.S.A. (AL, TN, VA)....  NA.....................        E        15         NA         NA

[[Page 51]]

    Do..............................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (AL--The free-         XN       709         NA   17.85(a)
                                                                                         flowing reach of the
                                                                                         Tennessee R. from the
                                                                                         base of Wilson Dam
                                                                                         downstream to the
                                                                                         backwaters of Pickwick
                                                                                         Reservoir [about 12 RM
                                                                                         (19 km)] and the lower
                                                                                         5 RM [8 km] of all
                                                                                         tributaries to this
                                                                                         reach in Colbert and
                                                                                         Lauderdale Cos., see
Pigtoe, flat........................  Pleurobema marshalli...  U.S.A. (AL, MS)........  Entire.................        E       262         NA         NA
Pigtoe, heavy.......................  Pleurobema taitianum...  ......do...............  ......do...............        E       262         NA         NA
Pigtoe, oval........................  Pleurobema pyriforme...  U.S.A. (AL, FL, GA)....  ......do...............        E       633         NA         NA
Pigtoe, rough.......................  Pleurobema plenum......  U.S.A. (AL, IN, KY, PA,  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                TN, VA).
Pigtoe, shiny.......................  Fusconaia cor..........  U.S.A. (AL, TN, VA)....  NA.....................        E        15         NA         NA
    Do..............................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (AL--The free-         XN       709         NA   17.85(a)
                                                                                         flowing reach of the
                                                                                         Tennessee R. from the
                                                                                         base of Wilson Dam
                                                                                         downstream to the
                                                                                         backwaters of Pickwick
                                                                                         Reservoir [about 12 RM
                                                                                         (19 km)] and the lower
                                                                                         5 RM [8 km] of all
                                                                                         tributaries to this
                                                                                         reach in Colbert and
                                                                                         Lauderdale Cos., see
Pigtoe, southern....................  Pleurobema georgianum..  U.S.A. (AL, GA, TN)....  NA.....................        E       495  17.95 (f)         NA
Pimpleback, orangefoot                Plethobasus cooperianus  U.S.A. (AL, IA, IL, IN,  Entire.................        E        15         NA         NA
 (pearlymussel).                                                KY, OH, PA, TN).
Pocketbook, fat.....................  Potamilus capax........  U.S.A. (AR, IA, IL, IN,  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                                                KY, MO, MS, OH).
Pocketbook, fine-lined..............  Lampsilis altilis......  U.S.A. (AL, GA)........  NA.....................        T       495  17.95 (f)         NA
Rock-pocketbook, Ouachita...........  Arkansia wheeleri......  U.S.A. (AR, OK)........  Entire.................        E       446         NA         NA
Pocketbook, shinyrayed..............  Lampsilis subangulata..  U.S.A. (AL, FL, GA)....  ......do...............        E       633         NA         NA
Pocketbook, speckled................  Lampsilis streckeri....  U.S.A. (AR)............  ......do...............        E       345         NA         NA
Rabbitsfoot, rough..................  Quadrula cylindrica      U.S.A. (TN, VA)........  NA.....................        E       602   17.95(f)         NA
Riffleshell, northern...............  Epioblasma torulosa      U.S.A. (IL, IN, KY, MI,  Entire.................        E       488         NA         NA
                                       rangiana.                OH, PA, WV), Canada
Riffleshell, tan....................  Epioblasma florentina    U.S.A. (AL, KY, NC, TN,  ......do...............        E        27         NA         NA
                                       walkeri (=E. walkeri).   VA).
Pink, ring (mussel).................  Obovaria retusa........  U.S.A. (AL, IL, IN, KY,  ......do...............        E       369         NA         NA
                                                                OH, PA, TN, WV).
Slabshell, Chipola..................  Elliptio chipolaensis..  U.S.A. (AL, FL)........  ......do...............        T       633         NA         NA
Spinymussel, James..................  Pleurobema collina.....  U.S.A. (VA, WV)........  ......do...............        E       316         NA         NA
Spinymussel, Tar River..............  Elliptio steinstansana.  U.S.A. (NC)............  ......do...............        E       188         NA         NA
Stirrupshell........................  Quadrula stapes........  U.S.A. (AL, MS)........  ......do...............        E       262         NA         NA
Three-ridge, fat (mussel)...........  Amblema neislerii......  U.S.A. (FL, GA)........  ......do...............        E       633         NA         NA
Wartyback, white (pearlymussel).....  Plethobasus              U.S.A. (AL, IL, IN, KY,  ......do...............        E        15         NA         NA
                                       cicatricosus.            TN).
Wedgemussel, dwarf..................  Alasmidonta heterodon..  U.S.A. (CT, DC, DE, MA,  ......do...............        E       377         NA         NA
                                                                MD, NC, NH, NJ, NY,
                                                                PA, VA, VT), Canada

[[Page 52]]

Ambersnail, Kanab...................  Oxyloma haydeni          U.S.A. (AZ, UT)........  ......do...............        E     431E,         NA         NA
                                       kanabensis.                                                                        459, 477
Campeloma, slender..................  Campeloma decampi......  U.S.A. (AL)............  ......do...............        E       688         NA         NA
Cavesnail, Tumbling Creek...........  Antrobia culveri.......  U.S.A. (MO)............  NA.....................        E       731         NA         NA
Elimia, lacy (snail)................  Elimia crenatella......  U.S.A.(AL).............  Entire.................        T       651         NA         NA
Limpet, Banbury Springs.............  Lanx sp................  U.S.A. (ID)............  ......do...............        E       485         NA         NA
Lioplax, cylindrical (snail)........  Lioplax                  U.S.A. (AL, GA)........  ......do...............        E       651         NA         NA
Marstonia (snail), royal............  Pyrgulopsis ogmorhaphe.  U.S.A. (TN)............  ......do...............        E       538         NA         NA
Pebblesnail, flat...................  Lepyrium showalteri....  U.S.A. (AL)............  ......do...............        E       651         NA         NA
Pecos assiminea.....................  Assiminea pecos........  U.S.A. (NM, TX)........  NA.....................        E  17.95(f)         NA
Riversnail, Anthony's...............  Athearnia anthonyi.....  U.S.A. (AL, GA, TN)....  NA.....................        E       538         NA         NA
    Do..............................  ......do...............  ......do...............  U.S.A. (AL--The free-         XN       709         NA   17.85(a)
                                                                                         flowing reach of the
                                                                                         Tennessee R. from the
                                                                                         base of Wilson Dam
                                                                                         downstream to the
                                                                                         backwaters of Pickwick
                                                                                         Reservoir [about 12 RM
                                                                                         (19 km)] and the lower
                                                                                         5 RM [8 km] of all
                                                                                         tributaries to this
                                                                                         reach in Colbert and
                                                                                         Lauderdale Cos., see
Rocksnail, painted..................  Leptoxis taeniata......  U.S.A. (AL)............  Entire.................        T       651         NA         NA
Rocksnail, plicate..................  Leptoxis plicata.......  ......do...............  ......do...............        E       651         NA         NA
Rocksnail, round....................  Leptoxis ampla.........  ......do...............  ......do...............        T       651         NA         NA
Shagreen, Magazine Mountain.........  Mesodon magazinensis...  U.S.A. (AR)............  ......do...............        T       348         NA         NA
Snail, armored......................  Pyrgulopsis              U.S.A. (AL)............  ......do...............        E       688         NA         NA
                                       (=Marstonia) pachyta.
Snail, Bliss Rapids.................  Taylorconcha             U.S.A. (ID)............  ......do...............        T       485         NA         NA
Snail, Chittenango ovate amber......  Succinea                 U.S.A. (NY)............  ......do...............        T        41         NA         NA
Snail, flat-spired three-toothed....  Triodopsis               U.S.A. (WV)............  ......do...............        T        41         NA         NA
Snail, Iowa Pleistocene.............  Discus macclintocki....  U.S.A. (IA, IL)........  ......do...............        E        41         NA         NA
Snail, Manus Island tree............  Papustyla pulcherrima..  Pacific Ocean--          ......do...............        E         3         NA         NA
                                                                Admiralty Is. (Manus
Snail, Morro shoulderband (=Banded    Helminthoglypta          U.S.A. (CA)............  NA.....................        E       567   17.95(f)         NA
 dune).                                walkeriana.
Snail, Newcomb's....................  Erinna newcombi........  U.S.A. (HI)............  Entire.................        T       680   17.95(f)         NA
Snail, noonday......................  Mesodon clarki           U.S.A. (NC)............  ......do...............        T        41         NA         NA
Snail, painted snake coiled forest..  Anguispira picta.......  U.S.A. (TN)............  ......do...............        T        41         NA         NA
Snail, Snake River physa............  Physa natricina........  U.S.A. (ID)............  ......do...............        E       485         NA         NA
Snail, Stock Island tree............  Orthalicus reses (not    U.S.A. (FL)............  ......do...............        T        41         NA         NA
                                       incl. nesodryas).
Snail, tulotoma.....................  Tulotoma magnifica.....  U.S.A. (AL)............  ......do...............        E       412         NA         NA
Snail, Utah valvata.................  Valvata utahensis......  U.S.A. (ID)............  ......do...............        E       485         NA         NA
Snail, Virginia fringed mountain....  Polygyriscus             U.S.A. (VA)............  ......do...............        E        41         NA         NA
Snails, Oahu tree...................  Achatinella spp........  U.S.A. (HI)............  ......do...............        E  108, 112         NA         NA
Springsnail, Alamosa................  Tryonia alamosae.......  U.S.A. (NM)............  ......do...............        E       442         NA         NA
Springsnail, Bruneau Hot............  Pyrgulopsis              U.S.A. (ID)............  ......do...............        E       489         NA         NA

[[Page 53]]

Springsnail, Idaho..................  Fontelicella idahoensis  ......do...............  ......do...............        E       485         NA         NA
Springsnail, Koster's...............  Juturnia kosteria......  U.S.A. (NM)............  NA.....................        E        NA         NA
Springsnail, Roswell................  Pyrgulopsis              ......do...............  NA.....................        E        NA         NA
Springsnail, Socorro................  Pyrgulopsis neomexicana  ......do...............  ......do...............        E       442         NA         NA
Beetle, American burying............  Nicrophorus americanus.  U.S.A. (eastern States   ......do...............        E       351         NA         NA
                                                                south to FL, west to
                                                                SD and TX), eastern
Beetle, Coffin Cave mold............  Batrisodes texanus.....  U.S.A. (TX)............  ......do...............        E  327, 513         NA         NA
Beetle, Comal Springs dryopid.......  Stygoparnus comalensis.  ......do...............  ......do...............        E       629         NA         NA
Beetle, Comal Springs riffle........  Heterelmis comalensis..  ......do...............  ......do...............        E       629         NA         NA
Beetle, delta green ground..........  Elaphrus viridis.......  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        T       100   17.95(i)         NA
Beetle, Helotes mold................  Batrisodes venyivi.....  U.S.A. (TX)............  NA.....................        E       706   17.95(i)         NA
Beetle, Hungerford's crawling water.  Brychius hungerfordi...  U.S.A. (MI, Canada)....  ......do...............        E       533         NA         NA
Beetle, Kretschmarr Cave mold.......  Texamaurops reddelli...  U.S.A. (TX)............  ......do...............        E  327, 513         NA         NA
Beetle, Mount Hermon June...........  Polyphylla barbata.....  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E       605         NA         NA
Beetle, [no common name]............  Rhadine exilis.........  U.S.A. (TX)............  NA.....................        E       706   17.95(i)         NA
Beetle, [no common name]............  Rhadine infernalis.....  ......do...............  NA.....................        E       706   17.95(i)         NA
Beetle, northeastern beach tiger....  Cicindela dorsalis       U.S.A. (CT, MA, MD, NJ,  ......do...............        T       396         NA         NA
                                       dorsalis.                NY, PA, RI, VA).
Beetle, Ohlone tiger................  Cicindela ohlone (CA)..  U.S.A. (CA)............  NA.....................        E       713         NA         NA
Beetle, Puritan tiger...............  Cicindela puritana.....  U.S.A. (CT, MA, MD, NH,  Entire.................        T       396         NA         NA
Beetle, Salt Creek tiger............  Cicindela nevadica       U.S.A. (NE)............  ......do...............        E       754         NA         NA
Beetle, Tooth Cave ground...........  Rhadine persephone.....  U.S.A. (TX)............  ......do...............        E       327         NA         NA
Beetle, valley elderberry longhorn..  Desmocerus californicus  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        T        99   17.95(i)         NA
Butterfly, bay checkerspot..........  Euphydryas editha        ......do...............  ......do...............        T       288   17.95(i)         NA
Butterfly, Behren's silverspot......  Speyeria zerene          ......do...............  ......do...............        E       628         NA         NA
Butterfly, callippe silverspot......  Speyeria callippe        ......do...............  ......do...............        E       628         NA         NA
Butterfly, Corsican swallowtail.....  Papilio hospiton.......  Corsica, Sardinia......  ......do...............        E       486         NA         NA
Butterfly, El Segundo blue..........  Euphilotes battoides     U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E        14         NA         NA
Butterfly, Fender's blue............  Icaricia icarioides      U.S.A. (OR)............  ......do...............        E       679         NA         NA
Butterfly, Homerus swallowtail......  Papilio homerus........  Jamaica................  ......do...............        E       486         NA         NA
Butterfly, Karner blue..............  Lycaeides melissa        U.S.A. (IL, IN, MA, MI,  ......do...............        E       484         NA         NA
                                       samuelis.                MN, NH, NY, OH, PA,
                                                                WI), Canada (Ont.).
Butterfly, Lange's metalmark........  Apodemia mormo langei..  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E        14         NA         NA
Butterfly, lotis blue...............  Lycaeides argyrognomon   ......do...............  ......do...............        E        14         NA         NA
Butterfly, Luzon peacock swallowtail  Papilio chikae.........  Philippines............  ......do...............        E       486         NA         NA
Butterfly, mission blue.............  Icaricia icarioides      U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E        14         NA         NA
Butterfly, Mitchell's satyr.........  Neonympha mitchellii     U.S.A. (IN, MI, NJ, OH)  ......do...............        E     428E,         NA         NA
                                       mitchellii.                                                                             469
Butterfly, Myrtle's silverspot......  Speyeria zerene          U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E       472         NA         NA
Butterfly, Oregon silverspot........  Speyeria zerene          U.S.A. (CA, OR, WA)....  ......do...............        T        95   17.95(i)         NA
Butterfly, Palos Verdes blue........  Glaucopsyche lygdamus    U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E        96   17.95(i)         NA
Butterfly, Queen Alexandra's          Troides alexandrae.....  Papua New Guinea.......  ......do...............        E       364         NA         NA

[[Page 54]]

Butterfly, Quino checkerspot........  Euphydryas edith quino.  U.S.A. (CA), Mexico....  ......do...............        E       604   17.95(i)         NA
Butterfly, Saint Francis' satyr.....  Neonympha mitchellii     U.S.A. (NC)............  ......do...............        E     539E,         NA         NA
                                       francisci.                                                                              574
Butterfly, San Bruno elfin..........  Callophrys mossii        U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E        14         NA         NA
Butterfly, Schaus swallowtail.......  Heraclides aristodemus   U.S.A. (FL)............  ......do...............        E   13, 159         NA         NA
Butterfly, Smith's blue.............  Euphilotes enoptes       U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E        14         NA         NA
Butterfly, Uncompahgre fritillary...  Boloria acrocnema......  U.S.A. (CO)............  ......do...............        E       427         NA         NA
Dragonfly, Hine's emerald...........  Somatochlora hineana...  U.S.A. (IL, IN, OH, WI)  ......do...............        E       573         NA         NA
Fly, Delhi Sands flower-loving......  Rhaphiomidas terminatus  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E       517         NA         NA
Fly, Hawaiian picture-wing..........  Drosophila aglaia......  U.S.A. (HI)............  NA.....................        E       756         NA         NA
Fly, Hawaiian picture-wing..........  Drosophila differens...  ......do...............  NA.....................        E       756         NA         NA
Fly, Hawaiian picture-wing..........  Drosophila hemipeza....  ......do...............  NA.....................        E       756         NA         NA
Fly, Hawaiian picture-wing..........  Drosophila heteroneura.  ......do...............  NA.....................        E       756         NA         NA
Fly, Hawaiian picture-wing..........  Drosophila montgomeryi.  ......do...............  NA.....................        E       756         NA         NA
Fly, Hawaiian picture-wing..........  Drosophila mulli.......  ......do...............  NA.....................        T       756         NA         NA
Fly, Hawaiian picture-wing..........  Drosophila musaphilia..  ......do...............  NA.....................        E       756         NA         NA
Fly, Hawaiian picture-wing..........  Drosophila               ......do...............  NA.....................        E       756         NA         NA
Fly, Hawaiian picture-wing..........  Drosophila obatai......  ......do...............  NA.....................        E       756         NA         NA
Fly, Hawaiian picture-wing..........  Drosophila ochrobasis..  ......do...............  NA.....................        E       756         NA         NA
Fly, Hawaiian picture-wing..........  Drosophila               ......do...............  NA.....................        E       756         NA         NA
Fly, Hawaiian picture-wing..........  Drosophila               ......do...............  NA.....................        E       756         NA         NA
Grasshopper, Zayante band-winged....  Trimerotropis            U.S.A. (CA)............  NA.....................        E       605   17.95(i)         NA
Moth, Blackburn's sphinx............  Manduca blackburni.....  U.S.A. (HI)............  NA.....................        E       682   17.95(i)         NA
Moth, Kern primrose sphinx..........  Euproserpinus euterpe..  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        T        91         NA         NA
Naucorid, Ash Meadows...............  Ambrysus amargosus.....  U.S.A. (NV)............  ......do...............        T       181   17.95(i)         NA
Skipper, Carson wandering...........  Pseudocopaeodes eunus    U.S.A. (CA, NV)........  U.S.A., (Lassen County,        E       730         NA         NA
                                       obscurus.                                         CA; Washoe County, NV).
Skipper, Laguna Mountains...........  Pyrgus ruralis lagunae.  U.S.A. (CA)............  Entire.................        E       604         NA         NA
Skipper, Pawnee montane.............  Hesperia leonardus       U.S.A. (CO)............  ......do...............        T       289         NA         NA
Harvestman, Bee Creek Cave..........  Texella reddelli.......  U.S.A. (TX)............  ......do...............        E  327, 513         NA         NA
Harvestman, Bone Cave...............  Texella reyesi.........  ......do...............  ......do...............        E  327, 513         NA         NA
Harvestman, Cokendolpher cave.......  Texella cokendolpheri..  ......do...............  NA.....................        E       706   17.95(g)         NA
Meshweaver, Braken Bat Cave.........  Circurina venii........  ......do...............  NA.....................        E       706   17.95(g)         NA
Meshweaver, Government Canyon Bat     Circurina vespera......  ......do...............  NA.....................        E       706         NA         NA
Meshweaver, Madla Cave..............  Cicurina madla.........  ......do...............  NA.....................        E       706   17.95(g)         NA
Meshweaver, Robber Baron Cave.......  Cicurina baronia.......  ......do...............  NA.....................        E       706   17.95(g)         NA
Pseudoscorpion, Tooth Cave..........  Tartarocreagris texana.  ......do...............  ......do...............        E       327         NA         NA
Spider, Government Canyon Bat Cave..  Neoleptoneta microps...  ......do...............  NA.....................        E       706         NA         NA
Spider, Kauai cave wolf.............  Adelocosa anops........  U.S.A. (HI)............  NA.....................        E       676   17.95(g)         NA
Spider, spruce-fir moss.............  Microhexura montivaga..  U.S.A. (NC, TN)........  NA.....................        E       576   17.95(g)         NA

[[Page 55]]

Spider, Tooth Cave..................  Neoleptoneta myopica...  U.S.A. (TX)............  Entire.................        E       327         NA         NA
Amphipod, Hay's Spring..............  Stygobromus hayi.......  U.S.A. (DC)............  ......do...............        E       115         NA         NA
Amphipod, Illinois cave.............  Gammarus acherondytes..  U.S.A. (IL)............  ......do...............        E       642         NA         NA
Amphipod, Kauai cave................  Spelaeorchestia koloana  U.S.A. (HI)............  NA.....................        E       676   17.95(h)         NA
Amphipod, Noel's....................  Gammarus desperatus....  U.S.A. (NM)............  NA.....................        E        NA         NA
Amphipod, Peck's cave...............  Stygobromus              U.S.A. (TX)............  Entire.................        E       629         NA         NA
                                       (=Stygonectes) pecki.
Crayfish, cave......................  Cambarus aculabrum.....  U.S.A. (AR)............  ......do...............        E       499         NA         NA
 Do.................................  Cambarus zophonastes...  ......do...............  ......do...............        E       263         NA         NA
Crayfish, Nashville.................  Orconectes shoupi......  U.S.A. (TN)............  ......do...............        E       242         NA         NA
Crayfish, Shasta....................  Pacifastacus fortis....  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E       337         NA         NA
Fairy shrimp, Conservancy...........  Branchinecta             ......do...............  ......do...............        E       552   17.95(h)         NA
Fairy shrimp, longhorn..............  Branchinecta             ......do...............  ......do...............        E       552   17.95(h)         NA
Fairy shrimp, Riverside.............  Streptocephalus          ......do...............  ......do...............        E       512   17.95(h)         NA
Fairy shrimp, San Diego.............  Branchinecta             ......do...............  NA.....................        E       608   17.95(h)         NA
Fairy shrimp, vernal pool...........  Branchinecta lynchi....  U.S.A. (CA, OR)........  Entire.................        E       552   17.95(h)         NA
Isopod, Lee County cave.............  Lirceus usdagalun......  U.S.A. (VA)............  ......do...............        E       483         NA         NA
Isopod, Madison Cave................  Antrolana lira.........  ......do...............  ......do...............        T       123         NA   17.46(a)
Isopod, Socorro.....................  Thermosphaeroma          U.S.A. (NM)............  ......do...............        E        36         NA         NA
Shrimp, Alabama cave................  Palaemonias alabamae...  U.S.A. (AL)............  ......do...............        E       323         NA         NA
Shrimp, California freshwater.......  Syncaris pacifica......  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E       340         NA         NA
Shrimp, Kentucky cave...............  Palaemonias ganteri....  U.S.A. (KY)............  ......do...............        E       135   17.95(h)         NA
Shrimp, Squirrel Chimney Cave.......  Palaemonetes cummingi..  U.S.A. (FL)............  ......do...............        T       390         NA         NA
Tadpole shrimp, vernal pool.........  Lepidurus packardi.....  U.S.A. (CA)............  ......do...............        E       552   17.95(h)         NA
Symbols used in the four left columns:
 `` Do...'' or ``......do...''--(Ditto) indicates the entry is the same as the column entry directly above.
Symbols used in the ``When listed'' column:
A--Indicates a correction to the publication with the same ``When listed'' number.
D--Indicates FR where species was Delisted; relisting of the species is indicated by subsequent number(s).
E--Indicated Emergency rule publication (see FR document for effective dates); subsequent number(s) indicate FR final rule, if applicable, under ``When

[[Page 56]]

1--32 FR 4001; March 11, 1967.
2--35 FR 16047; October 13, 1970.
3--35 FR 8495; June 2, 1970.
4--35 FR 18320; December 2, 1970.
5--37 FR 6176; March 28, 1972.
6--38 FR 14678; June 4, 1973.
7--39 FR 44991; December 30, 1974.
8--40 FR 29864; July 16, 1975.
9--40 FR 31736; July 28, 1975.
10--40 FR 44151; September 25, 1975.
11--40 FR 44418; September 26, 1975.
12--40 FR 47506; October 9, 1975.
13--41 FR 17740; April 28, 1976.
14--41 FR 22044; June 1, 1976.
15--41 FR 24064; June 14, 1976.
15A--41 FR 26019; June 24, 1976.
16--41 FR 45993; October 19, 1976.
17--41 FR 51021; November 19, 1976.
18--41 FR 51612; November 23, 1976.
19--41 FR 53034; December 3, 1976.
20--42 FR 2076; January 10, 1977.
21--42 FR 2968; January 14, 1977.
22--42 FR 15971; March 24, 1977.
24--42 FR 28545; June 3, 1977.
25--42 FR 37373; July 21, 1977.
26--42 FR 40685; August 11, 1977.
27--42 FR 42353; August 23, 1977.
28--42 FR 45528; September 9, 1977.
29--42 FR 58757; November 11, 1977.
30--42 FR 60745; November 29, 1977.
31--43 FR 3715; January 27, 1978.
32--43 FR 4028; January 31, 1978.
33--43 FR 4621; February 3, 1978.
34--43 FR 6233; February 14, 1978.
35--43 FR 9612; March 9, 1978.
36--43 FR 12691; March 27, 1978.
37--43 FR 15429; April 13, 1978.
38--43 FR 16345; April 18, 1978.
40--43 FR 20504; May 12, 1978.
41--43 FR 28932; July 3, 1978.
42--43 FR 32808; July 28, 1978.
43--43 FR 34480; August 4, 1978.
45--44 FR 21289; April 10, 1979.
46--44 FR 23064; April 17, 1979.
48--44 FR 29480; May 21, 1979.
50--44 FR 37126; June 25, 1979.
51--44 FR 37132; June 25, 1979.
52--44 FR 42911; July 20, 1979.
54--44 FR 49220; August 21, 1979.
60--44 FR 59084; October 12, 1979.
85--44 FR 69208; November 30, 1979.
86--44 FR 70677; December 7, 1979.
87--44 FR 75076; December 18, 1979.
88--45 FR 18010; March 20, 1980.
90--45 FR 21833; April 2, 1980.
91--45 FR 24090; April 8, 1980.
92--45 FR 27713; April 23, 1980.
93--45 FR 28722; April 30, 1980.
94--45 FR 35823; May 28, 1980.
95--45 FR 44938; July 2, 1980.
96--45 FR 44942; July 2, 1980.
97--45 FR 47353; July 14, 1980.
98--45 FR 47363; July 14, 1980.
99--45 FR 52806; August 8, 1980.
100--45 FR 52810; August 8, 1980.
102--45 FR 54680; August 15, 1980.
103--45 FR 55666; August 20, 1980.
105--45 FR 63820; September 25, 1980.
106--45 FR 65134; October 1, 1980.
108--46 FR 3182; January 13, 1981.
111--46 FR 11665; February 10, 1981.
112--46 FR 40025; August 6, 1981.
113--46 FR 40669; August 10, 1981.
114--47 FR 4211; January 28, 1982.
115--47 FR 5427; February 5, 1982.
117--47 FR 19999; May 10, 1982.
119--47 FR 31672; July 21, 1982.
123--47 FR 43701; October 4, 1982.
124--47 FR 43962; October 5, 1982.
125--47 FR 46093; October 15, 1982.
127--48 FR 612; January 5, 1983.
128--48 FR 1726; January 14, 1983.
129--48 FR 28464; June 22, 1983.
130--48 FR 40184; September 2, 1983.
131--48 FR 43043; September 21, 1983.
132--48 FR 46057; October 11, 1983.
134--48 FR 46336; October 12, 1983.
135--48 FR 46341; October 12, 1983.
136--48 FR 49249; October 25, 1983.
138--49 FR 1994; January 17, 1984.
139--49 FR 2783; January 23, 1984.
142--49 FR 7335; February 28, 1984.
143--49 FR 7394; February 29, 1984.
144--49 FR 7398; February 29, 1984.
145--49 FR 10526; March 20, 1984.
146--49 FR 14356; April 11, 1984.
149--49 FR 22330; May 29, 1984.
150--49 FR 27514; July 5, 1984.
156--49 FR 33885; August 27, 1984.
157--49 FR 34494; August 31, 1984.
159--49 FR 34504; August 31, 1984.
160--49 FR 34510; August 31, 1984.
161--49 FR 35954; September 13, 1984.
163--49 FR 43069; October 26, 1984.
164--49 FR 43969; November 1, 1984.
166--49 FR 45163; November 15, 1984.
168--49 FR 49639; December 21, 1984.
169--50 FR 1056; January 9, 1985.
170--50 FR 4226; January 30, 1985.
171--50 FR 4945; February 4, 1985.
173--50 FR 12302; March 28, 1985.
174--50 FR 12305; March 28, 1985.
181--50 FR 20786; May 20, 1985.
182--50 FR 21792; May 28, 1985.
183--50 FR 23884; June 6, 1985.
184--50 FR 24530; June 11, 1985.
185--50 FR 24653; June 12, 1985.
186--50 FR 25678; June 20, 1985.
188--50 FR 26575; June 27, 1985.
189--50 FR 27002; July 1, 1985.
193--50 FR 30194; July 24, 1985.
195--50 FR 31596; August 5, 1985.
196--50 FR 31603; August 5, 1985.
203--50 FR 37198; September 12, 1985.
205--50 FR 39117; September 27, 1985.
206--50 FR 39123; September 27, 1985.
210--50 FR 50308; December 10, 1985.
211--50 FR 50733; December 11, 1985.
212--50 FR 51252; December 16, 1985.
216--51 FR 6690; February 25, 1986.
222--51 FR 10850; March 31, 1986.
223--51 FR 10857; March 31, 1986.
224--51 FR 10864; March 31, 1986.
227--51 FR 16047; April 30, 1986.

[[Page 57]]

228--51 FR 16482; May 2, 1986.
233--51 FR 17980; May 16, 1986.
236--51 FR 23781; July 1, 1986.
239--51 FR 27495; July 31, 1986.
241--51 FR 31422; September 3, 1986.
242--51 FR 34412; September 26, 1986.
246--51 FR 34425; September 26, 1986.
247--51 FR 39478; October 28, 1986.
248--51 FR 41796; November 19, 1986.
250--51 FR 45910; December 23, 1986.
251--52 FR 28; January 5, 1987.
258--52 FR 5302; February 20, 1987.
262--52 FR 11169; April 7, 1987.
263--52 FR 11172; April 7, 1987.
265--52 FR 11286; April 8, 1987.
267--52 FR 20719; June 3, 1987.
268--52 FR 20999; June 3, 1987.
269--52 FR 21063; June 4, 1987.
272--52 FR 22430; June 11, 1987.
273--52 FR 22585; June 12, 1987.
278--52 FR 22943; June 16, 1987.
279--52 FR 23151; June 17, 1987.
280--52 FR 25232; July 6, 1987.
281--52 FR 25380; July 7, 1987.
282--52 FR 28785; August 3, 1987.
283--52 FR 28831; August 4, 1987.
284--52 FR 29780; August 11, 1987.
287--52 FR 35040; September 16, 1987.
288--52 FR 35378; September 18, 1987.
289--52 FR 36180; September 25, 1987.
290--52 FR 36038; September 25, 1987.
292--52 FR 36779; October 1, 1987.
294--52 FR 37423; October 6, 1987.
296--52 FR 42068; November 2, 1987.
299--52 FR 42662; November 6, 1987.
304--53 FR 3570; February 5, 1988.
312--53 FR 25611; July 8, 1988.
313--53 FR 27134; July 18, 1988.
316--53 FR 27693; July 22, 1988.
317--53 FR 29337; August 4, 1988.
320--53 FR 33992; September 1, 1988.
322--53 FR 33998; September 1, 1988.
323--53 FR 34698; September 7, 1988.
327--53 FR 36033; September 16, 1988.
328--53 FR 37970; September 28, 1988.
334--53 FR 38453; September 30, 1988.
336--53 FR 38460; September 30, 1988.
337--53 FR 38465; September 30, 1988.
338--53 FR 38469; September 30, 1988.
340--53 FR 43889; October 31, 1988.
342--53 FR 45865; November 14, 1988.
345--54 FR 8341; February 28, 1989.
348--54 FR 15208; April 17, 1989.
349--54 FR 20602; May 12, 1989.
350--54 FR 22906; May 30, 1989.
351--54 FR 29655; July 13, 1989.
357--54 FR 32331; August 4, 1989.
358--54 FR 34468; August 18, 1989.
359--54 FR 34472; August 18, 1989.
361--54 FR 35311; August 24, 1989.
364--54 FR 38951; September 21, 1989.
365--54 FR 39849; September 28, 1989.
366--54 FR 39853; September 28, 1989.
369--54 FR 40112; September 29, 1989.
370--54 FR 41453; October 10, 1989.
371--54 FR 43969; October 30, 1989.
372--54 FR 47861; November 17, 1989.
376--55 FR 9136; March 12, 1990.
377--55 FR 9451; March 14, 1990.
378--55 FR 12191; April 2, 1990.
382--55 FR 12801; April 5, 1990.
383--55 FR 12832; April 6, 1990.
384--55 FR 13488; April 10, 1990.
387--55 FR 18845; May 4, 1990.
388--55 FR 21153; May 22, 1990.
390--55 FR 25591; June 21, 1990.
391--55 FR 25595; June 21, 1990.
393--55 FR 26194; June 26, 1990.
394--55 FR 28213; July 10, 1990.
396--55 FR 32094; August 7, 1990.
399--55 FR 36647; September 6, 1990.
400--55 FR 39416; September 27, 1990.
401--55 FR 39860; September 28, 1990.
404--55 FR 39872; September 28, 1990.
405--55 FR 42966; October 25, 1990.
407--55 FR 49623; November 30, 1990.
408--55 FR 50006; December 4, 1990.
410--55 FR 51112; December 12, 1990.
411--55 FR 53160; December 27, 1990.
412--56 FR 800; January 9, 1991.
415--56 FR 1459; January 14, 1991.
416--56 FR 1463; January 14, 1991.
417--56 FR 1463; January 14, 1991.
419--56 FR 13600; April 3, 1991.
421--56 FR 19814; April 30, 1991.
423--56 FR 21087; May 7, 1991.
426--56 FR 28349; June 20, 1991.
427--56 FR 28717; June 24, 1991.
428--56 FR 28828; June 25, 1991.
431--56 FR 37671; August 8, 1991.
432--56 FR 40267; August 14, 1991.
433--56 FR 41488; August 21, 1991.
442--56 FR 49649; September 30, 1991.
443--56 FR 49653; September 30, 1991.
444--56 FR 49658; September 30, 1991.
446--56 FR 54957; October 23, 1991.
447--56 FR 54967; October 23, 1991.
449--56 FR 56333; November 4, 1991.
454--56 FR 64723; December 12, 1991.
455--57 FR 213; January 3, 1992.
456--57 FR 594; January 7, 1992.
459--57 FR 13661; April 17, 1992.
462--57 FR 14790; April 22, 1992.
469--57 FR 21569; May 20, 1992.
472--57 FR 27858; June 22, 1992.
475--57 FR 28024; June 23, 1992.
477--57 FR 44340; September 25, 1992.
479--57 FR 45337; October 1, 1992.
483--57 FR 54726; November 20, 1992.
484--57 FR 59244; December 14, 1992.
485--57 FR 59257; December 14, 1992.
486--58 FR 4359; January 14, 1993.
487--58 FR 5657; January 22, 1993.
488--58 FR 5642; January 22, 1993.
489--58 FR 5946; January 25, 1993.
492--58 FR 12863; March 5, 1993.
493--58 FR 12874; March 5, 1993.
494--58 FR 14271; March 16, 1993.
495--58 FR 14339; March 17, 1993.
496--58 FR 16757; March 30, 1993.
499--58 FR 25746; April 27, 1993.
502--58 FR 25763; April 27, 1993.
503--58 FR 27480; May 10, 1993.
505--58 FR 34931; June 30, 1993.

[[Page 58]]

508--58 FR 40538; July 28, 1993.
512--58 FR 41391; August 3, 1993.
513--58 FR 43819; August 18, 1993.
514--58 FR 49874; September 23, 1993.
516--58 FR 49880; September 23, 1993.
517--58 FR 49887; September 23, 1993.
518--58 FR 49937; September 24, 1993.
520--58 FR 53804; October 18, 1993.
522--58 FR 54065; October 20, 1993.
525--58 FR 68486; December 27, 1993.
526--59 FR 5310; February 3, 1994.
527--59 FR 5498; February 4, 1994.
533--59 FR 10584; March 7, 1994.
534--59 FR 13836; March 23, 1994.
538--59 FR 17998; April 15, 1994.
539--59 FR 18327; April 18, 1994.
540--59 FR 31095; June 16, 1994.
543--59 FR 36995; July 20, 1994.
545--59 FR 42691; August 18, 1994.
546--59 FR 42711; August 18, 1994.
549--59 FR 46002; September 6, 1994.
550--59 FR 46715; September 9, 1994.
552--59 FR 48153; September 19, 1994.
554--59 FR 49764; September 29, 1994.
557--59 FR 54841; November 2, 1994.
561--59 FR 60264; November 22, 1994.
562--59 FR 60279; November 22, 1994.
563--59 FR 60334; November 23, 1994.
566--59 FR 63264; December 8, 1994.
567--59 FR 64623; December 15, 1994.
568--59 FR 64866; December 16, 1994.
569--59 FR 65512; December 20, 1994.
571--60 FR 2903; January 12, 1995.
573--60 FR 5273; January 26, 1995.
574--60 FR 5267; January 26, 1995.
576--60 FR 6974; February 6, 1995.
577--60 FR 10715; February 27, 1995.
579--60 FR 18947; April 13, 1995.
580--60 FR 36010; July 12, 1995.
582--61 FR 11332; March 20, 1996.
583--61 FR 25832; May 23, 1996.
585--61 FR 32366; June 24, 1996.
588--61 FR 48413; September 13, 1996.
597--61 FR 54056; October 16, 1996.
598--61 FR 59028; November 20, 1996.
600--62 FR 689; January 6, 1997.
602--62 FR 1657; January 10, 1997.
604--62 FR 2322; January 16, 1997.
605--62 FR 3628; January 24, 1997.
607--62 FR 4191; January 29, 1997.
608--62 FR 4939; February 3, 1997.
610--62 FR 10746; March 10, 1997.
612--62 FR 23392; April 30, 1997.
614--62 FR 30772; June 5, 1997.
616--62 FR 31757; June 11, 1997.
617--62 FR 31761; June 11, 1997.
618--62 FR 33038; June 18, 1997.
621--62 FR 38939; July 21, 1997.
622--62 FR 39157; July 22, 1997.
626--62 FR 59622; November 4, 1997.
628--62 FR 64320; December 5, 1997.
629--62 FR 66303; December 18, 1997.
630--63 FR 694; January 7, 1998.
631--63 FR 1763; January 12, 1998.
632--63 FR 3843; January 27, 1998.
633--63 FR 12687; March 16, 1998.
634--63 FR 13150; March 18, 1998.
636--63 FR 26530; May 13, 1998.
637--63 FR 31674; June 10, 1998.
638--63 FR 32997; June 17, 1998.
639--63 FR 42762; August 11, 1998.
642--63 FR 46909; September 3, 1998.
645--63 FR 51016; September 24, 1998.
646--63 FR 52837; October 1, 1998.
651--63 FR 57619; October 28, 1998.
653--63 FR 64799; November 23, 1998.
654--63 FR 69021; December 15, 1998.
655--63 FR 70062; December 18, 1998.
656--64 FR 5981; February 8, 1999.
658--64 FR 15704; April 1, 1999.
659--64 FR 17124; April 8, 1999.
660--64 FR 19308; April 20, 1999.
664--64 FR 41836; August 2, 1999.
665--64 FR 47134; August 30, 1999.
669--64 FR 56608; October 20, 1999.
670--64 FR 58932; November 1, 1999.
674--64 FR 72960; December 29, 1999.
675--65 FR 30; January 3, 2000.
676--65 FR 2357; January 14, 2000.
677--65 FR 3109; January 19, 2000.
679--65 FR 3890; January 25, 2000.
680--65 FR 4169; January 26, 2000.
682--65 FR 4779; February 1, 2000.
687--65 FR 8889; February 23, 2000.
688--65 FR 10039; February 25, 2000.
692--65 FR 16085; March 24, 2000.
693--65 FR 17786; April 5, 2000.
694--65 FR 19698; April 12, 2000.
695--65 FR 25879; May 4, 2000.
696--65 FR 20769; April 18, 2000.
697--65 FR 26461; May 5, 2000.
698--65 FR 26771; May 9, 2000.
700--65 FR 46654; July 31, 2000.
701--65 FR 51478; September 7, 2000.
702--65 FR 57264; September 21, 2000.
703--65 FR 60885; October 13, 2000.
705--65 FR 69481; November 17, 2000.
706--65 FR 69637; November 17, 2000.
707--65 FR 81433; December 26, 2000.
709--66 FR 32257; June 14, 2001.
710--66 FR 33915; June 26, 2001.
713--66 FR 50350; October 3, 2001.
714--66 FR 51339; October 9, 2001.
715--66 FR 59373; November 28, 2001.
716--66 FR 59545; November 29, 2001.
718--66 FR 63002; December 4, 2001.
719--66 FR 66811; December 27, 2001.
724--67 FR 37721; May 30, 2002.
725--70 FR 3459; January 24, 2005.
726--67 FR 40811; June 13, 2002.
728--67 FR 44392; July 2, 2002.
729--67 FR 47739; July 22, 2002.
730--67 FR 51129; August 7, 2002.
731--67 FR 52889; August 14, 2002.
732--67 FR 52426; August 12, 2002.
734--68 FR 13520; March 19, 2003.
735--68 FR 15872; April 1, 2003.
738--68 FR 43658; July 24, 2003.
740--69 FR 70190; December 17, 2003.
741--69 FR 3028; January 22, 2004.
742--70 FR 67928; November 9, 2005.
743--70 FR 10485; March 4, 2005.
744--69 FR 47248; August 4, 2004.
745--70 FR 1285; January 6, 2005.

[[Page 59]]

747--70 FR 17916; April 8, 2005.
748--70 FR 69465; Novermber 16, 2005.
754--70 FR 58350; October 6, 2005.
755--70 FR 66706; November 2, 2005.
756--71 FR 26851; May 9, 2006.
757--71 FR 40673; July 18, 2006.
758--71 FR 42314; July 26, 2006.

    Editorial Note: 1. For Federal Register citations affecting the 
table in Sec.  17.11(h), see the listing above.

    Editorial Note: 2. For Federal Register citations affecting Sec.  
17.11, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the 
Finding Aids section of the printed volume and on GPO Access.

    Effective Date Notes: 1. At 71 FR 53600, Sept. 12, 2006, in Sec.  
17.11(h), the entry for ``White-eye, Rota bridled'' under ``BIRDS'' was 
revised, effective Oct. 12, 2006. For the convenience of the user, the 
revised text is set forth as follows:

[Page 59]
                    TITLE 50--WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES
                          INTERIOR (CONTINUED)
                             Subpart B_Lists
Sec.  17.11  Endangered and threatened wildlife.

                                * * * * *

    (h) * * *

                          Species                                                   Vertebrate population
------------------------------------------------------------     Historic range      where endangered or      Status        When     Critical   Special
            Common name                  Scientific name                                  threatened                       listed    habitat     rules

                                                                      * * * * * * *

                                                                      * * * * * * *
White-eye, Rota bridled............  Zosterops rotensis....  Western Pacific Ocean- Entire...............  E                   741   17.95(b)         NA
                                                              U.S.A (Commonwealth
                                                              of the Northern
                                                              Mariana Islands).

                                                                      * * * * * * *

    2. At 71 FR 54371, Sept. 14, 2006, in Sec.  17.11(h), the entry for 
``Frog, mountain yellow-legged (southern California DPS)'' under 
``AMPHIBIANS'' was revised, effective Oct. 16, 2006. For the convenience 
of the user, the revised text is set forth as follows:

[Page 59]
                    TITLE 50--WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES
                          INTERIOR (CONTINUED)
                             Subpart B_Lists
Sec.  17.11  Endangered and threatened wildlife.

                                * * * * *

    (h) * * *

                          Species                                                  Vertebrate population
-----------------------------------------------------------     Historic range      where endangered or     Status       When      Critical     Special
            Common name                 Scientific name                                  threatened                     listed      habitat      rule

                                                                      * * * * * * *

                                                                      * * * * * * *
Frog, mountain yellow-legged         Rana muscosa.........  U.S.A. (California,    U.S.A., southern               E         728    17.95(d)          NA
 (southern California DPS).                                  Nevada).               California.

                                                                      * * * * * * *