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Senator Akaka Recognized for his Commitment to Filipino Veterans

December 6, 2006

Washington, D.C. - Filipino veterans joined officials from Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines today to present a Certificate of Appreciation to U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka for his support and commitment to Filipino veterans.  Various Filipino groups were gathered at the Embassy for the Filipino-American World War II Veterans National Planning Conference.

Philippines Ambassador to the U.S., Willy Gaa, said, "We express our appreciation to Senator Akaka for being at the Conference.  His presence to say the least provided great hope for Filipino veterans who have struggled over the years to secure the benefits that we believe are due to them."

Senator Akaka is the incoming Chairman for the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee.  In March, he introduced an amendment to the 2007 Congressional Budget Resolution that would have provided non-service connected pension to Filipino World War II veterans.  The amendment failed, largely due to cost.

Senator Akaka stated, "The current fiscal conditions have made it extremely difficult for veterans' benefits, whether for Filipino veterans or others, to be improved and expanded."                  

Senator Akaka is also a cosponsor of S.146, the Filipino Veterans Equity Act of 2005, which is sponsored by Hawaii's Senior Senator, Daniel Inouye.

"Please be assured that I share your frustration with the current fiscal restraints.  I will continue to do everything within my power to help Filipino World War II veterans gain the equity that they so richly deserve," noted Senator Akaka.  "I plan to have Filipino veterans-related issues on the agenda during my tenure as the Chairman of Veterans' Affairs, which begins in a few short weeks."


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December 2006

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