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Senator Akaka Says Government Not Doing Enough to Protect Citizens From "Dirty Bomb" Attacks

March 28, 2006
Cites Government Accountability Office Reports Criticizing Lack of Nuclear and Radiological Security at Our Nation's Borders and Ports

Washington, D.C. -- U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka today criticized the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for failing to safely secure and dispose of radioactive sources both domestically and internationally. Senator Akaka called the current situation "shocking," given the potential for disaster and the fact that a Government Accountability Office identified problems with NRC documentation and licensing procedures more than three years ago in a series of reports commissioned by Senator Akaka..

"I am particularly concerned about the nuclear and radiological security at our nation's ports because commercial harbors play a critical role in the economy of my home state of Hawaii," says Senator Akaka. "My state receives 98 percent of the goods it imports via sea. Hawaii has successfully been using radiation portal monitors at seaports and airports to screen international cargo and mail."

Senator Akaka says detection technologies used at U.S. ports are the last layer of defense. "However, I am also troubled that the Department of Homeland Security's plan to deploy additional detection technologies has been delayed, and now faces a projected $342 million overrun.," says Senator Akaka. "The simple fact is that if a nuclear device is already in the U.S., it's too late. "

Senator Akaka's comments were made before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations which today held a hearing on "Neutralizing the Nuclear and Radiological Threat: Securing the Global Supply Chain."

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March 2006

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