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Akaka Votes to Support Defense Authorization Bill, Cites Sacrifice of Hawaii National Guard Members

September 8, 2008

WASHINGTON, DC - Today U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI), Chairman of the Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support, voted enthusiastically in support of the motion to proceed to the National Defense Authorization Act for FY2009. The cloture vote was approved 83-0 (needing a 60 vote threshold), allowing the Senate to move to debate on this bill. 

Senator Akaka said: "Over the last six years, continuous combat operations have put a severe strain on our nation's military capabilities. This bill is critically important to ensuring that our troops have the equipment and support they need to fulfill their mission. This bill authorizes military construction projects that directly affect the quality of life of our troops by giving them new, safer, more effective facilities to work in, and supports our Armed Service members and their families with language calling for a 3.9 percent pay raise.

"A little over three weeks ago, I attended the deployment ceremony for the members of the Hawaii Army National Guard's 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team who are headed to Kuwait in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom for their second deployment. It was my great honor and privilege to say goodbye to these soldiers who are leaving their homes, their jobs and their families in order to fulfill their commitment to defend and protect our nation. I would remind my friends and colleagues that we have also made a commitment: a commitment to work together to pass a bill that provides our troops with everything they need to come home safely. The first step in this process is to pass this motion to proceed so that we can begin debate on this very important bill."

Prior to the vote, Senator Akaka spoke on the Senate floor encouraging his colleagues to vote in favor of the motion to proceed. Senator Akaka’s full floor statement, including further details about the bill, is available at:


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September 2008

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