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U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series DDS-79, Coastal Erosion and Wetland Change in Louisiana: Selected USGS Products

Data Catalog

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The data supplied on this DVD-ROM are made available with geographic coordinates to allow the data to be incorporated into a Geographic Information System (GIS). The land loss and shoreline change data layers along with additional base map layers have been compiled into an ArcView™ project file (laproj.apr), which is located at the top-level directory of this publication. The Louisiana base map layers and accompanying unmodified metadata were extracted from the Spatially United Data Sets (SUDS) GIS data repository that is supported in the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program's Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies in Florida. The project file was created using ArcView v. 3.2 and requires the MrSID extension which comes standard with ArcView.

For those users without ESRI software or a compatible GIS data browser, the land loss data layers along with additional base map layers have also been compiled into an ArcExplorer project file (laproj.aep) which is also located at the top-level directory of this publication. ArcExplorer is a free GIS viewing software product and is available from ESRI for download at A User Guide is available at the same site. Once ArcExplorer is installed, the data layers can be accessed through the ArcExplorer program. Please note that ArcExplorer is designed for use on the Windows 95/98/NT/2000 platforms.

Clicking on the layer name under the column header 'Data Layer Name & Description' in the table below will open a new window with a graphical representation of that layer.

Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata are included with data layers in three formats in the table below: (HTML, FAQ, and text).

A downloadable 'zip' archive file containing the elements that comprise the ArcView shapefile for each data layer is also provided. The zip files were created using WinZip v. 8.1. Users may obtain a free copy of the software from or

Directory: la_covers/Land_Loss

Data Layer Name & DescriptionMetadata
la_morphology_cewc - USGS Open-File Report 00-417
la_process_loss_cewc - USGS Open-File Report 00-418

Directory: la_covers/Shoreline_Change

Data Layer Name & DescriptionMetadata
plaq1884 - Shoreline for Plaquemines Barrier Island System, 1884
plaq_trans_gulf - Transect Measurements of Shoreline Change, Plaquesmines Barrier Island System
plaq1996 - Shoreline for Plaquemines Barrier Island System, 1996
cnm1887 - Shoreline for Caminada-Moreau Headland, 1887
cnm_trans_gulf - Transect Measurements of Shoreline Change, Caminada-Moreau Headland
cnm1996 - Shoreline for Caminada-Moreau Headland, 1996
id1887 - Shoreline for Isles Dernieres Barrier Island Arc, 1887
id_trans_gulf - Transect Measurements of Shoreline Change, Isles Dernieres Barrier Island Arc
id1996 - Shoreline for Isles Dernieres Barrier Island Arc, 1996
tb1887 - Shoreline for Timbalier Barrier Island Arc, 1887
tb_trans_gulf - Transect Measurements of Shoreline Change, Timbalier Barrier Island Arc
tb1996 - Shoreline for Timbalier Barrier Island Arc, 1996
ci_north1855 - Shoreline for North Chandeleur Barrier Island Arc, 1855
ci_north_trans_gulf - Transect Measurements of Shoreline Change, North Chandeleur Barrier Island Arc
ci_north1999 - Shoreline for North Chandeleur Barrier Island Arc, 1999
ci_south1855 - Shoreline for South Chandeleur Barrier Island Arc, 1855
ci_south_trans_gulf - Transect Measurements of Shoreline Change, South Chandeleur Barrier Island Arc
ci_south1999 - Shoreline for South Chandeleur Barrier Island Arc, 1999


Directory: la_covers/Bathymetry

Data Layer Name & DescriptionMetadata
la_bathy_2m - Offshore Bathymetry for Louisiana, 2 meters
gmx_crm - Coastal Relief Model Bathymetry image for the Gulf of Mexico area (MrSID format)
maurcont - Contoured Bathymetry for Lake Maurepas
pontcont - Contoured Bathymetry for Lake Pontchartrain

Directory: la_covers/Coastlines

Data Layer Name & DescriptionMetadata
gmx_nos80k - Medium Resolution Digital Vector U.S. Shoreline for the Gulf of Mexico area
lakeshore - Shoreline for Lakes Maurepas and Pontchartrain, NOAA


Directory: la_covers/base_maps

Data Layer Name & DescriptionMetadata
dtl_st - U.S. States, Detailed
us_eez - U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone
la_counties - Louisiana Counties, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Census
la_floodzone_24k - Louisiana Flood Zones, FEMA
la_geology_500k - Louisiana Geology, 1:500,000, USGS

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Maintained by Publishing Services
Last modified: 15:31:59 Tue 14 Feb 2006
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