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National Center for Assisted Living Care Alternative Omnicare, Inc. Sunrise Senior Living United States Memory Center
  Thank You Care Alternative
AALNA Platinum Sponsor
Thank you Omnicare
AALNA Platinum Sponsor
Thank You Sunrise Senior Living
AALNA Platinum Sponsor
Thank You United States Memory Center
AALNA Platinum Sponsor
Sundance Rehabilitatiion IPPC Pharmacy Compassionate Care QuietCare  
Thank You Sundance Rehabilitaion
AALNA Platinum Sponsor

Thank You IPPC Pharmacy
AALNA Platinum Sponsor

Thank You Compassionate Care
AALNA Platinum Sponsor
Thank You QuietCare
AALNA Platinum Sponsor

Assisted Living Nurse Specialty Certification Available NOW.
Our members have asked for it, the industry and profession are demanding it, and it's finally here. Certification is an important step to establishing and advancing nurse practice. For more information follow this link to the Assisted Living Nurse Specialty Certification page.

Sign up Today!

For Educational Programs/Opportunities, Click Here


“AALNA Remembers a True Assisted Living Champion”

Celebrating the life of “Maureen Wolfe, RN, ADRC”

Please go to NY State Chapter news

Flu Season is Here!  
Click here for more information, thanks to Geriatric Nursing Coalition.

For information on geriatric nursing best practices, including nursing protocols, click here.

The New Jersey State Chapter page has been updated with information on the December 4 Meeting and Holiday party.

Take a Sample Certification Quiz! RN's, click here, LPN's, click here:

Corporate Member Application

AALNA & ATC Travel Announce Discount Travel for All AALNA members click here for details and here to view the Travel Request Form

AALNA Members: Presentations Now Available Online
AALNA Board Members and Officers are frequently making presentations at industry conferences and symposiums. AALNA members can access the slides and handouts from these presentations here.
Join the AALNA Email Listserv
For members only! Join in on the lively and informative discussions regarding assessments, medication management, public policy and other issues pertinent to nursing in assisted living. The listserv is moderated by AALNA board members.

To join, simply send an email to aalna-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
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AALNA Conference

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The Center for Excellence in Assisted Living

John A Hardford Foundatoin


Become a Member
By joining the American Assisted Living Nurses Association you gain access to a nationwide network of nurses working in Assisted Living. Benefits of membership also include our newsletter and free continuing education courses. Most important is the voice you help to create, a voice for nurses in the growing field of assisted living.

online memership application

State Licensing Agencies
Having trouble finding the agency/office responsible for regulating assisted living in your state? We have a complete list of every state licensing agency, including addresses, phone numbers, and websites.

A list of online resources to assist you in operating your facility.

The only national non-profit association dedicated to assisted living nursing.
Operated by assisted living nurses, for assisted living nurses.