Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Isakson Praises Nomination of Roberts, Urges Senate Confirmation  

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) today praised the nomination of Judge John G. Roberts Jr. to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and strongly urged the Senate to confirm his nomination during a speech on the Senate floor. The Senate is scheduled to vote on the Roberts nomination on Thursday morning.

“I will vote to confirm the President’s nomination of John G. Roberts as Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. And in large measure, I will because of who and what John G. Roberts is, has been and will be. A decent and humble man of immense intelligence and demonstrated compassion.  

“Now we will hear, and I have heard earlier today, some in this chamber who will tell us he never answered any questions, we don’t know where he stands. Well, to me, that’s simply code words for them saying they couldn’t pin him down, tie him in knots or prejudice him for future decisions.  

“Personally, I don’t want a justice who any lawyer can tie in knots or predispose. I want a judge I can stand before and count on the fact that he will call them like he sees them, that that he won’t be in one corner or the other. That he’ll do what’s right, what’s dictated by the law and the Constitution.  

“If there is anything we need on the bench today, it is those who see themselves umpires making the right call, the right decision the right time in every single case, for there is no instant replay on the Supreme Court of the United States of America. 

“And Judge Roberts said in his confirmation hearings before the Judiciary Committee, just as people don’t go to a baseball game to watch the umpires, they don’t go to a court to watch the judge. They go to court to get a fair decision, unvarnished and untainted.”

Isakson also paid tribute to Justice Sandra Day O’Connor and the late Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist during his remarks.

The full text of Isakson’s speech is available by clicking here. Please click here to listen to the statement or click here to watch the statement.




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