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USDA Approved Disaster Declaration for Vog Damage to Big Island Crops

Hawaii Island farmers can apply for low-interest loans to cover losses

July 30, 2008

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii) announced today that the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has approved a Secretarial Disaster Designation for production and physical losses that have resulted from volcanic emissions ("vog") on Hawaii island.  This designation allows Big Island farmers to apply for low-interest emergency loans to cover losses caused by the vog.  The designation was requested by Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle and supported in a formal letter from Senator Akaka to Agriculture Secretary Edward Shafer. 

"Intense vog from Kilauea has damaged many crops.  These low interest emergency disaster loans will help Big Island farmers stay in business while they recover," Akaka said. 

The impact of vog on Hawaii crops varies. The floricultural industry, a multi-million dollar a year business, and in particular, protea growers, have been hit hard.  According to the University of Hawaii College of Tropical Agriculture, vog causes proteas to suffer severe burns resulting in devastating crop losses.

With this designation, farm operators on Hawaii island can apply and may be approved for low-interest USDA Farm Service Agency emergency loans, provided eligibility requirements are met.  Eligible producers may borrow up to 100 percent of actual production or physical losses, not to exceed a total amount of $500,000.

For more information on the USDA loan program, click here.  

Senator Akaka's letter in support of the Disaster Designation is copied below:

July 16, 2008
Honorable Edward Schafer
Secretary of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Avenue S.W.
Washington, D.C.  20250-0002
Dear Mr. Schafer:
                I write to express my strong support for the Secretarial Disaster Designation requested by Governor Linda Lingle for production and physical losses that have resulted from volcanic smog (vog) on the island of Hawaii.
                Vog, a mixture of sulfur dioxide, dust, and sunlight, which becomes acid rain when mixed with atmospheric moisture, has had detrimental effects on the health, safety, and economy of the County of Hawaii, in particular, in the district of Kau.  Vog is especially damaging when the wind blows onshore or the air is still.  Vog has destroyed flower crops, plants, and vegetables.  The floricultural industry, a multi-million dollar a year business, in particular, has been hit hard.  According to the University of Hawaii College of Tropical Agriculture, vog causes flowers, such as proteas, to suffer severe burns resulting in devastating crop losses.  Vog is also posing challenges to long-term public and private sector plans to diversify Hawaii's agricultural base.
                As you may know, I have written to Ms. Teresa Lasseter, Administrator for the Farm Service Agency (FSA), to request information on how the FSA can assist floriculturists and farmers who were economically hurt by the vog.  I also requested information on the status of the Supplemental Disaster Program, how information will be disseminated to ensure that eligible individuals and entities can make a fee payment by the August 20, 2008, deadline, and about contingency plans to address late fee payments made by those who might not have received information about the program given that the deadline is about a month from today.
                Your expedited consideration for the Secretarial Disaster Designation requested by Governor Linda Lingle would be appreciated.  Thank you for your time and attention to this important issue.
                                                                                                Aloha pumehana,
                                                                                                DANIEL K. AKAKA
                                                                                                U.S. Senator


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July 2008

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