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finally heading to bed at 6 am. full of chocolate cake and fantasy.
adrenaline from inspiration
time to make bok choy
@hrheingold i love puryear and that exhibit was inspiring. and perhaps you should make art full time.
brain lost in a world of net art possibilities
@supercw ocarina is so much fun. i love it. you should get an iphone!
@timoni looks like futura regular - app happy street sticker
latenight nachos nom nom
the palm pre webOS sounds interesting but i wonder why they went with a rounded corner ui. wastes pixels on an already small screen.
finished the wire! powerful narrative. loved the series on so many levels.
whoa, down to the final episode of the wire
thinking it would be fun to go to design miami this year
finally canceled digital cable. should have done it yrs ago. only watch media online now.
tweaking iphone layouts
argh. still can't purchase from itunes. seems others are having issues with itunes store being down on twitter search. come on, apple!
@katerutter careful that it doesn't catch on fire ;)


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