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Nomination Hearing for Veterans Affairs Under Secretary for Benefits

September 17, 2008

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI), Chairman of the Veterans' Affairs Committee, held a hearing today on the nomination of Rear Admiral Patrick W. Dunne (Ret.) to be Under Secretary for Benefits of the Department of Veterans Affairs.  VA's Veterans Benefits Administration has been without a confirmed Under Secretary since the prior Under Secretary resigned in April. 

"While there is little time before the next administration assumes office, veterans and their families will be better serviced by a confirmed Under Secretary for Benefits rather someone in an acting capacity.   I will support Rear Admiral Dunne's confirmation and will work to have the Senate act on it before the end of this month.  I urge Admiral Dunne to use every one of his days in office, confirmed or not, to be an advocate for this nation's veterans," said Akaka. 

Rear Admiral Dunne was confirmed as the Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Policy and Planning on August 3, 2006.  Dunne has served as Acting Under Secretary for Benefits since April 2, 2008.  He served in the U.S. Navy from 1972 to 2005.    

The Chairman's opening statement can be viewed here: link


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September 2008

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