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December 16, 2005
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 421- 4936

32 House Democrats Vote “Present” on Iraq Resolution As Statement of Protest Against Republican Partisanship

WASHINGTON, DC – The 32 House Democrats who voted “present” today on the Iraq Resolution offered by the Republican leadership released the following statement:

“We voted ‘present’ on the Republicans’ Resolution on Iraq today to protest the partisanship with which the House Majority is dealing with one of the most critical issues facing the nation – the continuing war in Iraq.

“For the second time in less than a month, the Republican Majority has offered a Resolution on the war in Iraq that deliberately tries to divide us for partisan political advantage rather than unite us.

“The Ranking Democrat on the House International Relations Committee, Rep. Tom Lantos, offered a Resolution that congratulated the Iraqi people on their three national elections in 2005; expressed our support for Iraq to achieve a free, open and democratic society; and expressed our thanks and admiration for our brave men and women in uniform, as well as our coalition partners and the Iraqi security forces.

“However, the Republican leadership refused to even allow Congressman Lantos to offer his Resolution, even though every Member of the House could have voted for it.

“We believe that these tactics – at a time of war, with our men and women in harm’s way – are not only unfortunate but shameful.”

Democrats casting “present” votes were Representatives Rob Andrews, Brian Baird, Tim Bishop, Allen Boyd, G.K. Butterfield, Julia Carson, Peter DeFazio, Rahm Emanuel, Eliot Engel, Anna Eshoo, Jane Harman, Darlene Hooley, Steny Hoyer, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Marcy Kaptur, Tom Lantos, Rick Larsen, Zoe Lofgren, Nita Lowey, Carolyn Maloney, Doris Matsui, Michael McNulty, Kendrick Meek, Michael Michaud, Major Owens, Loretta Sanchez, Adam Schiff, Brad Sherman, Louise Slaughter, Ellen Tauscher, Mike Thompson and Chris Van Hollen.
