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Committee Approves Akaka Non-Foreign AREA Act and SES Diversity Assurance Act

June 25, 2008

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee approved Senator Akaka's Senior Executive Service Diversity Assurance Act, as amended (S. 2148) and his Non-Foreign Area Retirement Equity Assurance Act of 2008, as amended (S. 3013).  Additionally, the Committee reported the nomination of Elaine C. Duke to be Under Secretary for Management at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), as well as the following pending legislation:

  • S. 1924, Federal Firefighters Fairness Act of 2007, as amended;
  • H.R. 5683, Government Accountability Office Act of 2008, as amended;
  • S. 3175, Predisaster Hazard Mitigation Act of 2008, as amended;
  • S. 2382, FEMA Accountability Act of 2007;
  • S. 2816, to provide for the appointment of the Chief Human Capital Officer of the Department of Homeland Security by the Secretary of Homeland Security; and
  • Nine post office naming bills.

Senator Akaka supported Ms. Duke's nomination and all of the pending legislation approved by the Committee.

S. 3013, the Non-Foreign Area Retirement Equity Assurance Act

Sponsored by Senator Akaka, the Non-Foreign AREA Act (S. 3013) transitions federal employees in Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Territories from non-foreign cost of living allowance to locality pay.  Two amendments were adopted, one making technical corrections and the other affecting how postal workers are treated under the legislation.

"I am pleased that the Committee has endorsed these improvements to the retirement benefits of federal employees in Hawaii, Alaska, and the Territories," Senator Akaka said.  "With prices for everything from housing and gasoline to bread and milk constantly rising in the islands, this bill will ensure that federal employees' take-home pay is protected and that they are treated fairly in retirement."

S. 2148, the Senior Executive Service Diversity Assurance Act

Sponsored by Senator Akaka, the Senior Executive Service (SES) Diversity Assurance Act (S. 2148) seeks to improve diversity within the SES by creating a Senior Executive Service Resource Office, requiring SES selection panels to be diverse, and requiring agencies to develop strategic plans to improve diversity.

"Over the past 8 years, nearly 65 percent of the SES has retired, and in that time, the percentage of women represented in the SES has increased by only 5.5 percent and the percentage of minorities represented in the SES has increased by only 2 percent." Senator Akaka said.  "I want to thank my colleagues for supporting this bill.  The substitute amendment that was agreed to made significant changes to the original bill to address the constitutional concerns raised by the Department of Justice and the Office of Personnel Management.  Now, S. 2148 creates a system of accountability at OPM and in federal agencies for improving diversity by requiring strategic plans, better professional development, enhanced recruitment, and ensuring candidate review boards diverse.  I look forward to working with my colleagues to move the bill through the Senate expeditiously.

S. 2816, a bill providing for the appointment of the Chief Human Capital Officer at the Department of Homeland Security

Senator Akaka, who was the lead cosponsor of the bill, said, "I am pleased to join my colleague, Senator Voinovich, in offering this bill and want to thank the Committee members for supporting it.  No other federal agency is required to have the CHCO be a Presidential nominee and a political appointee.  The discretion on whether the position should be political or career should be left up to the Secretary at DHS.  I believe that S. 2816 makes the Chief Human Capital Officer appointments consistent at all agencies and could provide stability at DHS in the upcoming Administration transition."

Nomination of Elaine C. Duke, Under Secretary for Management, Department of Homeland Security           

The Under Secretary for Management at DHS is responsible for managing federal workforce issues, procurement, information technology, and financial management

Senator Akaka, who chaired Ms. Duke's nomination hearing, said, "Ms. Duke will bring a wealth of experience from more than 25 years of federal civil service to the job of DHS Under Secretary for Management.  Ms. Duke first rose through the ranks as a Navy procurement specialist, spending a few years in Hawaii.  Most recently, Ms. Duke helped get DHS's acquisition operations on the right track as the Department's Chief Procurement Officer."

S. 3175, the Predisaster Hazard Mitigation Ac

The Predisaster Hazard Mitigation Act reauthorizes the Predisaster Mitigation program, which provide grants to states and local communities for hazard mitigation activities that can reduce injuries, loss of life, and property damage.

Senator Akaka said, "I am pleased that the Committee agreed to support the reauthorization of and increased funding for the cost-effective Predisaster Mitigation program. Two studies have shown that for each one dollar spent on mitigation, three dollars are saved in recovery expenses.  An amendment offered by Senator Pryor will allow Hawaii's emergency managers and communities to request up to 25 percent of Hawaii's total predisaster mitigation funding to be put toward flood control projects such as levees, dams, seawalls, breakwaters, and erosion projects relating to beach nourishment.  This flexibility is vital to appropriately prevent and reduce risks to public safety and infrastructure before disasters occur."


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June 2008

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