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June 04, 2003
Stacey Farnen


WASHINGTON – House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) joined Representatives Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and Rodney Alexander (D-LA) and other Democratic Members of Congress in introducing legislation to expand the refundable portion of the child tax credit that the Republican Leadership chose to leave out of their tax plan. This bill serves as companion legislation to Sen. Blanche Lincoln's (D-AK) Child Tax Bill and will speed efforts to provide the tax credit to more working families. 

“Once again, Democrats today are working against the clock to ensure that tax relief is provided for millions of American families who need it and deserve it.  The Republican leadership has been vocal about its desire to deny this tax credit to those who need it most. 

“I applaud Senator Lincoln’s efforts to rectify this problem in the Senate, where her bill enjoys bipartisan support.  I sincerely hope that our Republican colleagues in the House will demonstrate the compassion they so proudly tout, and provide this child tax credit.

“Democrats warned that the tax cut bill pushed through Congress in the dead of night was a bait and switch, fiscally reckless, and loaded with gimmicks. Now, closer scrutiny reveals that Republicans misled Americans about providing tax relief for all Americans who pay income taxes. In an effort to make room for their dividend tax cut, their bill denies as many as 6.5 million minimum-wage families — with nearly 12 million children – the full benefits of an increase in the child tax-credit. 

“Yesterday, Democrats were denied the opportunity to remedy the Republicans’ misguided and cold-hearted agenda. We are resolved to combat that obstruction by offering plans that seek to assist working class Americans and most importantly, 12 million children.

“Denying aid to families that would spend the money is not only callous, it’s financially irresponsible.  Our nation’s economy needs an immediate fiscal stimulus to create jobs, and these targeted tax credits provide it. Democrats offered a jobs and growth package that would have provided the child tax credit to these families, those that Republicans have chosen to ignore.  

“I urge our Republican friends to support this initiative, and end this unfair denial of tax relief.”

