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» Hoyer Announces Quick House Action to Override President’s Veto of Water Resources Development Act, November 02, 2007
On Tuesday, the House will vote to override the President’s veto of WRDA.
» Hoyer: One Year Later, Democratic-Led Congress Is Leading Nation in a New Direction, November 01, 2007
One year ago, the American people looked at Congress, and here’s what they saw: They saw a rubber-stamp for the Bush Administration.
» Hoyer: We Will Continue To Work on a Bipartisan CHIP Bill to Cover 10 Million Children, November 01, 2007
» Hoyer on New Priorities Package, October 31, 2007
This week, Democrats will move forward a package of bills that invest in the nation’s top priorities.
» Hoyer Testimony to Senate Budget Committee On Bipartisan Task Force for Responsible Fiscal Action, October 31, 2007
» Hoyer: TAA Bill an Investment in American Workers, October 31, 2007
When TAA was established in 1962, it represented a commitment to ensure the viability of American workers adversely affected by international trade.
» Majority Leader Hoyer: The President Looks Desperate on Children’s Health Insurance Coverage, October 31, 2007
While it may be fitting for President Bush to trot out bogeymen on Halloween, his comments today are a clear sign that he is isolated and desperate in his attempt to block bipartisan legislation extending health insurance to 10 million low-income American children.
» Congressional Democrats Pass Longest Extension of Internet Tax Moratorium, October 30, 2007
Today, the House passed legislation extending the Internet tax moratorium for seven years, the longest extension since the moratorium began.
» Majority Leader Hoyer's Statement on the President's Comments, October 30, 2007
Today, rather than working with Democrats and Republicans in Congress who are determined to extend health insurance to 10 million low-income, working-class American children, the top two Republican leaders in the House of Representatives chose to stand with the one person who constitutes the biggest obstacle to providing that health coverage – President Bush.
» Hoyer: Internet Tax Moratorium on Floor Tomorrow, October 29, 2007
Tomorrow the House will bring the Senate version of H.R. 3678, the Internet Tax Freedom Act Amendments Act of 2007, to the Floor under suspension of the rules.
» Majority Leader Hoyer on Darfur Legislation on House Floor Today, October 29, 2007
» Hoyer: President Bush Sows Division Instead of Showing Leadership, October 26, 2007
» Hoyer Statement on CHIP Legislation on House Floor Tomorrow, October 24, 2007
» Hoyer Statement on Rising War Costs, October 24, 2007
Today’s CBO report estimating the Iraq war could cost a total of $1.9 trillion is another dramatic demonstration of this Administration’s gross incompetence in failing to adequately prepare for this war.
» Hoyer Statement on the AMT, October 23, 2007
» Majority Leader Hoyer: President Bush Has No Standing To Lecture Anyone on Fiscal Responsibility, October 15, 2007
» Majority Leader Hoyer Congratulates Al Gore on Nobel Peace Prize, October 12, 2007
» Hoyer Responds to President on Surveillance Bill, October 10, 2007
» Majority Leader Hoyer’s Statement on New Budget Committee Report, October 04, 2007
The report released today by the House Budget Committee and Chairman John Spratt provides concrete evidence that Democrats, in fact, are the party of fiscal discipline in Washington.
» Majority Leader Hoyer’s Statement on the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act, October 04, 2007
This important legislation – the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act – is yet another concrete example of how this Democratic House Majority is focused on common-sense, bipartisan solutions and working to address the priorities of the American people.
» Majority Leader Hoyer’s Statement on the President’s Veto of CHIP Legislation, October 03, 2007
The President’s incomprehensible veto of this bipartisan, fiscally responsible legislation – which is supported by strong majorities in the House and Senate, 43 governors, industry groups and the American people – not only violates his own campaign promise in 2004, but also demonstrates a stunning lack of compassion for some of the most vulnerable members of our society.
» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on Signing of College Cost Reduction Act, September 27, 2007
» Majority Leader Hoyer Recognizes Hispanic Heritage Month, September 26, 2007
During Hispanic Heritage Month, we celebrate the numerous contributions Hispanic-Americans have made to our nation.
» Hoyer Statement on the Iran Counter-Proliferation Act, September 25, 2007
» Majority Leader Hoyer Commemorates 50th Anniversary of Little Rock Central High School Integration, September 25, 2007


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